The ____ water was full of ice and snow. a) abandonabandonc) treacheroustreacherousd) expedition expeditionb) frigidfrigid
frigid – adjective –very cold
The sharp curves on the _______ road caused many traffic accidents. a) uninhabiteduninhabitedc) frigid frigidd) treacheroustreacherousb) abandonabandon
treacherous – adjective – full of danger
The members of ______ had to go back down the mountain because the wind was too strong. a) frigid frigidc) expeditionexpeditiond) laborlaborb) treacheroustreacherous
expedition – noun – a journey with a specific purpose
The construction workers were tired from the backbreaking ______ they were hired to do. a) laborlaborc) dismantleddismantledd) uninhabiteduninhabitedb) triumphtriumph
labor – noun – hard work, toil
Everyone is confident that we will be ______ over the problem we are having due to the weather. a) treacheroustreacherousc) laborlabord) triumphtriumphb) expeditionexpedition
triumph – verb – to be successful or win
The workers _______ the outdoor stage after the concert. a) expeditionexpeditionc) triumph triumphd) laborlaborb) dismantleddismantled
dismantled – verb – took something apart piece by piece
The ________ house had broken windows and a leaky roof. a) triumphtriumphc) uninhabiteduninhabitedd) abandonabandonb) dismantleddismantled
uninhabited – adjective – not lived in
The sailors jumped into the ocean when were given the order to ______ the ship. a) dismantleddismantledc) abandonabandond) figidfigidb) uninhabiteduninhabited
abandon – verb – to leave and not return