International Operation Agent - IOA Mentoring for Professional Development Applied from the presentation by Eva Hänninen-Salmelin Master of Public Administration Anneli Mäkinen, Master of Sc. (Business Adm.) Evanet First published and presented on © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd
What is Mentoring? Mentoring is a process where a senior professional makes her/himself available and supports a junior professional through goal-oriented discussions during an agreed timeframe. The Mentor helps the Mentee to achieve the aimed results by encouragement, guidance, role modelling, feedback and support. © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd
1. Organisation or project decides to use mentoring for development 2. The structure of programme is defined by needs and goals set for the process 3. Communication to the target groups and recruitement of the participants 4. Matching mentoring pairs or groups 5. Orienting mentees and mentors: tasks and responsibilities 6. Ethical principles: mutual openness and confidence 7. Scheduled self-study of IOA programme contents; Preparing questions for mentor sessions 8. Mentoring meetings: scheduled, organised 9. Evaluation (mentees, mentors and co-ordinator) © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd Model for planning and implementing IOA Mentoring Programme in stages
3&4. Selection of mentors and mentees, matching pairs or groups 5. Orienting mentees and mentors for their roles and duties Group of mentees Mentor 9. Programme evaluation: experiences results and suggestions for further development 8. Mentor ing meetings and Moodle intranet: discussion, learning materials, learning tasks etc. Co-ordinator: ongoing support from mentoring co-ordinator 1&2. Decision to use mentoring, identifying needs for programme planning based on the goals of the IOA project 7. Scheduled s elf-study of IOA programme contents; Preparing questions for mentor sessions A+ M Stages of IOA-mentoring programme Report of results of the mentoring programme © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd 6. Ethical principles: mutual openness and confidence
Start by identifying mentors and mentees for IOA- programme Identified intercultural competence areas and needed competence Mentors Experts, willing to share Experts Persons with interest and experiences of International operations Groups of Mentees Intrested in VET internation al tasks Mentor 1 Mentor 3 Mentor 2 © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd
Mentor selection Types of mentors analyzed, identified & recruited according to mentees´ needs and goals Mentee selection motivation & interest professional background description of task design future expectations other Continue by matching the pairs Mentee Specifies in writing his/her needs and objectives for the programme Matching pairs Checking & testing the compatibility of mentee and mentor Co-ordinator Mentor/Tutor 1. 2a b. Mentoring process orienting mentees & mentors agenda terms of cooperation meetings evaluation 5. © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd
Intercultural competence Project competence International trends in work life and VET Building international networks and relations Coaching and guiding students for international activities International strategy of a VET-organisation Mentoring © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd Select the order of contents (based on Intercultural Competence areas of an ”International Operation Agent”)
Begin the IOA Mentoring Process Preparing for sessions, discussion and observations The first theme is chosen from the list The second theme, act as above Session with agenda 2-3 h Mentor takes notes on her/his observations Mentee takes notes of her/his observations Mentee prepares 1-3 questions concerning the theme and sends them to the mentor Mentor collects the questions, and writes the agenda for the meeting Observations are collected for evaluation Observations are collected for evaluation Mentor writes the questions/ agenda in the Moodle © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd
Preparing for Mentoring Session Mentees: Think of the theme which you are studying (the theme of next mentor session). What do you know about it already, what are your experiences like, what do you need to know more? What are your strengths, hesitations, needed information, doubts etc. concerning the theme? Define maximum of three questions concerning the theme and them to your Mentor in advance within the agreed timetable. Mentor You will receive 1–3 questions from each Mentee on the theme. Plan a meeting agenda accordingly. Ponder in advance based on your own experience the issues raised in the questions. If the issue is new to you, allow free discussion on the topic with the aim of reaching a joint result during the session. © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd Preparing for a mentoring session
The first session Introduction Agreement on the schedule: times & dates - should be realistic for all members of the mentoring group Checking that all themes covered in face-to-face mentor sessions or by chat/discussion in the moodle Discussing the ethical principles of the mentor sessions: Respect the privacy of everyone Every member of the group has the right to express his/her views and idead Active listening and discussion on the issues raised by others All mutual discussions are confidental © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd The first session
Mentor’s area of dominance Mentee’s area of dominance Mutual area, balanced relation: reciprocal working styles Recommended area to work Mentee too dominant, learn to listen Mentor here, too dominant, learn to listen Source: Heikkilä-Laakso & Heikkilä, Turku 1997, modified by Evanet © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd Mentor – Mentee relationship in the process
1. JanuaryInternational strategy of VET-organisation 2. February Intercultural competence 3. March Project competence 4. April International trends in work life and VET & Building international networks and relations (combined) 5. May Coaching and guiding students for international activities 6. End of May/ Evaluation of the progamme (mentees, mentors and June coordinator) © Evanet - Anneli Mäkinen ja Eva Hänninen-Salmelin © Educode Ltd EXAMPLE for a meeting schedule and themes