Buddhism By Jessica F, Jt, James, Nathaniel
Prince Siddhartha This is Prince Siddhartha as a Buddha. This is Prince Siddhartha as a Buddha.
Ancient India This is where Buddhism started.
Buddha Buddhism was founded in about 460 B.C. Buddhism was founded in about 460 B.C.
Buddhist temple This temple was used to worship Buddha and to meditate.
Chinese Buddha Buddha became famous in numerous countries around the world.
Buddhism Symbol This is the Buddhism symbol.
The Eightfold Path This is the rules for Buddhism. This is the rules for Buddhism.
Some rules. Don't kill. Don't steal. Don't speak divisively. Don't speak abusively. Don't engage in idle chatter. Don't tell lies. Abandon greed. Abandon ill will. Cultivate right views
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Why did Buddhism start? Answer: Buddhism started because Prince Siddhartha took a walk around his city. He became aware of suffering and poorness. Then he decided to seek an answer. Answer: Buddhism started because Prince Siddhartha took a walk around his city. He became aware of suffering and poorness. Then he decided to seek an answer.
Credits dhism_founded#ixzz1EoZ2ZkNQhttp://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_was_Bud dhism_founded#ixzz1EoZ2ZkNQ Ancient Civilization Text Book Pictures from Google images ain_Buddhism_rules#ixzz1GEXYtuG8