Outbound Campaign Manager Partner Teknoloji
OCM Outbound Campaign Manager Multi-Channel robust, reliable and flexible Outbound Contact Solution developed by Partner Technology. Successfully completed AVAYA Compliance Test and awarded by AVAYA Certificate of Compliance.
Reaches the target customer segments effectively and dynamically over various channels such as voice, sms, mms, , fax and/or social media. Efficiently uses all resources and the existing infrastructure of call centers. Provides resizable and flexible architecture. In terms of customer’s needs, new systems can be easily integrated with OCM.
FEATURES Multi-Channel SupportMulti-ACD SupportCampaign ManagementOperationExpansion SupportPowerful ReportingTTS/MRCP Support
FEATURES Multi-ACD Support Genesys SIP Server 7.* and 8.* Avaya CM 5.* and 6.* Asterisk (1.*)
FEATURES Operation Centralized and dynamic configuration management Fail-safe structure Powerful logging Supports MySql, Oracle, MS SQL Server, and other DB servers.
FEATURES TTS/MRCP Support All MRCP V.2 compatible TTS engines can be integrated. TTS engines we tested are: Nuance Festival Loquendo
FEATURES Multi-Channel Support Voice (PSTN, GSM, VoIP, Skype) SMS MMS Fax IVVR/IVR Social Media Video (with Version 2.0) P.S. Skype will be supported by Version 2.0
FEATURES Customer Management Powerful Importer Module: Customer data can be imported from various data sources such as text files, Excel sheets, and specified databases. Whilist import, data will be crunched by the back-office services, so user will be notified upon complition of process. Search module Key Management: user can define keys for customer profile, which will be used in import process. Customer Search module
FEATURES Opt Out Management Provides powerful and flexible user interface to handle all customer-based Opt Out operations.
FEATURES Segment Management Used to create customer segments based on multiple criterias such as «City», «Age», «Education Level», «Marital Status», and etc. Used in creation of calling-lists. Each calling-list might be combination of one or more segment(s).
FEATURES Campaign Managener Web-based Campaign Management Dial Plan Customer DB Importer Opt Out (Black List) Module Real-Time Monitoring Dialing Modes Agent Group Manager
FEATURES Campaign Managener Web-based Campaign Management Dial Plan Customer DB Importer Opt Out (Black List) Module Real-Time Monitoring Dialing Modes Automatic Dialing Progressive Dialing Preview Dialing
FEATURES Automatic Dialing Callback DialPlan support Flexible transfer TTS support Customized personal message Resource Management Time-zone support Answering Machine Detection
FEATURES Automatic Dialing Callback DialPlan support On Failure On Abandon On Success On Answering Machine Detected Flexible transfer TTS support Customized personal message Resource Management Time-zone support Answering Machine Detection
FEATURES Automatic Dialing Callback DialPlan support Flexible transfer To IVR/IVVR To Routing Point To Agent Group/Queue To any extension/agent TTS support Customized personal message Resource Management Time-zone support Answering Machine Detection
FEATURES Automatic Dialing Callback DialPlan support Flexible transfer TTS support Customized personal message Voice (over TTS) Text based Resource Management Time-zone support Answering Machine Detection
FEATURES Progresive Dialing Plus to all features of Automatic Dialing, Management of campaign-based agent groups Monitoring agent and campaign activity Dynamic resource management Attached-data support Web service support for Screen Pop-Up applications.
FEATURES Predictive Dialing is in progress and will be announced by Version 2.0.
FEATURES Reporting Real-Time Monitoring Historical Reporting
Real-Time Reporting
Thank you for your time. Partner Teknoloji