Marguerite Tamer Christyn Denial Catherine Defayette Big Blue Bear Colorado Convention Center
Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions 1-5% Individual students Assessment-based High intensity 1-5%Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions Individual students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Tier 2/Secondary Interventions 5-15% Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Small group interventions Some individualizing 5-15%Tier 2/Secondary Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Small group interventions Some individualizing Tier 1/Universal Interventions 80-90% All students Preventive, proactive 80-90%Tier 1/Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive Academic Systems Behavioral Systems Illinois PBIS Network, Revised Sept., Adapted from “What is school-wide PBS?” OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed at
Best Practices for Interventions: Dr. Horner Quality – Using what works Equity – Works for all Efficiency – Save time and money When presenting data always turn it into a story. A strong universal system will always lesson the percentage of the upper two tiers.
Best Practices for Interventions: Dr. Horner Whenever trying an intervention ask yourself these questions: What are the valued outcomes? What are the specific procedures? What is the science? What are the systems for achieving implementation and sustainability?
Verbal specific praise improves behavior 80% of the time but is used only 1.5% Use a visual to remind you to praise a child specifically. Every time you see it praise a child. (Presentation J1) Behavioral Instructional Stategies: High Opportunities to Respond OTRs (Presentation D12)
Teacher intervention exchange Universal Videos as a teaching tool
Bully Prevention Scott Ross
Making PBIS Cheap and Fun – Laura Riffle
Evidenced Based Tier II Interventions Classroom Management Check-in and Check-out (CICO) Social Skills Groups Newcomer’s Club Organizational Skills Academic Support Homework Support Simple FBA’s Mentoring Meaningful Work
Research indicates: If antisocial behavior is not changed by the end of grade 3, it should be treated as a chronic condition much like diabetes. It can be managed but not cured. Bait and Trap the Skill
Self-Monitoring Reality TV – Video Modeling Positive Parenting RENEW – secondary level RENEW: The “Tier 3” Component of the APEX Approach Rehabilitation, Empowerment, Natural supports, Education and Work (RENEW), an intensive individualized school-to-career service for the most at risk students APEX II grant provides facilitator and training for mentors Goal is to develop individualized, student-directed school-to-career plan for high risk students Research Based (power point B-3) Modules for training paraprofessionals and faculty (Garfield interactive social skill learning) Positive Parenting
Catherine Defayette – School Psychologist at Morrisonville Elementary School , Christyn Denial – School Psychologist at Saranac Elementary School , Marguerite Tamer – Principal at Saranac Elementary School ,