Mirrors and Lenses: Mirrors reflect the light Lenses refract the light
Planar Mirrors and Lenses: Flat reflective surfaces or flat surfaces that allow that transmission of light. The images produced are the same as the original object.
Concave Mirror: Converges light rays Focal Point Larger, upright image Larger, upside down image
Concave lenses and Mirrors: Fatter at the ends than in the middle! Concave lens Diverge the light! This means that they make the light bend so that all rays spread apart! 19 seconds Smaller, upright images
Convex Mirror: Diverges light rays - they spread apart! smaller, upright images
Convex Lenses and Mirrors: Fatter in the middle than at the ends Convex lenses CONVERGE the light. They bend the light so all light beams move toward each other and come together and 2:15 focal point Larger, upright images larger, inverted images
Lenses and your eyes: Your eyes have a natural lens.
Sometimes, the lens is misshapen. This is called an Astigmatism
Other times, the lens doesn't focus correctly. This can cause the light to focus or converge in front of the retina or behind the retina. We can only see images when the light converges on the retina. Myopic (near sighted) You can see up close
Hyperopic (Far Sighted) You can see distances