Light and Optics 4.1 Mirrors form images by reflecting light. 4.2 CHAPTER NEW CHAPTER Light and Optics the BIG idea CHAPTER OUTLINE Optical tools depend on the wave behavior of light. 4.1 Mirrors form images by reflecting light. 4.2 Lenses form images by refracting light. 4.3 The eye is a natural optical tool. 4.4 Optical technology makes use of light waves.
4.1 Mirrors form images by reflecting light. • Mirrors work by regular reflection and obey the law of reflection. optics image diffuse reflection regular reflection normal angle of incidence angle of reflection 60° law of reflection concave focal point convex SECTION OUTLINE
4.1 Mirrors form images by reflecting light. • Mirrors work by regular reflection and obey the law of reflection. optics • Flat mirrors form virtual images. image • Curved mirrors form both real and virtual images. diffuse reflection regular reflection law of reflection concave focal point convex SECTION OUTLINE
4.1 optics Mirrors form images by reflecting light. diffuse reflection 1. The study of visible light and of the interaction of light with the eye to produce vision. regular reflection law of reflection 2. The application of knowledge about visible light to develop optical tools. concave focal point convex KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 image Mirrors form images by reflecting light. optics image image diffuse reflection A picture of an object formed by rays of light. regular reflection law of reflection concave focal point convex KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 diffuse reflection Mirrors form images by reflecting light. optics diffuse reflection image diffuse reflection The reflection of parallel light rays in many different directions. regular reflection law of reflection concave focal point convex KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 regular reflection Mirrors form images by reflecting light. optics regular reflection image diffuse reflection The reflection of parallel light rays in the same direction. regular reflection law of reflection concave focal point convex KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 law of reflection Mirrors form images by reflecting light. optics law of reflection image diffuse reflection A law of physics stating that the angle at which light strikes a surface (the angle of incidence) equals the angle at which it reflects (the angle of reflection). regular reflection law of reflection concave focal point convex KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 concave Mirrors form images by reflecting light. optics concave image diffuse reflection Curved inward toward the center, like the inside of a spoon. regular reflection law of reflection concave focal point convex KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 focal point Mirrors form images by reflecting light. optics focal point image diffuse reflection The point at which parallel light rays reflected from a concave mirror come together; also the point at which parallel light rays refracted by a convex lens come together. regular reflection law of reflection concave focal point convex KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 convex Mirrors form images by reflecting light. optics convex image diffuse reflection Curved outward, like the bottom of a spoon. regular reflection law of reflection concave focal point convex KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Lenses form images by refracting light. 4.2 Lenses form images by refracting light. • Lenses have curved surfaces that refract parallel light waves in different amounts. lens focal length focal point focal length SECTION OUTLINE
Lenses form images by refracting light. 4.2 Lenses form images by refracting light. • Lenses have curved surfaces that refract parallel light waves in different amounts. lens • Convex lenses bend light inward toward a focal point. focal length principal axis Convex Lens focal point SECTION OUTLINE
Lenses form images by refracting light. 4.2 Lenses form images by refracting light. • Lenses have curved surfaces that refract parallel light waves in different amounts. lens • Convex lenses bend light inward toward a focal point. focal length • Concave lenses spread light out. • Lenses form both real and virtual images. principal axis Convex Lens focal point Concave Lens SECTION OUTLINE
4.2 lens Lenses form images by refracting light. focal length A transparent optical tool that refracts light. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.2 focal length Lenses form images by refracting light. The distance from the center of a convex lens to its focal point. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
The eye is a natural optical tool. 4.3 The eye is a natural optical tool. • The eyes of humans and many animals use lenses to focus images on the retina. cornea • The retina detects images and sends information about them to the brain. pupil retina The light passes through the iris and the pupil. 2 Light from an object is refracted by the cornea. 1 The lens refracts the light more. 3 optic nerve iris An image is focused on the retina. 4 SECTION OUTLINE
4.3 cornea The eye is a natural optical tool. pupil A transparent membrane that covers the eye. retina KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.3 pupil The eye is a natural optical tool. cornea pupil pupil The circular opening that controls how much light enters the eye. retina KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.3 retina The eye is a natural optical tool. cornea retina pupil A light-sensitive membrane at the back of the inside of the eye. retina KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Optical technology makes use of light waves. 4.4 Optical technology makes use of light waves. • Many optical tools are made by combining mirrors and lenses. laser • Examples of optical tools include: fiber optics telescopes SECTION OUTLINE
Optical technology makes use of light waves. 4.4 Optical technology makes use of light waves. • Many optical tools are made by combining mirrors and lenses. laser • Examples of optical tools include: fiber optics telescopes microscopes SECTION OUTLINE
Optical technology makes use of light waves. 4.4 Optical technology makes use of light waves. • Many optical tools are made by combining mirrors and lenses. laser • Examples of optical tools include: fiber optics telescopes microscopes cameras SECTION OUTLINE
Optical technology makes use of light waves. 4.4 Optical technology makes use of light waves. • Many optical tools are made by combining mirrors and lenses. laser • Examples of optical tools include: fiber optics telescopes microscopes cameras lasers • Lasers have a wide variety of uses. SECTION OUTLINE
4.4 laser Optical technology makes use of light waves. fiber optics A device that produces an intense, concentrated beam of light that is brighter than sunlight; often used in medicine and communications. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.4 fiber optics Optical technology makes use of light waves. laser fiber optics fiber optics Technology based on the use of laser light to send signals through transparent wires called optical fibers; often used in communications. KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
4.1 Mirrors form images by reflecting light. I. Mirrors form images by reflecting light. optics A. Optics is the science of light and vision. image B. Mirrors use regular reflection. diffuse reflection C. Shape determines how mirrors form images. regular reflection law of reflection 1. Flat Mirrors concave 2. Concave and Convex Mirrors focal point convex KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Lenses form images by refracting light. 4.2 Lenses form images by refracting light. II. Lenses form images by refracting light. lens A. A medium can refract light. focal length 1. Refraction of Light 2. Refraction and Rainbows B. Shape determines how lenses form images. 1. Convex and Concave Lenses 2. Images Formed by Lenses KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
The eye is a natural optical tool. 4.3 The eye is a natural optical tool. III. The eye is a natural optical tool. cornea A. The eye gathers and focuses light. pupil 1. How Light Travels Through the Human Eye retina 2. How the Eye Forms Images B. Corrective lenses can improve vision. 1. Corrective Lenses 2. Surgery and Contact Lenses KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Optical technology makes use of light waves. 4.4 Optical technology makes use of light waves. III. Optical technology makes use of light waves. laser A. Mirrors and lenses can be combined to make more powerful optical tools. fiber optics 1. Microscopes 2. Telescopes 3. Cameras B. Lasers use light in new ways. 1. Making Laser Light 2. Visual Uses of Lasers 3. Fiber Optics KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY 4. Future Uses of Lasers