Institutions and the Evolution of Collective Action Mark Lubell UC Davis
Defining Collective Action Collective-action problem: Individual decision-making leads to socially undesirable (Pareto-inefficient) outcomes Cooperation: Adjusting behavior to minimize socially undesirable outcomes
Tragedy of the Commons Garrett Hardin (1968): “Therein is the tragedy. Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limit—in a world that is limited. Ruin is the destination towards which all men rush, each his own best interest in a society that believes in freedom of the commons.” “Mutual coercion, mutually agreed upon” Flip side of resource use: Maintenance of ecosystems/public goods Collective action problems are ubiquitous!
From Global….
To Local…
Paper title: “My Identity as a White Female”
Studying Collective Action Major Research Questions 1. Factors explaining cooperative behavior 2. Role of institutions (e.g., punish defection, reward cooperation) Theoretical Philosophy Game theory Evolutionary game theory Evolutionary simulations (This talk) Empirical Field research (qualitative and quantitative) Experimental research
Prisoner’s Dilemma Player 2 CooperateDefect Player 1 CooperateR 1 = 6 R 2 = 6 S 1 = 3 T 2 = 8 DefectT 1 = 8 S 2 = 3 P 1 = 4 P 2 = 4 Conditions: T>R>P>S; 2R>T+S Nash equilibrium: Both players defect
Collective Action Agents Five “gene” strategies; 32 possible Each gene determines behavior in current round on basis of outcome in last round Important Examples: All Cooperate GRIM Trigger PAVLOV(Win-stay, lose shift) Tit-for-Tat
Structure of Simulation Generation 1 Generation 5000 Generation 1: Randomly Select 40 Strategies Round Robin Tournament: Each strategy vs. itself and all others Proportional Fitness Reproduction: P(reproduction)= Fitness i /Fitness all Next Generation: Survival of Fittest 1% Mutation Rate on Each Gene
A “Punishing” Experiment Design Baseline 2-player repeated PD, with discount rate=.9 Examine the effect of $2 punishment for defection, with increasing probability ranging from [0,1] in.10 increments 10 runs of each experiment; 40 strategies, 5000 generations Hypotheses Increasing levels of cooperation Increased population stability Shift in the population dynamics of cooperation
Baseline: No Punishment
Hobbes: Punishment p=1.0
Mean Fitness Increases With Punishment Probability
Gene Frequency: All Regimes
Strategy Frequency: All Regimes
Gene Frequency: Cooperative Regimes (Avg. Fitness>5.9)
Strategy Frequency: Cooperative Regimes
Some Correlations Overall Fitness.21 Genes Nice.11 CC.22 CD.10 DC.06 DD.24 Strategies All Defect-.18 GRIM-.03 PAVLOV.10 Suspicious PAVLOV.10 TFT.04
Conclusions Punishment institutions increase cooperation and stability, even in noisy environment As punishment increase, basis of cooperation shifts towards PAVLOV Institutions change population dynamics of cooperation, even if same behaviors observed Must square with observed human behavior; e.g.; resistance to coercion, reduced effectiveness of reciprocity in coercive environments