Timeline of Microscope Technology
Middle Ages - Castle Battles? - Source of glass? - Uses for glass? Timeline of microscope technology
Simple Microscope
The Physics of a Glass Lens
Compound Microscope
Dutch spectacle-makers,Hans Janssen and his son Zacharias, were said, by later writers in the 1600’s, to have invented a compound microscope. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia ) Zacharias Hans
Dutch spectacle-makers,Hans Janssen and his son Zacharias, were said, by later writers in the 1600’s, to have invented a compound microscope. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia ) Zacharias
Galileo Galilei develops an occhiolino or compound microscope with a convex and a concave lens. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia )
Cornelius Drebbel ( ) presents, in London, a compound microscope with two convex lenses Giovanni Faber of Bamberg ( ) coins the word “microscope” by analogy with “telescope”.
Robert Hooke publishes his Micrographia, a collection of biological micrographs. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia )
Robert Hooke - He also coins the word “cell” when he uses his microscope to see ____?____ in cork bark. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia )
Robert Hooke - He also coins the word “cell” when he uses his microscope to see little rooms in cork bark. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia )
Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia )
Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia ) - Almost 500 scopes
Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia ) - Almost 500 scopes - All were “simple”
Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia ) - Almost 500 scopes - All were “simple” - Only 9 have survived
Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia ) - Almost 500 scopes - All were “simple” - Only 9 have survived - Up to 480 X
Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia ) - Almost 500 scopes - All were “simple” - Only 9 have survived - Up to 480 X - Made of silver, gold and copper
Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia ) - Almost 500 scopes - All were “simple” - Only 9 have survived - Up to 480 X - Made of silver, gold and copper - Resolution: <1 / 1000 mm - Focal Length: <1 mm
Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia ) First To See Sperm Cells
Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia ) First to see Bacteria and to describe “Wee beasties cavorting about” in a glass of drinking water.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens. Question... What earned him his place in the history books as the... “Father of Modern Microscopy”? Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia )
Anton van Leeuwenhoek improves on a simple microscope for viewing biological specimens. Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia ) Answer... It was his is extensive collection of special stains that allowed him to see otherwise invisible, transparent, organelles.
Ernst Ruska (Germany) builds 1st Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia )
Ernst Ruska (Germany) builds 1st Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Manfred von Ardenne, (Germany) builds the 1st Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia )
Ernst Ruska (Germany) builds 1st Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) Manfred von Ardenne, (Germany) builds the 1st Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer develop the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM). Timeline of microscope technology ( From Wikipedia )
What ARE they?
Plant Pollen Grains
What scope took this photo?
Scanning Electron (SEM)
“Sputter” prepped for a SEM photo - gold layer is one atom thick
SEM photomicrograph of a ?.
How about this one?
A fruit fly eye !
SEM photomicrograph of ?.
What type of E. M. is this?
Transmission E. M. ( TEM )
TEM photomicrograph of a ?.
Oops !!! I mean…
TEM photomicrograph of ?.
And this SEM is of ?.
Scanning Tunneling M. (STM)
STM photomicrograph of ?.
Gold Atoms 1 Layer Thick
Remember the Spider?
Sweet Dreams !!!