SST Webinar SLDS Webinar The presentation will begin at approximately 12:00 p.m. ET Information on joining the teleconference can be found on the “Info” tab in the upper left of this screen. Be sure to use the “Attendee ID” number on the Info tab when dialing in to associate your name with your phone. In order to cut down on background noise, please mute your phone by dialing *6 upon entry into the meeting. During the question and answer portion of this presentation: You can re-enter *6 to unmute your phone and ask a question; or Type your question into the Q&A panel below the participant list and clicking “Send”. A copy of this presentation and a link to the recording will be shared with the IES Grantees and EIMAC listservs. IRB Webinar
SST Webinar Panelists Kate Akers and Linda Borkosky (KY) Steve Snow and Mick Pytlik (ND) Andy Mehl (ID) Susan Murray (MT) Agenda Background of each state’s IRB process About the process Process for review and approval of a data request Use of an outside entity Best practices and lessons learned Questions from participants SLDS Webinar IRB Process
SST Webinar Kentucky SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar Information Review Process Requests are processed by priority End product may be de-identified data or an aggregate report Data owning agencies must provide approval via MOU for release of de-identified data and are given 5 days to review reports prior to publication SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar IRB Process Initial IRB review was granted exemption Currently pursuing additional full IRB review with another institution per request from USDOE Some difficulty in filling out IRB form due to many responses as “N/A” SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar IRB Current Status Currently finalizing IRB with Northern Kentucky University Finalizing process for data/information requests from researchers (to include IRB approval from home institution) Reviewing security process and information request process with outside researchers SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar North Dakota SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar North Dakota has an SLDS committee appointed in legislation Representation from several state agencies The SLDS committee contacted several of the entities with existing IRB processes Those entities felt conflict of interest because some of the request will not originate with them The IRB process should fall to the entity conducting the research The IRB should have some type of governance or control over the entity conducting the research SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar Contacted Western IRB (WIRB) Broke it into two pieces Establish an IRB protocol A ‘checklist’ used to help determine if an IRB is necessary Perform the IRB if necessary Separate engagement with WIRB to perform the IRB If the requesting entity has established IRB, they will follow that SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar
Idaho SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar Environment Idaho is pursuing a federated model for connecting our K-12 SLDS, Postsecondary SLDS, and Labor LDS. We started pursuing creating a new IRB, couldn’t find a volunteer to chair it, decided we were better off leveraging an Idaho Institution. Designed our data exchange to limit exposure of PII including name, DOB, and SSN. Contacted several Idaho Postsecondary Institutions Selected one to work with Investigating requirements SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar Next Steps Enter into an agreement with the institution Prepare presentation Resolve questions Can we get an exemption? Is this for the project or ongoing? Can we do one time approval for where we know we will be dealing with PII? How does this apply? SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar Montana SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar 2012 SLDS Grant project – K-20 Data Project IES referred our project to USED Office of the Chief Financial Officer for human subjects protections clearance Needed to go through the IRB process for our state’s own research We are linking student transcript data for K-12 and postsecondary sources using personally identifiable data Had to be completed before any work with identifiable data is initiated or data is exchanged with Montana University System (MUS) SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar No MT OPI project has gone through IRB process before Finding IRB to review our project Since the Montana University System partners with us in K-20 Data Project, Montana State University IRB agreed to take on this review for free SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar Application Process Applied for expedited IRB review in May 2013 Complicated by fact that Research Analyst hadn’t started Application reflects fact that most IRB research is medical (drugs, coercion, etc.) NIH/CITI Training for all “investigators” Ruled exempt in June 2013 – submitted to USED for ED IRB clearance SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar Questions SLDS Webinar
SST Webinar Contact Info and Resources: Requests from State Support Team or SLDS Team: Maddie Fromell, Robin Taylor, (302) Panelists: Kate Akers, Linda Borkosky Steve Snow, Mick Pytlik Andy Mehl Susan Murray 19 SLDS Webinar IRB Webinar