The Test Taking Strategy
How do your students approach tests?
Why teach test-taking skills? Many students do not have appropriate test-taking strategies. Many courses rely on test- taking to demonstrate knowledge of content. Schools are required to give high-stakes tests. Test-taking is a life long skill.
Let’s Take A Test!
What strategies did you use?
Good test takers Attend to important parts of the test. Prioritize Search for clues. Make educated guesses. Use positive self-talk. Use time wisely.
Page 12 in your manual Pretest and Make Commitments
Page 16 in your manual DESCRIBE
Test Taking P sych up / Prepare to succeed. I nspect the instructions. R ead, Remember, Reduce A nswer or Abandon T urn Back E stimate S urvey Before starting the test During the test After finishing the test
Test Taking PIRATES
Taking a test is like being a PIRATE… Pirates go for the gold! Pirates use all the necessary tools to get the treasure. Pirates have a plan that will lead to the treasure.
P = Prepare to Succeed P ut your name and PIRATES on your paper. A llocate time and order to sections. S ay affirmations. S tart within 2 minutes.
I = Inspect the Instructions R ead instructions carefully. U nderline what to do and where to respond. N otice special requirements.
R = READ, REMEMBER, REDUCE Read the whole question. Try to remember what you studied. If there are choices, reduce the # of choices by marking out the ones that are definitely incorrect.
A = ANSWER or ABANDON If you remember the answer… then answer the question. If you don’t know the answer…abandon the question. Mark it so you can return to it later.
T = Turn Back Go back to the abandoned questions and answer them. You may remember the answers by now, or you may have found clues in the test.
E = Estimate A void absolutes. C hoose the longest or the most detailed answer. E liminate similar choices.
S = Survey Look over the test to see if you answered all the questions. Make sure you answered questions in the right way. Change an answer only if you are sure!
Test Taking Strategy Mnemonic Devices PIRATES PASS (P Step - Prepare to Succeed) RUN (I Step - Inspect Instructions) ACE (E Step - Estimate) If you PASS and RUN, you’ll score more points and ACE the test.
MODEL Page 39 in your manual
Pam Leitzell PIRATES I – 15 Min.
II – 10 minutes
Pam Leitzell PIRATES I – 15 Min. III – 10 minutes
II – 10 minutes IV – 15 minutes V – 10 minutes
Pam Leitzell PIRATES I – 15 Min. III – 10 minutes
II – 10 minutes IV – 15 minutes V – 10 minutes
Verbal Practice Page 47 in your manual
Controlled Practice Page 54 in your manual Teacher controls the practice Provide elaborative feedback
ADVANCED PRACTICE Students practice on tests from their general courses. Students begin to build confidence Page 63 in your manual
GENERALIZATION Orientation - Awareness Activation - Use strategy in varying situations Adaptation - Thinking about the thinking Maintenance - spot checks Page 63 in your manual
Scoring ( Page 89) Scores are received for: –General test taking skills (Possible 8 pts.) –Following instructions (Possible 10 pts.) –Test items (Possible 54 pts.)
Help Students Raise Test Scores