Finding Hope Inside Creative Hopelessness Jennifer Villatte University of Nevada, Reno ACBS World Conference Reno June, 2010
It was the worst of times. It was the best of times.
What is creative hopelessness? (And why would I want to do that to my client?)
AND new solutions are not yet apparent Set a context where costly struggles are abandoned
Creative hopelessness is the client’s first exposure to all six ACT processes and the ACT therapeutic stance Assessment of ACT targets Examine workability Validate the client’s experience Build rapport Notice what is not on this list.
The ACT model influences every aspect of therapy Therapeutic Stance Process & Outcome Assessment Case Formulation & Treatment Targeting Therapeutic Relationship
Sit with current experience Block escape Reframe the struggle by shifting the perspective Undermine reason-giving and story- telling Contact direct experience Validate current reactions Embrace the futility in service of possibility Stand with your client without engaging the struggle Creative Hopelessness
Bringing the ACT processes to life in the therapy room Recognize Model Evoke Reinforce Where do you struggle?
The ACT Therapeutic Stance Open and interested – Receptive, not focused on output Playful – Making light of, not making fun of – No minimizing. No avoidant humor Curious – Hold expectations lightly – Allow yourself to wonder, be surprised – Don’t assume you know what will happen next
A word on validation
a little practice
Be open to what is happening in this moment See the person across from you as a whole human being Hold judgments & assumptions lightly Stay present with your client Connect to your therapy values Stick with the process Stand with your client Creative Hopelessness
Into the fire
a dark and stormy night
Signs of progress Anger, despair, confusion, exasperation Beware Agreement, disagreement, need to understand or figure it out, shifting topics Even more progress Silence, humor, tears, starts and stops, lightness, perplexity
Resistance- Go Left Pliance- Go Right Disconnection- Get Centered Defusion Committed Action Values Acceptance Transcendent Self Present Moment
Acceptance of Where You Start 10 minutes in role – yourself or a client, do not say which Walk with your partner into the struggle with thoughts, feelings, memories, urges, or sensations Examine the workability Do not judge from outside. Ally from within. Try to help the client clear the field experientially of unworkable “solutions” Notice the pull to rescue or change but do neither
Through the fire I am not withholding the key This already feels very different to me I’m not saying I can’t help you Maybe this is exactly where we need to be I will not abandon you here I am asking a lot of you here- I am asking you to place your faith in me, to trust me
Thank you! Jennifer Villatte
Extra slides
General ACT Techniques Deliteralization – Inherent paradox – Verbal confusion and sensible incoherence – Creation of distance Metaphor – Point to the problem or encourage solutions without directly instructing them – Insight- knowledge without problem solving Experiential exercises – Contact with difficult, raw experiences in a safe context
Common Questions How is that working for you? Has that worked in the short term? Long term? In what circumstances has it worked / not worked? What is this costing you? Is this familiar? Have you tried that before? Is your life getting broader or narrower? What’s happening right now...have you tried that too?
Remain curious Embrace uncertainty and confusion Validate the experience of pain and the unworkability of struggle Use what is happening in the room Client reaching for the shovel again Getting pulled into the control agenda Wanting to be right Getting caught up in the story Telling the client what they are experiencing Convincing, lecturing, explaining Metaphor abuse