iVMS Product Suite Unlimited 1024 4200 5200E 5200P iVMS-5200 Devices Enterprise Unlimited Devices & Cameras iVMS-5200 Professional 4200 1024 Devices Up to 1024 cameras iVMS-4200 256 Devices Up to 1024 cameras Suitable for small to mid-size business Cost-effective ONVIF and third-party IP camera support Designed for large distributed installations 24/7 surveillance Reliable scalability Stand-alone Hikvision only Free software
iVMS-4200 Client …… …… Hikvision
Hikvision 3rd Part iVMS-5200 Profession CMS …… …… C/S Client Web Client Mobile Client
Hikvision 3rd Part iVMS-5200 Enterprise CMS SS SS SS SMS SMS SMS …… …… C/S Client Web Client Mobile Client
Security trend and how we react 行业试探产品 iVMS-5200 Profession-V City surveillance Residential Retail Financial Corporate Transportation Commercial VMS( iVMS-5200E ) Alarm Host Access Control Pre-sale and after-sale service VMS extension(iVMS-5200P) Distributor training & verification 3rd party integration Encoding and decoding card Camera(analog and IP) DVR/NVR(low to high end) Apps(iVMS-4200, iVMS-4500) Vertical Market 已有产品,项目应用 iVMS-5200 Enterprise Solution Driven 推广产品 iVMS-5200 Profession Channel Driven 监控趋势: 产品驱动,以硬件、辅助软件打包形成产品方案来推动促进硬件销售 方案驱动,从提供硬件逐步转型为商业软件整合硬件提供完整的系统解决方案,以整合服务为导向 渠道驱动,基于商业软件形成分销体系,广泛收集各行业的应用需求,继续促进和带动产品销售 行业驱动,挖掘行业纵深,形成行业型解决方案,深化渠道和行业应用,以顾问式服务为导向 Product Driven 已有产品 iVMS-4200/iVMS-4500
Contents 1 Overview 2 Feature walkthrough 3 Coming soon 4 1
Total solution Smart iVMS-5200Pro Features Total solution: Open Total solution: 为全面覆盖监控市场5200P定位于商业软件,结合公司完善的监控产品体系形成一体化的解决方案,围绕高清化智能化的大趋势,秉承开放的理念,深化用户应用。 Smart: 平台智能体现在两方面:智能应用,和平滑的人机智能交互机制 智能应用: 行为分析、人脸抓拍、人流量统计,后续会继续加强智能部分的投入力度。 平滑的人机智能交互: 事件处理机制,从事件规则制定、触发,到联动弹图、云台、邮件、短信、录像,并在电子地图/GIS上联动展现,形成完整的工作流保证用户异常处理的即时性和流畅性 日志稽查,完善的日志机制从操作、配置、应用保证系统可以顺畅的回溯、稽查历史信息 即时状态监测,对监控系统内硬件、服务进行监控并以清晰的图形展示,降低管理员维护难度 Open:平台秉承开放的理念,逐步加大第三方硬件和系统的集成范围。 硬件集成:以标准ONVIF协议对接第三方知名厂商,提升平台的集成能力 已有系统集成:标准的平台SDK可以保证被第三方系统顺畅的集成,适用于各种系统级项目
Feature walkthrough Total solution
Total solution Central Management Enhanced Stability Reduce total cost of ownership Manageable Operator behavior 一体化的解决方案带来的优势有三大点:增强稳定性、降低拥有成本、提供有效服务。 增强稳定性: 无缝的兼容性,同一个厂家一脉相承的软硬件技术 可靠的硬件存储,多种工业级技术能够有效的保障存储的稳定性和安全性 热备,平台提供完整的容灾方案,能够满足用户高可用的要求 降低拥有成本: 单中心管理1024路,节省硬件投入、降低运营成本 多码流,极大的适应多种网络应用情况 友好的界面,UI交互、视觉重新设计,视图、多屏预览等功能简单易用,状态巡检、GIS以图形化展示,提高应用乐趣 提供有效服务: 全球化提供服务 服务体系完善,从售前、售中、售后
Central Management E-Map Resource CMS …… …… Client Client Client
Central Management E-Map Resource CMS …… …… User a User b User c
Central Management Stream Media Solution Video Stream SMS Allow many users in various locations to view a video feed simultaneously, without overcrowding the network, by using the Stream Media Server (SMS) to manage and distribute the stream. Stream Media Solution Video Stream SMS User a User b User c Stream Media Solution help you to save the bandwidth effectively
Dynamic Stream Selection Central Management 5200P provide the function to automatically switch the resolution of your video streams, based on the size of the video tile Dynamic Stream Selection Main Stream Sub Stream Help you to reduce the load on your network and workstation
Immediate status check Central Management Graphical on-line and off-line status Timely recording status Camera Status and Health Monitoring Incident Reporting Immediate status check 状态监测可以及时的侦测到系统内软硬件异常,并特别针对用户关注的录像状态进行了监管。 System status greatly saves users’ maintenance investment. Recording status reduces data loss caused by device / server failure.
Watch dog CMS SMS PSS MAG SS Enhanced Stability Some servers abnormal or quit, the watch dog will auto-restart the server, ensure the stability of the servers.
