“As For Me And My House” Josh.24:15 How to be so certain?


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Presentation transcript:

“As For Me And My House” Josh.24:15 How to be so certain?

I. “But Times Are Hard; World Is Against Us”

Lamech, Gn.5:29 → Noah (“rest”)  Time of unparalleled wickedness  His faith gave him rest Cain’s descendants contributed to society’s comforts, Gn.4 “Sons of God” – daughters of men, 6:1-2  Verbs: chose  “Of all whom they chose” (Josh.24:15; Gn.13:11) Can’t argue with success sawgoodtook(3:6)

Lamech, Gn.5:29 → Noah (“rest”)  Time of unparalleled wickedness  His faith gave him rest Age 500: Noah…children (5:32)  Informed of Flood 20 years before (6:3)  His children – Enter wicked world (6:5-7) Walk w. God (6:8-10, 18; 7:1) Prepare for coming judgment. Mt.24 Can’t argue with success

Lamech, Gn.5:29 → Noah (“rest”) Abraham, Gn.18:19  Contagious faith  He would bless world by blessing his own family  Mt.8:11 Can’t argue with success

Lamech, Gn.5:29 → Noah (“rest”) Abraham, Gn.18:19 Jacob, Gn.39, 50 –  Joseph resisted... Can’t argue with success Sexual immorality Pride, Unbelief Bitterness, Revenge

Lamech, Gn.5:29 → Noah (“rest”) Abraham, Gn.18:19 Jacob, Gn.39, 50 – Elizabeth and Zacharias, Lk.1:5-6  John chose death over compromise  What will a man give in exchange... for his children? (Mt.16:26) Can’t argue with success

I. ”But Times Are Hard; World Is Against Us” II. How To Raise Godly Children?

1. Pray for wisdom. Jg.13:8 Then Manoah prayed to the LORD, and said, “O my Lord, please let the Man of God whom You sent come to us again and teach us what we shall do for the child who will be born.”

1. Pray for wisdom. Jg.13:8 2. Daily studies – for self and children  Start young  2 Tim. 3:15 – Dt.6:4-9 – Ep.6:4 Classes Esp. at home Parental ex. Systematic Discussions Memory work Songs Debate

80% of young Christians who enter college... fall? William McGuire – inoculation theory Given the right circumstances, most people can be persuaded to abandon even the most firmly held beliefs Given proper preparation, same people can become almost totally resistant to challenges to their faith

80% of young Christians who enter college... fall? William McGuire – inoculation theory Brainwashing Vaccine – 1] Warn them in advance about chal- lenges to their faith 2] Assist them in developing personal arguments against future persuasion

Inoculation theory illustrated: tooth-brushing is bad – six groups 1) Easily persuaded to abandon beliefs 2) Prepared by heavy doses of pro-brushing 3) Warned them an attack was coming 4) Warned + informed about some arguments that would be used 5) Warned + given prepared answers 6) Warned + only partial answers + oppor- tunity to work out own answers. Success!

1. Pray for wisdom 2. Daily studies 3. Active in work and worship  Good example. Mt.6:33  Reverence and attention in assem- blies / classes

1. Pray for wisdom 2. Daily studies 3. Active in work and worship 4. Be a parent, not a ‘friend’  NOT neglect; spend time w. them  Primary job: train to serve God  Enforce rules; firm discipline Consistent 1 Sm.2-3 Consistent 1 Sm.2-3 Calm voice control Child’s choice

1. Pray for wisdom 2. Daily studies 3. Active in work and worship 4. Be a parent, not a ‘friend’  NOT neglect; spend time w. them  Primary job: train to serve God  Enforce rules; firm discipline Consistent 1 Sm.2-3 Consistent 1 Sm.2-3 United Pr.1:8 United Pr.1:8 Loving Hb.12:11 Loving Hb.12:11

1. Pray for wisdom 2. Daily studies 3. Active in work and worship 4. Be a parent, not a ‘friend’ 5. Avoid bad babysitters  Pro.4:23 TVPC Heart Junk Life Lk.2:8

1. Pray for wisdom 2. Daily studies 3. Active in work and worship 4. Be a parent, not a ‘friend’ 5. Avoid bad babysitters 6. Beware mixed signals.  Spiritual confusion is deadly, Mt.16

Letting child visit VBS with friend 1. You exercise no control over them. 2. Your child has parents / teachers / preacher who teach truth… Child’s friend? 3. If right to visit for edification, why not for worship on Sunday? 4. Your example will influence them more than your words. 5. Child may meet future spouse there.