The Classics History, Check it, Reflect it, Respect it......Chyea!
But Why the old books Matt? Answer) Simple dummy! The original text as old as they are still hold relevant knowledge and wisdom outside there face value. They are considered classic for they not only were widely read, but also capture what it is to be human. They are often more difficult to interpret, however if you work at them the benefits are great. You get to see it more through the authors eyes then the professors who analyze and assume. You can see it how you see it.
Ok you make some good points, but what are the classics dude? Classic in the western tradition. -Bible - ? -Homer -? -Aristophines -Ancient playwright "Father of Comedy" -Virgil- Roman Poet " Learned Poet" -Dante- Divine Comedy -Shakespeare- Alot of cool stuff -AND MORE WOW!
Sounds like alot of books, this is going to be long..... DON WORRY MAN, I'll only talk about 3 of these tomes of knowledge and power.... because knowledge is power therefore these books are powerful! THE PRIVILEGED TEXT I WILL COVER: Homer Bible Dante
"Whoever obey the gods, to him they particularly listen" -Homer's Iliad and odyssey could almost be compared to a bible of the time in the sense that everyone knew the stories. -It was the Illiad that taught the young boys of greece how to be men of glory and honor. How that by attaining glory and fame they gained immortality in the memories and minds of the world. -It is in the Odyssey we see the psychology of man, and learn to respect the Gods, or powers that be.
"Let there be Light" -Regardless of belief wisdom contained within -Stories filled with interesting characters with defects and strengths we clearly see in actually existence today -All stories serve a moral purpose, a lesson to take away from the tale. -There is drama, tragedy, and triumph, simply it is a interesting read.
"Through me is the way to the lost people. Abandon all hope ye who enter!" -Chilling tale of morality, ethics, and theology. -Gripping cantos and incredibly vivid detail of events. -Absolutely packed with deeper meaning and references to other works. Truly one of westerns civilizations most influential stories
Hey my text books aren't this much fun!? you might say. FACT!.... well actually that is an opinion, but in my opinion it's a true one.