Page 7 Lesson 3 Experiencing the Articles of Confederation
Lesson 3: Experiencing the Articles of Confederation Do you want to have a “class” snack tomorrow during class? Each decision must be acceptable to 9 of the groups, not just a simple majority. Each group will have ONE vote. Besides just deciding “which snack should we have?” what other questions need to be answered so you can have your snack? Ohhhhhh, everyone is entitled to the class snack BUT you cannot force them to pay. Preview Activity Let’s Have a Snack!
Lesson 3: Experiencing the Articles of Confederation Preview Activity Let’s Have a Snack!
Lesson 3: Experiencing the Articles of Confederation Preview Activity Let’s Have a Snack! Total ISSUE
L EARNING T ARGET: I can empathize with the decision making process of the original government of the United States. Lesson 3: Experiencing the Articles of Confederation 7 R
Debriefing the Activity How did you feel as you tried to reach an agreement on choosing a snack? Why was it difficult for the class to reach an agreement? What would have happened if the decision had been based on “majority rule”? What are the weaknesses of this type of decision-making system? What are the benefits? Why might a government institute this type of system? How effective is this type of government? Lesson 3: Experiencing the Articles of Confederation Preview Activity Let’s Have a Snack! L6L6
Attach the Graphic Notes: Experiencing the Articles of Confederation Classroom ExperienceArticles of Confederation Class was divided into 13 groups. Each group of students had one vote. Students tried to make decisions for the benefit of the entire class. Decisions were not easily made or made at all. Some students became dissatisfied, angry, and frustrated. It is now time to apply our understanding of the text and history to the classroom experience. The Preview Activity was designed to introduce you to the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. Lesson 3: Experiencing the Articles of Confederation 7 R
Classroom ExperienceArticles of Confederation Class was divided into 13 groups. Each group of students had one vote. Students tried to make decisions for the benefit of the entire class. Decisions were not easily made or made at all. Some students became dissatisfied, angry, and frustrated. Experiencing the Articles of Confederation Congress was composed of 13 states. Each state had one vote in Congress. Congress dealt with many problems that affected the entire country, such as how to develop the western lands acquired by the United States in the Treaty of Paris. Congress failed to resolve disputes between states over taxes and boundaries Many citizens were concerned that the government was too weak. Lesson 3: Experiencing the Articles of Confederation