1 A Survey on Distance Metric Learning (Part 1) Gerry Tesauro IBM T.J.Watson Research Center
2 Acknowledgement Lecture material shamelessly adapted/stolen from the following sources: –Kilian Weinberger: “Survey on Distance Metric Learning” slides IBM summer intern talk slides (Aug. 2006) –Sam Roweis slides (NIPS 2006 workshop on “Learning to Compare Examples”) –Yann LeCun talk slides (NIPS 2006 workshop on “Learning to Compare Examples”)
3 Outline Motivation and Basic Concepts ML tasks where it’s useful to learn dist. metric Overview of Dimensionality Reduction Mahalanobis Metric Learning for Clustering with Side Info (Xing et al.) Pseudo-metric online learning (Shalev-Shwartz et al.) Neighbourhood Components Analysis (Golderberger et al.), Metric Learning by Collapsing Classes (Globerson & Roweis) Metric Learning for Kernel Regression (Weinberger & Tesauro) Metric learning for RL basis function construction (Keller et al.) Similarity learning for image processing (LeCun et al.) Part 1 Part 2
4 Motivation Many ML algorithms and tasks require a distance metric (equivalently, “dissimilarity” metric) –Clustering (e.g. k-means) –Classification & regression: Kernel methods Nearest neighbor methods –Document/text retrieval Find most similar fingerprints in DB to given sample Find most similar web pages to document/keywords –Nonlinear dimensionality reduction methods: Isomap, Maximum Variance Unfolding, Laplacian Eigenmaps, etc.
5 Motivation (2) Many problems may lack a well-defined, relevant distance metric –Incommensurate features Euclidean distance not meaningful –Side information Euclidean distance not relevant –Learning distance metrics may thus be desirable A sensible similarity/distance metric may be highly task-dependent or semantic-dependent –What do these data points “mean”? –What are we using the data for?
Which images are most similar?
It depends... centeredleftright
male female It depends...
... what you are looking for student professor
... what you are looking for nature background plain background
Key DML Concept: Mahalanobis distance metric The simplest mapping is a linear transformation
Mahalanobis distance metric The simplest mapping is a linear transformation Algorithms can learn both matrices PSD
>5 Minutes Introduction to Dimensionality Reduction
How can the dimensionality be reduced? eliminate redundant features eliminate irrelevant features extract low dimensional structure
Notation Input: Output: Embedding principle: with Nearby points remain nearby, distant points remain distant. Estimate r.
Two classes of DR algorithms LinearNon-Linear
Linear dimensionality reduction
Principal Component Analysis (Jolliffe 1986) Project data into subspace of maximum variance.
Covariance matrix Eigenvalue solution:
Eigenvectors of covariance matrix C Minimizes ssq reconstruction error Dimensionality r can be estimated from eigenvalues of C PCA requires meaningful scaling of input features Facts about PCA
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) milesNYLAPhoenixChicago NY LA Phoenix Chicago
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
inner product matrix
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) equivalent to PCA use eigenvectors of inner-product matrix requires only pairwise distances
Non-linear dimensionality reduction
From subspace to submanifold We assume the data is sampled from some manifold with lower dimensional degree of freedom. How can we find a truthful embedding?
