2 PRESENTATION OVERVIEW Key initiatives in spatial information related to PSI The PSI Directive and the INSPIRE Directive Review of the Directive on PSI Re-use Vision & Mission Profile Geographic Information References related to PSI PSI related actions Some evidences from reports Topics of discussion PSI & GI-INSPIRE EUROGI contributions to PSI EUROGI - EUROPEAN UMBRELLA ORGANISATION FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ePSIplus Conference: PSI Re-use Who Takes Action Next? 13 June Brussels, Belgium
VISION & MISSION VISION Geographic Information with all its aspects should become a fully integrated component of the European knowledge-based society MISSION In order to ensure good governance, economic and social development, environmental protection and sustainability, and informed public participation, the mission is to maximise the availability and effective use of GI throughout Europe This will require EUROGI to stimulate, encourage and support the development and effective use of GI and relevant technologies, and to act as the voice for the European GI community 3 EUROGI - EUROPEAN UMBRELLA ORGANISATION FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ePSIplus Conference: PSI Re-use Who Takes Action Next? 13 June Brussels, Belgium
PROFILE Reference organisation for Geographic information in Europe Built as a network of networks Based on unique representatives from each country Broad European coverage through members and projects Inclusive – Open to the participation of all stakeholders Members from the private sector Other Pan European organisations and EGIN Represents more than 6500 organisations across Europe All sectors: Public, Private, Academy,... Member centric organisation focused on GI usage Users of PSI (GI) and Re-use Policy oriented, Awareness raiser and Capacity builder Networking, Communication & Lobbying 4 EUROGI - EUROPEAN UMBRELLA ORGANISATION FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ePSIplus Conference: PSI Re-use Who Takes Action Next? 13 June Brussels, Belgium
GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Any data (information) that has a geographic location ‘tag’ Estimated that 80% of PSI is ‘spatial’ Increasingly becoming a commodity Integrated into many ICT applications and uses Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) – INSPIRE Network services for information access and delivery Standards for harmonisation and interoperability Agreed access, use and re-use principles Governance arrangements Awareness and cooperation Users: Potentially everyone 5 EUROGI - EUROPEAN UMBRELLA ORGANISATION FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ePSIplus Conference: PSI Re-use Who Takes Action Next? 13 June Brussels, Belgium
REFERENCES RELATED TO PSI POLICY (Written and published): EUROGI supports the aim of ensuring that citizens and organisations should be able to access and re-use Government information more easily and at a fair price so as to allow the development of innovative products and services which will boost the Knowledge Economy STATEMENT (Report EU Industry Day 2005): Europe's economic potential depends not on data itself but on the services which are created from it. Help make data accessible! INSPIRE (Position papers, Readings, Open statement): EUROGI sees it (INSPIRE) as a crucial step towards providing the European Union with a means of achieving cohesion, competitiveness and good governance. 6 EUROGI - EUROPEAN UMBRELLA ORGANISATION FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ePSIplus Conference: PSI Re-use Who Takes Action Next? 13 June Brussels, Belgium
PSI RELATED ACTIONS High relevance to the PSI because GI is core to the data produced by public agencies and is such a powerful tool for data integration The Directive expected to leverage the development of the European GI market Active engagement since the publication of the Green paper on Public Sector Information (PSI): a key resource for Europe in Supporting the PSI directive through EC and EP according to the policy statement Lobbying EC, EP (rapporteurs), parliamentarians, EC Public servants, National instances (through members): PSI and INSPIRE Directive Awareness raiser: Members meetings (Directive and ePSIplus) PSI related issues addressed by Working Groups Partner of the ePSIplus thematic network 7 EUROGI - EUROPEAN UMBRELLA ORGANISATION FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ePSIplus Conference: PSI Re-use Who Takes Action Next? 13 June Brussels, Belgium
SOME EVIDENCES FROM REPORTS GI is not only an economic asset, it is also crucial to underpin spatial policy – EC: GMES, Galileo, INSPIRE Poor market development is a result of poor access to information Information must not only exist but it has also to be easily available The access to information constrains sound competition Spatial data sets made freely available usually induce market development Restrictions to PSI use constrained the grow of the EU GI market Pricing policies over raw spatial data prevent the creation of value added products and services Spatial data is often collected many times – Re-use and INSPIRE The availability of PSI is crucial for the development of SME PSI is never free, as it is funded by tax payers and/or customers, so it should not be double paid 8 EUROGI - EUROPEAN UMBRELLA ORGANISATION FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ePSIplus Conference: PSI Re-use Who Takes Action Next? 13 June Brussels, Belgium
TOPICS OF DISCUSSION Access to data of public content holders in general Restrictions for third party users and value added product customers Distribution and access to public spatial data Privacy rights Security risks from PSI availability Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Business models, pricing regimes and licensing issues Information about available data and related metadata Co-ordination of service providing User needs – segmentation Mass availability – Google, Microsoft, navigation... 9 EUROGI - EUROPEAN UMBRELLA ORGANISATION FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ePSIplus Conference: PSI Re-use Who Takes Action Next? 13 June Brussels, Belgium
PSI & GI-INSPIRE Although INSPIRE is tightly connected with the PSI there is a clear discrepancy of their relative awareness among the GI community The engagement to the PSI Directive vary widely across Europe, from cases where the GI stakeholders have been actively involved in the process to those having almost no knowledge of it In many cases the transposition and implementation of the PSI Directive has been the responsibility of agencies without connections to the entities in charge of GI matters INSPIRE is being dealt through the active involvement of the national GI/SDI/Mapping entities Differences on understanding the PSI Directive across Europe led to discrepancies on transposing to national laws For many countries the PSI Directive produced a low impact in the GI market and community Importance of GI within PSI and the impact of the Directive 10 EUROGI - EUROPEAN UMBRELLA ORGANISATION FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ePSIplus Conference: PSI Re-use Who Takes Action Next? 13 June Brussels, Belgium
EUROGI CONTRIBUTIONS TO PSI Raise awareness among the GI community, in segments such as regional and local governments, private sector and specific user groups Deliver a case studies - best practices showcase which may include PSI Re-use within an INSPIRE related approach Improve communication and networking about the PSI Directive by increasing the flow of information and disseminating materials targeted to specific groups Produce inputs for the PSI Directive, especially in what concerns the connection and interdependencies with INSPIRE Contribute for explicitly strengthen the role of GI within PSI according to its relevance Interact with other Pan European stakeholders and the EC for building the GI case and at the same time raise the profile of the PSI Directive within the community 11 EUROGI - EUROPEAN UMBRELLA ORGANISATION FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ePSIplus Conference: PSI Re-use Who Takes Action Next? 13 June Brussels, Belgium
12 Thank you EUROGI CONTACT DETAILS Web: I Rua Artilharia Um, LISBOA I Portugal Tel: I Fax: EUROGI - EUROPEAN UMBRELLA ORGANISATION FOR GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION ePSIplus Conference: PSI Re-use Who Takes Action Next? 13 June Brussels, Belgium