September 20, 2005 Peter Kharchenko Adam Rybicki IChannel Support in uPortal 3
September 20, 2005 Agenda I.Downward compatibility II.Implementation options III.ChannelAdapterPortlet
September 20, 2005 History When uPortal 2 was being designed, there were no uPortal 1 sites in production. When uPortal 2 was released, there were fewer than 5 sites in production. We now have hundreds of sites in production.
September 20, 2005 How others support downward compatibility? Tomcat will not disable support for “old” servlet and JSP versions. EJB 3 greatly improves ease of development, but no container vendor will abandon support for 2.1 or older. Commercial vendors will not abandon their proprietary (pre-JSR-168) interfaces. IChannel is an example of a mature interface, which in some respects may be superior to ‘168.
September 20, 2005 What level of compatibility? To be 100% compatible with 2.x, the uPortal 3 implementation would have to include the entire 2.x framework. Many channels out there. How many rely on internal framework classes? Probably the least portable channels were developed by developers most familiar with the framework itnernals. Proposal: ask the community to send us all of their “import org.jasig.portal.*” lines of code. How will common framework services be accessed by uPortal 3 portlets?
September 20, 2005 Alternatives ChannelAdapterPortlet –provides channel lifecycle, serialization Standalone uPortal2 instance –tweaked to deliver standalone channels Internal request dispatching WSRP Native support for channels in uP3 –ChannelAdapterPortlet would be cleaner Other ideas ?
September 20, 2005 ChannelAdapterPortlet Maintains channel instances –Similar to ChannelManager in uP2 Takes care of –Channel lifecycle –Parameter processing –Serialization –Caching Provides access to framework services
September 20, 2005 ChannelAdapterPortlet Instance management –IChannel: one instance per portlet window can be maintained in portlet session –IMultithreadedChannel: one instance will rely on channel to clean up internal maps based on the events sent by adapter
September 20, 2005 ChannelAdapterPortlet Channel lifecycle –init() – setStaticData() –processAction() – pre-setRuntimeData() –render() – setRuntimeData()+renderXML() –portal events Parameters –processing is straightforward –no more baseActionUrl Make all URLs actionURLs?
September 20, 2005 ChannelAdapterPortlet Access to uP2 interfaces, support classes and services uP2-api.jar + uP3 implementations Basics: –Channel interfaces –ChannelRuntimeData, ChannelStaticData –IPerson Further: –IAuthorizationPrincipal –ICC Registry, JNDI context (wait for IPC)
September 20, 2005 ChannelAdapterPortlet Static services –GroupServices, AuthorizationService, EntityNameFinderService –RDBMServices –XSLT utils CAR support –CarServices –Packaging/deployment