人教修订版 高中三年级 Unit 4. Reading Do you know them? Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778)


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Presentation transcript:

人教修订版 高中三年级 Unit 4


Do you know them? Carl Linnaeus ( )

reproductive structures of flowers

Daniel Solander ( )

James Cook ( )

Joseph Banks ( )

James Cook’s voyages around the world

Why was Carl Linnaeus important to the history of botany as a science? Listening Carl Linnaeus developed a new system to classify the plant species.

Skimming 1.When did botany become a special science? After the eighteenth century. 2. How was plant species classified before the work of Carl Linnaeus? Plants are classified into herbs and trees, according to the shape

of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not. 3. What is the difference between Linnaeus’ system and that of the other scientists? In Linnaeus’ system, the identification of different species was based on the arrangement of the male and female organs

in the flowers, while the other scientists classified plants into herbs and trees, according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not. 4. Was Daniel Solander a member of the Royal Society? No, he wasn’t.

5. What did Joseph Banks do on the three-year voyage? On their three-year voyage, Joseph Banks did not only study and describe new plants he found, he also looked out for new economic species and became the first to move crops from one

6. What was the relationship among the three persons? Daniel Solander was the student of Linnaeus and a lifelong friend of Joseph Banks. continent to another on a large scale.

7. What great contributions did Joseph Banks make to the birth of botany as a science? He discovered many new animals and plants during the three-year voyage; he was involved in enterprises such as the exploration of Africa and

the settlement of Australia. During his 42-year presidency of the Royal Society, he helped to develop the royal gardens at Kew into one of the greatest botanical gardens in the world; he accumulated a great deal of

knowledge about plants and agriculture; he also built a greenhouse to experiment with growing pineapples; and it was he who made Kew a center of scientific and economic research.

1. classify e.g. The books in the library are classified by subject. 图书馆的书是按照科目分类的。 classify sb. / sth. (as sth. ) 将某人/某物归类 Language Points vt. 编排 ; 分类

e.g. Would you classify her novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment ? 你认为她的小说属于文学类呢,还是 属于通俗读物类 ? classified 分类的 (常用作定语) a classified directory 分类电话簿 classified advertisements 分类广告

2. group e.g. The children grouped round the piano . 孩子们集合在钢琴周围。 We can group animals into several types . 我们可以把动物分成好几类。 v. 集合, 使成群 ; 分类

3. promote vt. 1) 提升、晋升 e.g. My daughter’s just been promoted ! 我的女儿刚被提升了! The football team was promoted to the first division . 该足球队已晋升为甲级队。

2) 促进;鼓励,推动 e.g. The organization works to promote friendship between nations. 该组织旨在促进各国之间的友谊。

4. wealth n. wealth 意为 “ 财富 ” ,多用作不可数名 词。 e.g. Despite his wealth, he worked to make a career in science.

He gained his ____ by printing ____ of famous writers. (NMET 1995) A. wealth; work B. wealths; works C. wealths; work D. wealth; works D 析:根据 wealth 的词性,可排除 B 、 C ; works 意为 “ 作品,著作 ” 。

5. appoint vt. 任命, 约定 ( 时间,地点等 ) 1) appoint +n. The president appointed a new director. 总经理任命了一位新主任。 2) appoint +n. +(as/to be) 任命某人为 … He was appointed mayor to the city. 他被任命为市长。

3) appoint sb. to do sth. 指定某人做某事 The teacher appointed me to sweep the classroom. 老师指定我打扫教室。 4) appoint sb. to… 派某人任某职 He was appointed to the vacant post . 他被委派填补那个空缺。

5) appoint … for … 确定或决定某事物 They have appointed a date for the meeting. 他们已经约定了开会的日期。

6) appointment n. I made an appointment to see the doctor at three. 我和医生约好 3 点钟看病。 7) appointed adj. 指定的,约定的 at the appointed time 在约定的时间

6. calculate e.g. They use a computer to calculate the cost of a journey. 他们用电脑计算旅行的费用。 I calculate that we will reach London at about 3 p.m. 我估计我们大约要在下午 3 点到达伦 敦。 vt. 计算;推算 ; 估算

be calculated to do sth . 旨在、打算或计划做某事 e.g. His speech was calculated to stir up the crowd . 他的讲话是有意煽动群众的。 calculation n. 计算,推算

