ABA Motivation / Reinforcement & Punishment Alison Mummert 2012 PHCS
Goal: Recognize how the environment plays a role in behavior. Understand how antecedent and consequences function to alter frequency of behavior. (MO, SR+, Punishment) Understand how behavioral principles can be applied to make changes in student’s behavior.
Behaviorism: Study of observable/measurable behavior. Behavioral terms are observable / measurable NOT Behavioral terms: He shut down… He had a meltdown… He was upset…. He felt overwhelmed… I know he can do it! Observable/Measurable: When told to get the ball. He ran into the school and threw himself on the floor crying, kicking staff 4 times… He was tapping his pencil and rubbing his head. I observed him demonstrate the skill.
Behavior - Observable/Measurable movement of a person Analyze bx to determine it’s function. Escape/Attention/Automatic Reinforcement Analyze bx we want to increase or decrease… Behavior is o________ & m__________
ABC Analysis A- Antecedent – Anything in the environment before a particular behavior. C- Consequence – Anything in the environment after a particular behavior. A- _______________- anything in the environment b_________ the behavior. B- ______________ - observable/measurable C- ______________ - anything in the environment a_____ the behavior.
Operant Analysis The Operant Analysis AntecedentBehaviorConsequence Student finishes page Put up flagTold to score See a red light Push the breakCar stops See a Pepsi can Reach for a can of soda Open can
Review… Behavior is the o____________ and m______________ movement of a person. Antecedent condition includes anything in the environment b____________ a behavior. Consequence condition includes anything in the environment a__________ a behavior.
The Operant Analysis AntecedentBehaviorConsequence Motivative Operation Response (Dimensions: topography; temporal; magnitude; location) Reinforcement (Positive and Negative) (Socially mediated and automatic) Stimulus (Discriminative, Neutral, Delta) No Response Punishment (Socially mediated and automatic) Prompts (a procedural use of discriminative stimuli) Schedules of Reinforcement Continuous, variable, fixed, extinction
What is Motivation? What Motivates You to Teach? Teacher- Extrinsic Motivation: Paycheck, Schedule, Coworkers… Teacher- Intrinsic Motivation: The feeling of achievement when a student grasps a skill. The good feeling knowing you are doing a good job. What Motivates Students to work/enjoy learning? Students- Extrinsic Motivation: friends, teachers, favorite subject, 100%, recess, value of a good education. Students- Intrinsic Motivation: feeling successful when finishing goals, The sense of achievement when grasped a concept/finished goals. Is Intrinsic Motivation… really inside you??
Motivative Operations Motivation is an Antecedent that alters the value of a reinforcer. Motivation __________ the _________ of reinforcers.
Motivation ! Motivation lies in the Environment Affected by: Satiation/Deprivation Ex. Coffee and Environmental changes Ex. Bring out bag of chips Motivation affects the value of reinforcers! Motivation is in the ___________ and is affected by S___________/D_____________ and other E___________ changes
Analysis AntecedentBehaviorConsequence Motivative Operations Response: Given stickers every day. Satiation Decrease the value of stickers Less likely to engage in targeted behavior Stickers have not been used for awhile. (Deprivation) Increase the value of stickers More likely to engage in targeted behavior New sticker worn on the Teachers sweater. (Manipulate environment) Increase the value of stickers More likely to engage in targeted behavior
Reinforcement Reinforcement: Consequence that increases the probability of a particular behavior occurring again under similar circumstances. Reinforcement does what to behavior?______________
Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement- Something added Ex. Candy/token/praise Negative Reinforcement- Something removed Ex. Timeout(demand removed) Reinforcement increases a particular behavior. Anything that increases a particular behavior is R_____________ Something added after a particular bx that causes that bx to increase is P________ ____________. Something removed after a particular bx that causes that bx to increase is N___________ _____________.
The Operant Analysis AntecedentBehaviorConsequence Response: Reinforcement MO/ Prompt / SD Finishes 2 Paces before first break merit/ sticker / token / verbal praise MO / Prompt / SD Raise hand Praise/ token/candy (Increases the probability of bx occurring again ) Reinforcement: Increases the probability of bx occurring again! Reinforce behaviors that you want to see increase
Value of reinforcement The student will engage in behavior that is associated with a stronger motivative operation. Be sure to establish motivation! Effort (needed to respond) The student will engage in behavior that involves less effort. Make responding easy: use errorless procedures! Rate of Reinforcement The student will engage in behavior that most consistently obtains reinforcement. Reinforce on an appropriate variable ratio schedule! Magnitude of Reinforcement The student will engage in behavior that obtains the greatest degree (quality and/or quantity) of reinforcement. Provide more reinforcement for better responding! Immediacy of Reinforcement The student will engage behavior that produces reinforcement quickly. Reinforce best responding immediately!
Variable Rate of Reinforcement -Each student is different (rate of reinforcement needed.) - Variable Rate is proven to keep behavior the strongest… Because its unpredictable. This may be the time I get reinforced… so I’m going to do a good job! This is why people play the lottery! If they can predict reinforcement and they know it’s not going to come… they are not going to give a strong response.
Punishment Something added or taken away after a particular behavior, that decreases the probability of that behavior occurring again under similar circumstances in the future. Consequence that decreases a particular behavior is-_______________
The Operant Analysis : Function AntecedentBehavior Sitting a desk coloring a pictureEscape demand Sitting in church asks to go to the bathroom Escape demand Teacher working with other student/ ind. making noise Attention Told to sweep floor refuses or I want to first…please, please… Escape Demand Circle Time / made to sit loud noises… hit student Escape… (Sent to time out!!!) Toddler sitting in church cry…. Mand/Escape (Given candy!!)
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