Health Care in NowHereland: Improving Services for Undocumented Migrants in the EU Qualità dei servizi sanitari in un contesto pluriculturale 9-10 ottobre 2008 Ursula Karl-Trummer, Birgit Metzler, Sonja Novak-Zezula Reggio Emilia, Italy
A Project funded by DG SancoNowHereland at the Center for Health and Migration/DUK. 2 Health Care in NowHereland »No where land »Now Here land
A Project funded by DG SancoNowHereland at the Center for Health and Migration/DUK. 3 The Paradox of NowHereland »by definition: discrepancies between obligations to human rights and national policies »for people: access to health care threatens your life »in practice: act for inclusion and exclusion at the same time »if health care organisations give care, they (may) act against legal and financial regulations »if they don’t give care they violate human rights and exclude the most vulnerable
A Project funded by DG SancoNowHereland at the Center for Health and Migration/DUK. 4 The European project »Guiding question: »How do health care organisations and health care professionals act in the paradox? »Project Steps: »Collect practice models »Contextualise them »Policy frameworks »Client’s needs, norms, and images »Identify “good” practice on regional/national/European level
A Project funded by DG SancoNowHereland at the Center for Health and Migration/DUK. 5 Pillars of the project PoliciesOrganisationsUndocumented Migrants political strategies problems Experience strategies Collection for reviewing Collection EU-landscape analysis / selection models of “good practice” & recommendations Collection EU-landscape “contextualised” models
A Project funded by DG SancoNowHereland at the Center for Health and Migration/DUK. 6 Partners and networks HOPE IOM ICMPD WHO United Univ. Vienna COST MIGHEALTHNET IT/AUSL BE/PICUM AT/DUK UK/Univ. Brighton SE/MIM PT/CIES Averroès CH/Univ. Genf CH/OFSP Clandestino
A Project funded by DG SancoNowHereland at the Center for Health and Migration/DUK. 7 Collection of practice models »Collection of practice models starts now »October 2008 – May 2009 »Responsible European partner: »AUSL di Reggio Emilia, Dr. Antonio Chiarenza »Get in contact!