1 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: DA Bin Movements DA0771 Bin Movements
2 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: Overview of Bin Movements Stock allocations and issue routines throughout the system have been enhanced to allow both the automatic and manual selection of stock by batch, and the automatic and manual selection of stock by bin For automatic stock selection, picking is now governed by a Selection Priority field in Bin Maintenance – where multiple batches exist within a bin, automatic selection will further sequence the issues in LIFO/FIFO order You can optionally view the Stock Status by bin location Overview of Bin Movements Stock allocations and issue routines throughout the system have been enhanced to allow both the automatic and manual selection of stock by batch, and the automatic and manual selection of stock by bin For automatic stock selection, picking is now governed by a Selection Priority field in Bin Maintenance – where multiple batches exist within a bin, automatic selection will further sequence the issues in LIFO/FIFO order You can optionally view the Stock Status by bin location Overview
3 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: Stock Bin Zones
4 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: Type in (up to 10 alphanumeric characters) or use F2-Browse to select a Zone Select CR-Confirm to continue Stock Bin Zones Bin Zones define the location of a bin within a warehouse – enabling you to store stock items by bin rather than by batch
5 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: Type in a Description for the Zone Select CR-Confirm to accept the description and enter another Zone Stock Bin Zones
6 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: Bin Locations
7 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: Type in or use F2-Browse to select a Warehouse Code Select CR-Accept Bin Locations Note: Bins are defined within the option Warehouses
8 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: To access Bin Maintenance, select F8-Bins Bin Locations
9 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: You can now enter the details of the bin and the Zone in which the Bin is located Select CR-Accept to accept the bin details The Selection Priority field is used for the allocation of stock The Selection Priority field is used for the allocation of stock Bin Locations Type in the Bin number and select CR-Accept
10 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: Issuing Stock
11 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: Stock items can only be selected for allocation if they are flagged on the stock record to have batch traceability Batch and Bin selection takes place when the actual items are issued Stock items can only be selected for allocation if they are flagged on the stock record to have batch traceability Batch and Bin selection takes place when the actual items are issued When issuing stock that has batch tracking, you are prompted to select the batch either manually or automatically When issuing stock that has batch tracking, you are prompted to select the batch either manually or automatically Select F8-Manual to allocate stock either by Batch or Bin Select F8-Manual to allocate stock either by Batch or Bin Selecting F4-Automatic allocates stock by Batches and Bins automatically Selecting F4-Automatic allocates stock by Batches and Bins automatically Note: Automatic selection of Batches is made on a bin by bin priority basis with batch selection being made using LIFO/FIFO rules If STEXPIRY is set to YES, each bin in priority sequence will have its stock allocated using the expiry date (defined on the stock record) Note: Automatic selection of Batches is made on a bin by bin priority basis with batch selection being made using LIFO/FIFO rules If STEXPIRY is set to YES, each bin in priority sequence will have its stock allocated using the expiry date (defined on the stock record) Issuing Stock This example uses the Inventory Control option Production Issues by Department but also applies to Sales Order Processing and Works Order Processing
12 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: If you select F8-Manual from the batch selection popup message, you are prompted to select from either Batches or Bins If you select F8-Manual from the batch selection popup message, you are prompted to select from either Batches or Bins Select F6-Batches to allocate stock by batch Alternatively, select F7-Bins to allocate stock by bin Issuing Stock For this example, select F7-Bins – allocation of stock by batch has not been altered
13 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: Stock items might be held in several bins – the Warehouse Stock Bin Browse window allows you to select the stock from specific bins Stock items might be held in several bins – the Warehouse Stock Bin Browse window allows you to select the stock from specific bins Selecting F4-Auto automatically selects the required quantity based on the bin priority value Selecting F4-Auto automatically selects the required quantity based on the bin priority value Selecting F5-Abandon will exit the window without allocating any stock Selecting F5-Abandon will exit the window without allocating any stock To deselect a bin so that stock is not allocated from that bin, select F8-Deselect Note: If the system key STBINZONE is set to YES, the display is sorted by Zone / Bin Priority / Bin Issuing Stock Alternatively, highlight the bin using the ARROW keys then select CR-Accept, once the required quantity is fulfilled, select ESC-Exit
14 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: Stock Bin Enquiry
15 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: The enquiry option Stock Status enables you to view the status of stock by bin location To view the form Bin Stock Enquiry, select F2-Browse when the stock details are displayed Then select F7-Bins Stock Bin Enquiry
16 of 16 DA Bin Movements Last updated: Note: If the system key STBINZONE is set to YES, the display is sorted by Zone / Bin Priority / Bin To return to the Stock Status enquiry window, select ESC-Exit Stock Bin Enquiry