Are You Right or Left Brain dominant?
PERSONALITY is a group of traits that make you an individual. Nature (Heredity) vs. Nurture (Environment) Brain Hemisphere Theory – The left and right hemispheres of the human brain process information differently.
Right/Left Brain Test Take the Right/Left Brain Test on my website: 1) Click on Right/Left Brain Test p1 and then add up the number of characteristics that “sound like you” TOTAL up that # 2) Click on Right/Left Brain Test p2 and then add up the number of characteristics that “sound like you” TOTAL up that # 3) Record in your journal which page has the highest total.
How does each hemisphere Process information? Most people have a dominant brain hemisphere that affects Personality Learning Styles Abilities Thoughts Likes and Dislikes
RESEARCH ABOUT BRAIN DOMINANCE BEGAN IN 1960 Schools and society favor the left side of the brain. More girls are left brain dominant and more boys are right brain dominant. Learning requires both hemispheres – Learning a second language, using imagery, concept mapping
MOST OF US ARE DOMINANT IN ONE HEMISPHERE, BUT OPERATE IN BOTH. We can use techniques to develop both sides of the brain. Some people use both sides equally.
How do you assemble a product? If you read and follow instructions step by step, you are using your left brain. If you use a diagram or picture, you are using your right brain.
How do you ponder? If you generally turn your head and eyes to the left when asked a pondering question, you may have a right brain tendency. If you generally turn your head and eyes to the right when asked a pondering question, you may have a left brain tendency.
LEFT BRAIN DOMINANT Prefer to use… Words Letters Numbers
You process your thoughts… Sequential Linear Process parts of something into a whole Attention to detail – Make Lists
LEFT BRAIN affects… Speech Analysis Time Sequence
Your Logical /Analytical thoughts… Remember facts Black & White
RIGHT BRAIN affects… Creativity Patterns Spatial Context
Right brain Respond to Faces Places Objects
Right brain processes thoughts… Holistically See “big” picture Random Easily switch from one task to another
Intuition and the right brain We use intuition and have leaps of insight when things fall into place without figuring out in logical order. (wake up in the night to remember a lost item) Sometimes the left brain needs a distraction to help the right brain plan instinctively. Problem solving by working out, drawing, listening to music – mind can wander – answer will come in a flash
Right brain thoughts… Intuitive – You think about and know your answers – Ability to work backwards to get to the meaning of something – See shades of gray
Brain Hemisphere and Careers LEFT BRAIN: lawyers, writers, bookkeepers, doctors, tax experts (logic and language) RIGHT BRAIN – poets, politicians, musicians, architects, entrepreneurs, dances and CEO, People in any occupation use both sides of the brain.
Did you find all 6 “f”s? Only 15% of those who take this test do. If you counted less than six – most count three – you probably missed the “f” in each “of”.
Since “of” is pronounced “ov”, the verbal (Left hemisphere) took the verbal clue and overrode the (Right) “seeing” hemisphere, thus forcing the wrong conclusion.
Find out your results: If you had a higher # on page 1 you are more right brained If you had a higher # on page 2 you are more left brained