Law of Land Warfare
Agenda What is the law of war What is the law of war Purpose of the law of war Purpose of the law of war Who are Noncombatants Who are Noncombatants Basis for the law of war Basis for the law of war Lawful and unlawful targets Lawful and unlawful targets Protection of Civilian PropertyProtection of Civilian Property Prisoner of War Prisoner of War Treatment of Captured Personnel Treatment of Captured Personnel Lawful and unlawful orders Lawful and unlawful orders Rules of Engagement (ROE) Rules of Engagement (ROE)
What is the Law of War? The law of war governs the actions of combatants in combat and police actions whether or not war is declared The law of war governs the actions of combatants in combat and police actions whether or not war is declared The law of war places limits on the exercise of a belligerent's power and requires them to refrain from employing a degree of violence not actually necessary for military purposes and that they conduct hostilities with regard for principles of humanity and chivalryThe law of war places limits on the exercise of a belligerent's power and requires them to refrain from employing a degree of violence not actually necessary for military purposes and that they conduct hostilities with regard for principles of humanity and chivalry
Purpose The conduct of armed hostilities on land is regulated by the law of land warfare which is both written and unwritten. It is inspired by the desire to diminish the evils of war by: 1.Protecting both combatants and noncombatants from unnecessary suffering 2.Safeguarding certain fundamental human rights of persons who fall into the hands of the enemy, particularly prisoners of war, the wounded and sick, and civilians 3.Facilitating the restoration of peace
Basis For Law of War International Treaties Hague Conventions, Governs the actual conduct of fighting battles Geneva Conventions, 1949 and 1977 Protocols 1.Protection of POW’s 2.Protection of Civilians 3.Protection of Wounded and Sick
Unlawful Targets The attack of noncombatants and protected property is illegal
Lawful Targets Combatants –a combatant is any one engaging in hostilities in an armed conflict on behalf of a party to the conflict. Military Objectives –A combatant, a dependent place, and those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use, make an effective contribution to military action. Incidental Injury and Collateral Damage –Unavoidable and unplanned damage to civilian personnel and property incurred while attacking a military objective.
Protection of Civilian Property (1 of 2) It is always unlawful to intentionally target civilians or civilian property Combatants should take all reasonable steps to shield civilians and their property from the unintended consequences of combat (Collateral Damage) Civilian Property may only be taken for a legitimate military need Make minimization of collateral damage a key factor in the targeting process Do not treat several military targets located in a general civilian area as one large target
Protection of Civilian Property (2 of 2) Use real or artificial observation assets for indirect fire missions. Civilian Property may only be taken for a legitimate military need. Treat all non-uniformed personnel not attempting to cause direct injury to your force as civilians. Civilians and civilian property must never be intentionally targeted. Take all reasonable steps to shield civilians from unintentional harm. Never take civilian property without both a military need and appropriation procedures.
Requirements to Protect Prisoners of War Search the POW Silence the POW Segregate the POW Safeguard the POW Speed to the rear
POWs have the right to Receive food, shelter and clothing adequate to stay in good health Receive medical care Send and receive mail Keep personal property except weapons, military equipment and certain documents Retain their military identification card
POWs have the right to To be provided copy of the Geneva Conventions in their native language To complain to the camp commander about camp conditions Practice their religion Due process in trials for any offenses committed while in captivity
Duties towards Prisoners of War Afford POW protections until directed otherwise by the appropriate commander Treat with Respect and Honor –respect their sex (separate men from women) –Respect their religion Evacuate POWs in a humane manner Provide adequate food, clothing, and shelter Provide medical care as necessary
Treatment of Captured Personnel Humane Treatment Humane Treatment Torture and Coercion Torture and Coercion Physical Torture Physical Torture Mental Torture Mental Torture Equal Treatment Equal Treatment
Humane Treatment Everyone is Entitled No Degrading or Humiliating Treatment Protected From Violence & Intimidation Shielded From Insults & Public Curiosity Given Respect for Their Persons & Honors No Reprisals Allowed
Torture and Coercion POWs may NOT be threatened, insulted, or exposed to disadvantageous treatment of ANY kind Torture - The infliction of intense pain to body or mind to extract a confession or information, or for sadistic pleasure Coercion - Actions designed to unlawfully induce another to commit an act against one’s will
Physical Torture Electric Shock Pain Through Chemicals Pain Through Bondage Legitimate Use of Restraints to Prevent Escapes Forced to Stand, Sit, or Kneel in Abnormal Positions for Prolonged Periods of Time Food Deprivation Any Form of Beating
Mental Torture Mock Executions Abnormal Sleep Deprivations Chemically Induced Psychosis
Coercion Threatening or Implying Physical or Mental Torture to the Subject, His Family, or Others to Whom He Owes Loyalty Intentionally Denying Medical Assistance or Care in Exchange for Information Sought or Other Cooperation Threatening or Implying that Other Rights Guaranteed by the Geneva Conventions Will NOT be Provided Unless Cooperation is Forthcoming
Equal Treatment Required Regardless of Race, Religious Beliefs, Nationality, Political Opinions, or Other Distinctions Based on Similar Criteria May Be Segregated in Order to Maintain Order in the Camp, to Impose Punishment, for Medical Reasons or Protection Women must have separate facilities and be treated as favorably as men
Lawful and Unlawful Orders Not all orders are lawful Do not have to follow unlawful or unethical orders Always have right to self defense Examples
Rules of Engagement Ensure compliance of law of land warfare Shaped to each specific mission (SFOR5, OIF, fall FTX) Will have a different ROE each time you deploy
Operation Paint Ball Pursuit Use minimum force necessary to accomplish your mission Hostile forces who want to surrender will not be harmed Movement or fire outside of the area of operations is forbidden Armed personnel not in Caquetan uniforms are friendly forces and not to be engaged Use only minimum force necessary to defend yourself You may open fire upon an individual who fires or orients any form of weapon in your direction You may open fire upon an individual who attempts to take possession of friendly force weapons, munitions or protected property including prisoners of war. Do not fire your weapon within five (5) feet of your target Do not fire your weapon at friendly forces Do not attempt to modify your weapon in any manner
Conclusion What is the law of war What is the law of war Purpose of the law of war Purpose of the law of war Who are Noncombatants Who are Noncombatants Basis for the law of war Basis for the law of war Lawful and unlawful targets Lawful and unlawful targets Protection of Civilian PropertyProtection of Civilian Property Prisoner of War Prisoner of War Treatment of Captured Personnel Treatment of Captured Personnel Lawful and unlawful orders Lawful and unlawful orders Rules of Engagement (ROE) Rules of Engagement (ROE)