NCEE/SAT Vocab Week 7
PEND- / PENS- = hang (from Latin pendere = to hang) PEND- / PENS- / POND- = weigh (from Latin pendere = to weigh, pondus = weight) PEND- / PENS- = pay (from Latin pendere = to pay)
Examples: pendulous = suspended so as to swing freely pensive = thoughtful ponderous = very weighty pound = unit of weight compensate = make amends or make equal to (literally, “to pay together” from Latin cum+pendere) expensive = costing a lot (literally, “paying out” from Latin ex+pendere)
QUER vs. ROGA vs. QUERI QUER- / QUEST- / QUIS- / QUIR- = seek, ask (from Latin quaerere = to ask) ROGA- = ask (from Latin rogare = to ask) QUERI- / QUERU- = complain (from Latin queri = to complain)
Examples: query = to question question quest inquest = literally, “to seek in” from Latin in+quaerere acquire, acquisition = literally, “to seek to” from Latin ad+quaerere interrogative = a pronoun or adjective that is used to ask a question (literally, “to ask among” from Latin inter+rogare) querimonious = prone to complaints querulous = habitually complaining
PET vs. PUT PET = to seek, ask, beg (from Latin petere = to seek, ask for, beg) PUT = to think (from Latin putare = to think)
Examples: petition = a formal request petulant = characterized by temporary or capricious ill humor putative = commonly accepted or thought to exist
PECU vs. PRECI vs. PRECA PECU- = one’s own, private property; money (from Latin pecunia = money) PRECI- = price, value (from Latin pretium = price) PRECA- = pray (from Latin precari = to pray, beg)
ARBITR vs. JUR ARBITR- = to think (from Latin arbitrari = to think) JUR- / JUST- /JUD- = law, right (from Latin ius = law, right; iurare = to judge)
Examples: arbitrary = depending on choice or discretion rather than defined by law arbitrate = to judge, decide arbiter = judge, decider jury = a collection of peers tasked to judge a court case jurist = a member of a jury justice = what is right, lawful judicial = pertaining to the law