Human Trafficking Ann Hamilton Human Trafficking Foundation
What is trafficking? Recruitment, transportation, transferring, harboring or receipt of person Means of threat, use of force, deception, coercion etc Purpose or act of exploitation including sexual exploitation, forced labour, slavery and slavery like practices
Glasgow ‘sauna’ website (2001) Established in 1967 The top parlour in Glasgow Security and peace of mind are critical which is why every member of staff is bonded 35 ladies at any given time, ensuring you a fabulous variety from day to day Choose from Spanish, Italian, Thai, black, white, Russian plus lots, lots more!
A Scottish time line 1998 Glasgow City Council inquiry street prostitution 1999 Glasgow multi agency policy and establishment of formal Routes partnership 2001 review of indoor prostitution 2003 establishment of Glasgow Inter agency group on trafficking 2004 funding secured from Scottish Government for post 2005 TARA established with secondment from GCC SWS 2006 Joint event GCC/Save the Children 2007 GCC SWS undertake review of cases and establish CPC Sub group on trafficking 2008 TARA extended to 5 full time staff and bank of sessional staff
2005 REFERRALS - 2
2006 REFERRALS - 9
2007 REFERRALS - 14
2008 REFERRALS - 29
2009 REFERRALS - 56
2010 REFERRALS - 56
Rest of story UK NGO Stakeholder group 2009 Convention ratified and NRM established 2009 Migrant Help negotiate to support other victims of trafficking 2009 UK Strategic oversight group 2009 ATMG established and 1 st report published 2010 Coalition UK Government formed 2010 UK Government go out to tender through MOJ for trafficking support service 2011 Salvation Army take over MOJ contract from Poppy and some other adhoc providers 2011 Scottish EHRC report published 2012 UKHTC oversight group set up GRETA report published 2012 UK Joint strategy group established – wayhay!
Devolved assemblies/parliaments Northern Ireland Wales Scotland Lack of joined up approach Lack of understanding re devolution and issues of human trafficking Opportunities
HTF working groups 2 working groups tackling issues identified by NGO partners Creating a space for dialogue and sharing across a divided sector TARA, BAWSO, Unseen, Poppy, Salvation Army, City Hearts, Ashiana, Helen Bamber Foundation, Counter Trafficking Bureau, Housing for Women, NI Law centre, HERA, Gloucester Domestic Abuse Service, William Wilberforce Trust, ECPAT UK (Bath Trauma recovery centre, NI Women’s Aid, Ruhama) Taking forward key issues – standards and good practice in follow on support Setting national standards, supporting the sector, improving support for victims, influencing policy makers
Ann Hamilton