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Light & darkness in the moral realm Sons of light, 1 Thes. 5:5 Darkness is depressing -Blind -Stumble -Harm
Our society is permeated with moral darkness Violence
Our society is permeated with moral darkness Violence Sexual abandon
Our society is permeated with moral darkness Violence Sexual abandon
Our society is permeated with moral darkness Violence Sexual abandon Materialism
Our society is permeated with moral darkness Violence Sexual abandon Materialism Political corruption
Our society is permeated with moral darkness Violence Sexual abandon Materialism Political corruption Drugs
Moral darkness from ancient times Cain murdered Abel, Gen. 4:8 Sodom & Gomorrah, Gen. 19:5 Israel’s materialism, Amos 8:5, 6 Ahab & Jezebel’s sins, 1 Kgs. 21:9, 10 The priests intoxication, Isa. 28:7, 8
Lot was righteous, even in Sodom 2 Pt. 2:6-9
Noah & his family were faithful Even when all the world was filled with sin Gen. 6 & 7
Moses overcame a secular education Heb. 11:24-26
Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego stood strong under social & political pressure Dan. 3:16-18
Light in darkness, 2 Cor. 4:4-6 God gave the gospel Truth is light to show the way Through it we know the Savior
We must come to the light, Jn. 3:19-21 To have the hope of heaven To shine as lights, Phil. 2:14-16
Let us believe the gospel is God’s power, Rom. 1:16 Leads to salvation – transformation Keeps us saved