7. 动词不定式可用作表语 Secondly, the purpose of the expedition was to record, classify and describe all plant and animal life observed during the trip. 动词不定式可用作表语,表示主语 的具体内容,尤其可用于指未发生的 情况。

The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, _____ it more difficult. ( 上海 2005 春 ) A. not making B. not make C. not to make D. nor to make C

析:两个或多个不定式表示并列或 递进关系时,后面的不定式符号 to 常常 省略,但当它们表示对比关系时,不 定式符号 to 常常保留。 本题题意为 “ 新技术的目的是使生活 更容易,而不是让生活更艰难 ” ,两个 不定式之间是对比关系。

8. expense e.g. It’s too much of an expense to own a car . 拥有一辆汽车的花费太大。 at one’s expense 由某人负担费用 e.g. He had his book printed at his own expense .他自己出钱印了书。 n .花费,费用,经费

at the expense of sth 以损害 …… 为代价; 在损失或损坏 …… 的情况下 e.g. He built up a successful business, but it was all done at the expense of his health. 他创建的企业很成功,但这一切 都是以损害他的健康为代价的。

9. involve vt. 1) 需要 This lesson involves a lot of work. 这一课需要做的工作有很多。 2) 牵涉, 牵连 ; 包括 The strike involved many people. 许多人参加了罢工。

involve sb. in sth. /doing sth . 使某人陷入或参与某活动 Don’t involve me in solving your problem. 叫你解决你的问题,不要把我拉进去。 He was involved in a heated argument . 他参与了一场激烈的争论。

10. accumulate 1) vt. 积累;聚集 e.g. By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune. 她由于投资精明而积蓄了一笔财产。 My savings are accumulating interest . 我的储蓄不断生息。

2) vi. 增加 e.g. Dust and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly. 房间不经常打扫, 尘土很快就越积 越多。 n. accumulation 金钱、知识、经验等的积累

11. abandon abandon one’s post 放弃职位 abandon one’s family 抛弃家庭 He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money. 他抛弃了妻子还带走了两人所有的钱。 vt. 离开,遗弃

abandon one’s hope 放弃希望 abandon oneself to 沉溺于 …… abandoned 被抛弃的

1. ________ had been made by others to _______ plant species into groups, but the breakthrough _________ the work of Carl Linnaeus. Attempts classify came with Practice

2. In 1768, the Royal Navy _________ James Cook as the commander of the Endeavor to take members of ________________ on an ___________ to Tahiti. 2. In 1768, the Royal Navy _________ James Cook as the commander of the Endeavor to take members of ________________ on an ___________ to Tahiti. appointed the Royal Society expedition

3. He also _____________ new economic species: plants that could be grown in England or other parts of the world to produce crops that could be sold. 3. He also _____________ new economic species: plants that could be grown in England or other parts of the world to produce crops that could be sold. looked out for 4. Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to another ______ ____________, helping to develop local economies with these new imports. 4. Banks was the first to move crops from one continent to another ______ ____________, helping to develop local economies with these new imports. large scale on a

Post-reading 1. What were the goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world? The goals of James Cook’s first voyage around the world: the primary goal was to study the passing of the planet Venus across the sun; the second purpose was to record, classify and describe all plant

and animal life observed during the trip; the third one was to search for an unknown southern continent. and animal life observed during the trip; the third one was to search for an unknown southern continent. 2. Why did Joseph Banks have to supply his own money to equip part of the expedition? The reason was that the British

government would not pay for a new field of science as botany. 3. How did scientists classify plants before Linnaeus? Before Linnaeus, the scientists classified plants in this way: they

classified plants into herbs and trees, or according to the shape of the fruit, or whether they had flowers or not. 4. What could be a possible explanation for the name “strawberry”? The small seeds on the outside of the strawberry look somewhat like tiny straw pieces.

Homework Please read the text several times and then try to write something about Joseph Banks: what do we learn from him?