Pg 589 In Church Bibles Chapter 12, Verse 9-12
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls
1) Confirms Value of Ecclesiastes
The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. Ecclesiastes 1:1
1) Confirms Value of Ecclesiastes 2) Biblical Pattern for Preaching d) Pray for Preachers b) Protect from False Preaching c) Encourage Right Listening a) Inspire & Instructing Preachers
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls - Called to Ponder
I always find that I can preach best when I can manage to lie a-soak in my text. Charles Spurgeon Spurgeon Pastor in London London(1834–1892)
I like to get a text, and find out its meaning and bearings, and so on; and then, after I have bathed in it, I delight to lie down in it, and let it soak into me. Charles Spurgeon Spurgeon Pastor in London London(1834–1892)
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls - Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - Called to Ponder - Called to Seek Out - Called to Set in Order
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15
Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved, a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth. Amp-2 Timothy 2:15
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls - Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - Called to Ponder - Called to Seek Out - Called to Set in Order Goal: Knowledge - Know Word PonderPonder Seek Out Set in Order
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - words given by God - Shepherd
“Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. Matthew 10:27
“Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!” says the Lord. Jeremiah 23:1 pastors
Therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel against the shepherds who feed My people: “You have scattered My flock, driven them away, and not attended to them. Jeremiah 23:2
Behold, I will attend to you for the evil of your doings,” says the Lord. Jeremiah 23:2
For who has stood in the counsel of the Lord, And has perceived and heard His word? Who has marked His word and heard it? For who has stood in the counsel of the Lord, And has perceived and heard His word? Who has marked His word and heard it? Jeremiah 23:18
I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. Jeremiah 23:21-22 But if they had stood in My counsel, And had caused My people to hear My words, But if they had stood in My counsel, And had caused My people to hear My words,
But if they had stood in My counsel, And had caused My people to hear My words, But if they had stood in My counsel, And had caused My people to hear My words, Then they would have turned them from their evil way And from the evil of their doings. Then they would have turned them from their evil way And from the evil of their doings. Jeremiah 23:21-22
Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They make you worthless; They speak a vision of their own heart, Not from the mouth of the Lord. Jeremiah 23:16
“Therefore behold, I am against the prophets,” says the Lord, “who steal My words every one from his neighbor. Jeremiah 23:30
Behold, I am against those who prophesy false dreams,” says the Lord, “and tell them, and cause My people to err by their lies and by their recklessness. Jeremiah 23:32
Yet I did not send them or command them; therefore they shall not profit this people at all,” says the Lord. Jeremiah 23:32
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - words given by God - Shepherd
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - find acceptable words - find what was written -upright - words given by God - Shepherd
they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11
...God...has...manifested His word through preaching Titus 1:1-3
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - find acceptable words - find what was written -upright - find words of truth - words given by God - Shepherd
How then can you comfort me with empty words, Since falsehood remains in your answers?” Job 21:34
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - find acceptable words - find what was written -upright - find words of truth - words given by God - Shepherd
but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ Ephesians 4:15
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - find acceptable words - find what was written -upright - find words of truth - find effective words - like goads - words given by God - Shepherd
And he said, “Who are You, Lord?” Then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads.” Acts 9:5
Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Acts 2:37
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - find acceptable words - find what was written -upright - find words of truth - find effective words - like goads - find effective words - like nails - words given by God - Shepherd Goal: Wisdom - What do we do
For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake. 2 Corinthians 4:5
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - find acceptable words - find what was written -upright - find words of truth - find effective words - like goads - find effective words - like nails - words given by God - Shepherd Goal: Wisdom - What do we do
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - words given by God - Shepherd Goal: Wisdom - What do we do - be admonished by -apply to self
For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel. Ezra 7:10
Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do. Matthew 23:3
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - words given by God - Shepherd Goal: Wisdom - What do we do - be admonished by -apply to self - there is no end - relentless
The pulpit calls those anointed to it as the sea calls its sailors, and like the sea it batters and bruises and does not rest. Alistair Begg Pastor Pastor ( ) ( )
To preach, to really preach, is to die naked a little at a time, and to know each time you do it that you must do it again. Alistair Begg Pastor Pastor ( ) ( )
British Weekly "Dear Sir: I notice that ministers seem to set a great deal of importance on their sermons and spend a great deal of time in preparing them. I have been attending services quite regularly for the past thirty years and during that time, if I estimate correctly, I have listened to no less than 3,000 sermons, but, to my consternation, I discover I cannot remember a single one of them. I wonder if a minister's time might be more profitably spent on something else? Sincerely...."
British Weekly "My dear Sir: I have been married for thirty years. During that time I have eaten 32,850 meals -- mostly of my wife's cooking. Suddenly I have discovered that I cannot remember the menu of a single meal. And yet, I received nourishment from every one of them. I have the distinct impression that without them, I would have starved to death long ago. Sincerely...."
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - words given by God - Shepherd Goal: Wisdom - What do we do - be admonished by -apply to self - there is no end - relentless - wearisone to flesh - exhausting
The Preacher’s Study The Preacher’s Message The Preacher’s Pitfalls Goal: Knowledge - Know Word - words given by God - Shepherd Goal: Wisdom - What do we do
1) Confirms Value of Ecclesiastes 2) Biblical Pattern for Preaching d) Pray for Preachers b) Protect from False Preaching c) Encourage Right Listening a) Inspire & Instructing Preachers
pray for me, that utterance may be given to me, that I may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel...that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. Ephesians 6:19-20
1) Confirms Value of Ecclesiastes 2) Biblical Pattern for Preaching d) Pray for Preachers b) Protect from False Preaching c) Encourage Right Listening a) Inspire & Instructing Preachers
1) Confirms Value of Ecclesiastes 2) Biblical Pattern for Preaching d) Pray for Preachers b) Protect from False Preaching c) Encourage Right Listening a) Inspire & Instructing Preachers
Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 2 Timothy 4:2
1) Confirms Value of Ecclesiastes 2) Biblical Pattern for Preaching d) Pray for Preachers b) Protect from False Preaching c) Encourage Right Listening a) Inspire & Instructing Preachers
1) Confirms Value of Ecclesiastes 2) Biblical Pattern for Preaching d) Pray for Preachers b) Protect from False Preaching c) Encourage Right Listening a) Inspire & Instructing Preachers
Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They make you worthless; They speak a vision of their own heart, Not from the mouth of the Lord. Thus says the Lord of hosts: “Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you. They make you worthless; They speak a vision of their own heart, Not from the mouth of the Lord. Jeremiah 23:16
1) Confirms Value of Ecclesiastes 2) Biblical Pattern for Preaching d) Pray for Preachers b) Protect from False Preaching c) Encourage Right Listening a) Inspire & Instructing Preachers
1) Confirms Value of Ecclesiastes 2) Biblical Pattern for Preaching d) Pray for Preachers b) Protect from False Preaching c) Encourage Right Listening a) Inspire & Instructing Preachers
but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ Ephesians 4:15
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, Ephesians 4:11
for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, Ephesians 4:12
till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; Ephesians 4:13
that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, Ephesians 4:14
but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ Ephesians 4:15
For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 1 Corinthians 1:21