Approximate manifold with neighborhood graph
Isomap Tenenbaum et al 2000 Compute shortest path between all inputs Create geodesic distance matrix Perform MDS with geodesic distances geodesic distance
Locally Linear Embedding (LLE) Roweis and Saul 2000 Maximize pairwise distances Preserve local distances and angles “Unfolding” by semidefinite programming
Maximum Variance Unfolding (MVU) Weinberger and Saul 2004
Maximum Variance Unfolding (MVU) Weinberger and Saul 2004
Optimization problem unfold data by maximizing pairwise distances Preserve local distances
Optimization problem center output (translation invariance)
Optimization problem Problem: Optimization non-convex multiple local minima
Optimization problem Solution: Change of notation single global minimum
Unfolding the swiss-roll
40 Mahalanobis Metric Learning for Clustering with Side Information (Xing et al. 2003) Exemplars {x i, i=1,…,N} plus two types of side info: – “Similar” set S = { (x i, x j ) } s.t. x i and x j are “similar” (e.g. same class) – “Dissimilar” set D = { (x i, x j ) } s.t. x i and x j are “dissimilar” Learn optimal Mahalanobis matrix M D 2 ij = (x i – x j ) T M (x i – x j ) (global dist. fn.) Goal : keep all pairs of “similar” points close, while separating all “dissilimar” pairs. Formulate as a constrained convex programming problem – minimize the distance between the data pairs in S – Subject to data pairs in D are well separated
41 MMC-SI (Cont’d) Objective of learning: M is positive semi-definite – Ensure non negativity and triangle inequality of the metric The number of parameters is quadratic in the number of features – Difficult to scale to a large number of features – Significant danger of overfitting small datasets
Mahalanobis Metric for Clustering (MMC-SI) Xing et al., NIPS 2002
Move similarly labeled inputs together MMC-SI
Move different labeled inputs apart MMC-SI
Convex optimization problem
target: Mahalanobis matrix
Convex optimization problem pushing differently labeled inputs apart
Convex optimization problem pulling similar points together
Convex optimization problem ensuring positive semi-definiteness
Convex optimization problem CONVEX
Two convex sets Set of all matrices that satisfy constraint 1: Cone of PSD matrices:
Convex optimization problem convex objective convex constraints
Gradient Alternating Projection
Take step along gradient.
Gradient Alternating Projection Take step along gradient. Project onto constraint satisfying sub-space.
Gradient Alternating Projection Take step along gradient. Project onto constraint satisfying sub-space. Project onto PSD cone.
Gradient Alternating Projection Algorithm is guaranteed to converge to optimal solution Take step along gradient. Project onto constraint satisfying sub-space. Project onto PSD cone. REPEAT
58 (a)Data Dist. of the original dataset (b) Data scaled by the global metric Mahalanobis Metric Learning: Example I Keep all the data points within the same classes close Separate all the data points from different classes
59 Mahalanobis Metric Learning: Example II Diagonal distance metric M can simplify computation, but could lead to disastrous results (a)Original data (c) Rescaling by learned diagonal M (b) rescaling by learned full M
Summary of Xing et al 2002 Learns Mahalanobis metric Well suited for clustering Can be kernelized Optimization problem is convex Algorithm is guaranteed to converge Assumes data to be uni-modal
POLA (Pseudo-metric online learning algorithm) Shalev-Shwartz et al, ICML 2004
This time the inputs are accessed two at a time. POLA (Pseudo-metric online learning algorithm)
Differently labeled inputs are separated. POLA (Pseudo-metric online learning algorithm)
POLA (Pseudo-metric online learning algorithm)
Similarly labeled inputs are moved closer. POLA (Pseudo-metric online learning algorithm)
Convex optimization At each time t, we get two inputs:, Constraint 1: Constraint 2: Both are convex!!
Alternating Projection Initialize inside PSD cone Project onto constraint - satisfying hyperplane and back
Alternating Projection Initialize inside PSD cone Project onto constraint - satisfying hyperplane and back Repeat with new constraints
Alternating Projection Initialize inside PSD cone Project onto constraint - satisfying hyperplane and back Repeat with new constraints If solution exists, algorithm converges inside intersection.
Theoretical Guarantees: Provided global solution exists: Batch-version converges after finite number of passes over data. Online-version has an upper bound on accumulated violation of threshold.
Summary of POLA Learns Mahalanobis metric Online algorithm Can also be kernelized Introduces a margin Algorithm converges if solution exists Assumes data to be unimodal
Neighborhood Component Analysis (Goldberger et. al. 2004) Distance metric for visualization and kNN