2. Examples (7) Send-off 3. Seven (7) Send-off Offenses (7) Cautionable 1. Seven (7) Cautionable Offenses 4. Examples 5. Procedures for issuing cards 5 TOPICS
7 CAUTIONABLE OFFENSES A player who commits any of the following seven offenses: ¶is guilty of unsporting behavior (UB) · shows dissent by word or action (DT) ¸ persistently infringes the Laws of the Game (PI) ¹ delays the restart of play (DR) is cautioned and shown the yellow card
7 CAUTIONABLE OFFENSES A player who commits any of the following seven offenses: º fails to respect the required distance at a corner kick, free kick or throw-in (FRD) » enters or re-enters the field without your permission (E) ¼ leaves the field without your permission (L) is cautioned and shown the yellow card
7 CAUTIONABLE OFFENSES A substitute or substituted player may be cautioned and shown the yellow card but only for the following three offenses v Unsporting behavior v Dissent by word or action v Delays the restart of play
7 CAUTIONABLE OFFENSES A substitute or substituted player may be cautioned and shown the yellow card but only for the following three offenses v Unsporting behavior v Dissent by word or action v Delays the restart of play What is the difference between these? What is missing from this list that seems like it should be there?
Examples of Unsporting Behavior v Commits a DFK foul in a reckless manner v Commits a DFK foul while tackling for the ball from behind but without excessive force v Commits a tactical foul designed to interfere with or impede an opposing team’s attacking play (handle ball, push, hold, trip, etc.) v Commits an act which, in the opinion of the referee, shows a lack of respect for the game (e.g. aggressive attitude, inflammatory behavior, or taunting)
More Examples of Unsporting Behavior v Fakes a foul (dives) or exaggerates the severity of a foul v Interferes with or prevents the goalkeeper from releasing the ball from his/her hands into play v Fakes an injury or exaggerates the seriousness of an injury v Unfairly distracts or impedes an opponent performing a throw-in
More Examples of Unsporting Behavior v Verbally distracts an opponent during play or at a restart v If identified as the kicker, engages in unfair deception while taking a penalty kick v Changes jerseys with the goalkeeper during play or without your permission; u this is a cautionable offense for both players
More Examples of Unsporting Behavior v Engages in trickery to get around the goalkeeper’s limitation on handling a ball played from a teammate’s foot (the defender who initiates the “trickery” is cautioned and the decision does not require that the goalkeeper actually handles the ball) v Pulls the jersey over the head or takes the jersey off to celebrate a goal
Show Dissent by Word or Action v Verbally or through action disputes or shows contempt for an official’s decision v If playing as the goalkeeper, leaves the penalty area (not beckoned by you) to argue with an official regarding a decision “Official” includes particularly the AR
Persistently Infringes the Laws of the Game v Repeatedly commits fouls or participates in a pattern of fouls directed at an opponent, having previously been warned v Violates Law 14 again, having previously been warned v Fails to start or restart play properly or promptly, having previously been warned v If playing as goalkeeper, wastes time, having previously been warned or penalized for this behavior
Delays the Restart of Play v Kicks or throws the ball away or holds the ball to prevent a free kick, throw-in or corner kick restart by an opponent v Fails to restart play after you instruct them to start v Fails to return to the field upon conclusion of the mid-game break, fails to perform a kick-off when you signal for it, or fails to be in a correct position for a kick-off v Excessively celebrates a goal v Provokes a confrontation by deliberately touching the ball after play has been stopped
Fails to Respect the Required Distance... v Does not move at least ten yards away from an opponent’s free kick v Does not move at least ten yards away from an opponent’s corner kick v Does not move at least two yards away from an opponent taking a throw-in
Entering or Re-entering the Field... v Illegally returning to the field having previously been substituted v Returning without your permission u After a player at fault is instructed to leave the field to correct his/her equipment u After a player leaves the field for an injury or for bleeding or blood on the uniform u After receiving your permission to leave the field for any reason
Entering or Re-entering the Field... v Illegally returning to the field having previously been substituted v Returning without your permission u After a player at fault is instructed to leave the field to correct his/her equipment u After a player leaves the field for an injury or for bleeding or blood on the uniform u After receiving your permission to leave the field for any reason This is an offense ONLY if the match is using Law 3 substitution rules – not standard youth exceptions
Deliberately Leaves the Field... v Leaves the field to place an opponent in offside position v Leaves the field other than through the normal course of play and without your permission
7 SEND-OFF OFFENSES v A player, substitute or substituted player is sent off and shown the red card for u Serious foul play (SFP) u Violent conduct (VC) u Spitting at anyone (S)
7 SEND-OFF OFFENSES v A player, substitute or substituted player is sent-off and shown the red card for: u Denying a goal by handling the ball, except for the GK within own penalty area (DGH) u Denying an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by a DFK, IFK, or PK offense
7 SEND-OFF OFFENSES v A player, substitute or substituted player is sent-off and shown the red card for u Offensive, insulting or abusive language and/or gestures (AL) u A second caution in the same match (2CT)
SEND-OFF EXAMPLES v Striking an opponent (SFP or VC) v Striking a teammate (VC) v Violently kicking an opponent (SFP or VC) v Foul tackle which endangers the safety of an opponent (SFP) v Spitting at another person (S) v Defender trips an attacker on an Obvious Goal-scoring Opportunity (DGF) v Any act intended to injure another (VC)
How are these different? The Law clearly distinguishes between misconduct committed by a player who has left the field to commit this misconduct and a player who happens to commit misconduct while off the field
Caution For a Caution: ¶ Isolate Offender · Record info (Name, number, time, offense) ¸ Display card Send-off For a Send-off: 1. Isolate Offender (If necessary) 2. Display card 3. Record information (after player has left) Procedure for issuing cards MISCONDUCT PROCEDURES
MISCONDUCT REVIEW v When can misconduct occur? u Unlike fouls, misconduct can be against anyone, at anytime, anywhere including team areas, stands or parking lot v Can you name the seven cautionable offences? u UB, DT, PI, DR,FRD, E, L v Can you give an example of each?
MISCONDUCT REVIEW v Does the card have to be displayed? u Yes, display cards to players and substitutes u Do NOT display cards to team officials v Can a foul also be misconduct? u Yes, a foul may also be misconduct v Does misconduct require a foul to have been committed? u No. Can you give an example?
MISCONDUCT REVIEW v What is the restart if you stop play for misconduct, but no foul has been committed? u IFK if during play by player on the field or illegal entry by sub, DB otherwise v If you don’t stop play for misconduct, when does it have to be dealt with? u It must be dealt with at the next stoppage or not at all
MISCONDUCT REVIEW v What about physical contact that looks the same as a DFK foul against anyone other than an opponent (or against an opponent at a stoppage)? u Deal with it as Unsporting Behavior or Violent Conduct depending on the severity of the action
MISCONDUCT REVIEW v What is the difference between Serious Foul Play and Violent Conduct? u SFP must be a foul and must involve excessive force while competing for the ball (for example, a tackle which endangers the safety of the opponent) u Violent Conduct is any violent behavior which lacks one or more of the SFP requirements
MISCONDUCT REVIEW A tackle which endangers the safety of an opponent, regardless of the direction… is considered v Serious Foul play The player must be shown the red card and sent off..