Asking Questions Reading Strategy
Four Kinds of Questions #1. Clarifying #2. Predicting #3. Inferring #4. Pondering
Clarifying means to understand better. *What does this word or sentence mean? Example: The butterfly emerged from its chrysalis.
Predicting means to guess what is coming. *Will ____happen next? On Tuesday the very hungry caterpillar ate through two pears, but he was…..
*Did the author mean___? Inferring Inferring means that the answer will not be written in the book, but you will be able to figure the answer out in your head. *Did the author mean___?
Pondering Pondering means to think carefully. *I wonder if butterflies are insects? Yes! Butterflies are insects because I know that butterflies have three body parts and two pairs of wings.
Thick and Thin Questions Thin questions make you think as much, and have quick answers. Those answers are short and closed ended. How far? When? Thick questions make you think, and do not have quick answers. They are complex and open ended. Why? What if?
Where can I find the answers to my questions? Questions and Answers Where can I find the answers to my questions? #1. In the book: right there The answer can be found in the book (characters names, setting, etc.) #2. In my head: the author and me The answer can be found using your own thoughts and knowledge as well as information in the text. #3. In my head: on my own The answer can be found using your own thoughts. #4. In the book: think and search The answer is in the book, but you must think carefully about the whole story. QAR's
Get Started With These: are? could? Which What How Where Why Who was? will? did? might? is? were? do? am? may? would?