Sumayyah El-Heet Chenault Human Trafficking Outreach Specialist Mosaic Family Services Human Trafficking and Victim Services
Mosaic’s Anti-Trafficking Start
Develop a deeper understanding of human trafficking Learn how to respond to a trafficked person and what local resources and services are available for survivors Learn about the services that Mosaic provides for trafficking survivors Learn what you can do to help Objectives
Federal law defines it as: (A) sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age; OR (B) the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery. What is Human Trafficking?
Action: Recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining + Means: Force, fraud, coercion + Purpose: Involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, commercial sex = Human Trafficking Legal Definition
Human Trafficking…here?
Victim Identification
May appear as willing participant Language or cultural barriers Fear of being deported Fear of law enforcement Do not self- identify as a victim Obstacles to Communicating
Victim-centered Goal: To empower clients to become independent and make their own choices Treatment Framework
If you are a victim of trafficking, you can receive help to rebuild your life safely in this country We want to make sure what happened to you doesn’t happen to anyone else We can help protect your family You have rightsWorking with us will help you We can help you get assistance What happened to you was wrong, and the person who did this should be in jailYou have a right to live without being abused No one here will hurt you You are not the criminal here You are safe now This was not your fault Communicating with Victims of Trafficking
Safety Housing Food, clothing and basic hygiene products Translation Immediate/Emergency Needs
Transitional housing Translation Medical and dental care Gynecological care or care during or after pregnancy Child care Short-Term Needs
Long-term housing Legal assistance Mental health/counseling Treatment for depression, anxiety, or PTSD Treatment for sleep deprivation Treatment for addictive behaviors ESL classes & cultural orientation Life skills training Education Financial assistance/management Job training/employment Reunification/voluntary repatriation Long-Term Needs
T-visa, certification, benefits and services to help survivors rebuild their lives Public awareness and education Created federal crime of trafficking, new law enforcement tools and efforts Partnerships between government agencies and NGOs Trafficking Victims Protection Act (2000)
2009: – Mandated training on human trafficking for law enforcement officers – Established human trafficking prevention task forces 2011: – Increased criminal and civil penalties against traffickers and buyers (pimps & johns) – Created a first-degree felony offense for “Continuous Trafficking of Persons” Texas Anti-Trafficking Laws
Community Resources Federal Assistance – HHS Grants – OVC – NHTRC Pre-Certified Victims - Services
Temporary immigration status One-year, renewable each year Improves victim cooperation Victims can receive the same benefits as refugees for a year Continued Presence for Victims
Self-petition visa status Can stay in the U.S. for 4 years For victims of severe forms of trafficking Have agreed to cooperate in investigations/prosecutions Would suffer hardships if repatriated T-Visa for Victims
Anti-Trafficking in Persons (ATIP) – Office of Refugee Resettlement – Rescue & Restore Campaign National Human Trafficking Hotline HHS Anti-Trafficking Programs
Outreach/Trainings 24-hour trafficking hotline Emergency & transitional housing Comprehensive case management Legal services Family law Immigration Counseling North Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking North Texas Anti-Trafficking Team Mosaic’s Services
Mosaic Trafficking Hotline National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) Text Help to BeFree How Do I Report Human Trafficking?
Kristen Ruhnke Human Trafficking Outreach Coordinator P: x 272 Sumayyah Chenault Human Trafficking Outreach Specialist P: x 237 QUESTIONS?