Reduce Total Cost of Ownership … 1024 cameras one server Provide powerful centralized management with single server Make full use of server Benefit Reduce investment cost with less hardware. Remove extra training cost and difficulties with initial deploying. Milestone 1024项目需要将近16台物理服务器(每台64路),对于我们来说仅需要1台服务器+4台256NVR即可满足需求。 从硬件一次性投资到后续持续性的运营消耗,全方位帮助客户节省成本。
User A User B User C Manageable Operator Behavior Acknowledge It’s OK.I’ve dealt with it. ——User A Acknowledge by User A Acknowledge User A User B It’s OK.I’ve dealt with it. ——User A Acknowledge by User A User C One user can acknowledge the alarm. Avoid duplication of work.
User A User B User C Manageable Operator Behavior Please check the storehouse. ——User A User A User B User C One user can send manual alarm to another online user with description.
Freeze User A User B Force logout User C Manageable Operator Behavior Use advanced function to manage users.
PTZ PTZ PTZ 50 100 50 Manageable Operator Behavior PTZ control permission is dependent on the permission level of user.
Feature walkthrough Smart
Smart Video content analysis Behavior analysis & Auto-Tracking & People counting 平台智能体现在两方面:智能应用,和平滑的人机智能交互机制 智能应用: 行为分析、人脸抓拍、人流量统计,后续会继续加强智能部分的投入力度。 平滑的人机智能交互: 事件处理机制,从事件规则制定、触发,到联动弹图、云台、邮件、短信、录像,并在电子地图/GIS上联动展现,形成完整的工作流保证用户异常处理的即时性和流畅性 日志稽查,完善的日志机制从操作、配置、应用保证系统可以顺畅的回溯、稽查历史信息 即时状态监测,对监控系统内硬件、服务进行监控并以清晰的图形展示,降低管理员维护难度
Video Content Analysis Enter/Exit Region Perimeter Intrusion Auto-tracking Line Crossing People Counting 支持公司多种智能规则(进出区域、区域入侵、自动跟踪、人脸抓拍、人流量统计)。 智能设备类型: iDS:进出区域、区域入侵、自动跟踪、人脸抓拍 DS-6200-C:人流量统计 Reduce invalid events, improving accurate recognition and handle efficiency. Provide business-based analysis data to optimize and adjust operation strategy.
Video Content Analysis Capture Record VCA alarm: capture / record
Video Content Analysis Export Daily / Monthly / Annual People Counting statistics Export Report
Feature walkthrough Open
Open Integrate Third Party Cameras Capable to be integrated (V3.2, Mar. 2015) 平台秉承开放的理念,逐步加大第三方硬件和系统的集成范围。 硬件集成:以标准ONVIF协议对接第三方知名厂商,提升平台的集成能力 已有系统集成:标准的平台SDK可以保证被第三方系统顺畅的集成,适用于各种系统级项目
Scalable Integration ONVIF SDK Arecont AXIS Sony Samsung Panasonic Bosch ACTi Pelco Avigilon Vivotek Brickcom Zavio Sanyo Canon Dahua ONVIF SDK Open to everyone: Holding openness in mind, it will allow users to easily integrate with other leading CCTV equipment Existing system integration: Distributed architecture design makes it flexible and easy to interconnect with various types of security and business systems, providing endless possibilities and adaptions
3 Contents 1 2 4 Coming soon Overview Feature walkthrough 此部分开始为P版后续规划,请注意培训范围,避免泄露 3 Coming soon 4
Coming soon V3.0.1 Basic wizard support V3.1 Integrate Access Control Integrate VCA: Heat mapping statistics Active Directory support Server:Win7 / 8/8.1 support Client:Win 8/8.1 support Retail features: PoS V3.2 Client:Win8.2 Memory extend Platform SDK More cameras support(>10 Brand) Cascading Mobile client with video push Integrate third-party system Much wizard to improve easy of use V3.0.1版本主要进行bug修复,解决端口冲突问题以及支持向导功能 V3.1版本主要接入门禁;智能部分接入热密度分析和人流量快球;支持AD;服务器支持Win7/8/8.1;客户端支持Win8/8.1;支持POS接入 V3.2版本主要: 客户端支持win8.2、支持64位(通过相关技术突破了内存限制), 级联支持, 系统本身提供自动升级功能,完善分销的价值链 开发平台SDK用于第三方系统集成 支持至少10个品牌第三方camera 通过私有协议、SDK或OPC等协议与第三方系统对接 2014.7 2014.9 2015.3
POS Integrations in V3.1 POS integrations adapted to the retail scene perfectly. Commodity name Commodity ID Commodity Price Commodity NO. Time ……
Active Directory support in V3.1 Inherit your original user management mechanism, make your system more flexible. When you running the software the system will verify your Domain Account. Active Directory
Cascading in V3.2 One client can manage maximum three Central Management Servers (CMS), equivalent to support 3072 channels. Make the software more capacity to adapt the mid size project. 1024 Channels Client can switch the CMS smoothly … CMS-A 1024 Channels … CMS-B 1024 Channels CMS-C …
Platform SDK in V3.2 More open, more flexible! Provide the possible to be integrated with other system and secondary development
Step1 Step 2 Finish! Wizard in V3.2 Help the user, without any training, to configure the system parameter easily and quickly. What you need to do is just follow the steps. Step1 Step 2 Finish!
First Choice for Security Professionals www.hikvision.com