Volcanism in the Solar System Part 1: Inner Solar System Justin Filiberto Lunar and Planetary Institute Modified for Rockin’ 2010 by Carla Burns
Plan of Talk 1.Earth - review 2.Inner Solar System Mercury Venus Moon Mars 3.Outer Solar System Io Enceladus Titan Triton 4.Summarize Volcanoes in the Solar System
Earth’s Shield Volcanoes
Earth’s Composite/Stratovolcanos
Earth’s Volcanoes Cinder Cone Caldera Complex Lava Flows Tuff Ring And many more…
Mercury Volcanoes Seen by Messenger Spacecraft more to come…
Venus Surface Landers: Venera & VEGA
Sapas Mons 400 km across, 1.5 km tall Slope ~ 0.5° Very long flows What type of Volcano?
Maat Mons JPL Press Image 20x Vertical Exaggeration Unexaggerated … What type of Volcano?
Pancake Domes Single Flows, Steep sides Height 1/2 - 1 km. What kind of volcano? What kind of lava?
Pancake Domes Rhyolite? Or merely cold, crystal-rich basalt? What kind of volcano? What kind of lava?
? Low cones in flat lava plains A few km diam. (5 km for inset) What type of lava? What kind of volcano?
Moon 1/3 diam of Earth 1/6 gravity Dark, low, mare plains.
Mare Plains
Domes Gruithuisen domes 20 km across, 1.2 km tall. Avg ~7° slope; steepest ~20°. Are these volcanic? If so, what are they most like on Earth?
Mars Mars Earth From Sun (AU) Mean radius (km) Mass (10 24 kg) Surface T (K) Gravity (m s -2 )
Olympus Mons 640 x 840 km across 21 km tall Avg slope 5° What kind of volcano? What kind of lava?
Lava Flows on O.M. 1
Tharsis Tholus 150 km across 8 km tall What kind of volcano? What kind of lava?
Small Hill Steep Slope, ~30° Surrounded by thin lava flows What is it? On Syrtis Major, a Shield Volcano
Broken Cinder Cone? On Syrtis Major, a Shield Volcano
Outer Solar System Only “rocky” volcanic body: Io Other types of eruptions –Icy volcanoes –Geysers –?
Io Moon of Jupiter Mean radius (km) 1821 (0.286XEarth) Mass (10 22 kg) 8.93 (0.015XEarth) Surface T (K) 130 Gravity (m s -2 ) 1.8 (0.2XEarth) Most volcanically active body in the solar system.
Evidence for Volcanism Surface Changes Gas Plumes
Loki Patera… Active Lava Lake?
Ra Patera Diameter-450 km Height <1km Area of Lava- 250,000km 2 What type of volcano? Lava type?
Ra Patera
Pele Pele eruption lava >1350°C –Hawaiian lavas ~1000°C Lava type? Volcano?
Enceladus Moon of Saturn Mean radius (km) 251 (0.04XEarth) Mass (10 20 kg) 1.1 (1.8x10 -5 XEarth) Surface T (K) 75 Gravity (m s -2 ) 0.1 (0.01XEarth) Icy Surface “Tiger Stripe” Ridges
Enceladus Erupts
Titan Moon of Saturn Mean radius (km) 2576 (0.4XEarth) Mass (10 23 kg) 1.35 (0.023XEarth) Surface T (K) 94 Gravity (m s -2 ) 1.4 Largest moon of Saturn Only object with stable liquid on the surface (other than the Earth)
Icy Volcano?
Triton Moon of Neptune Mean radius (km) 1353 (0.2XEarth) Mass (10 22 kg) 2.1 (0.0036XEarth) Surface T (K) 38 Gravity (m s -2 ) 0.78 Surface is frozen nitrogen and water
Triton Cryovolcanism? Bluish streaks – geysers of nitrogen?
Outer Planet Summary Possible old volcanoes on Ganymede, and Europa similar to Enceladus? Possible old volcanoes on Dione and Tethys? Possible volcanoes on Pluto? More data coming from New Horizons may answer some of these questions…
Some questions to ponder What types of volcanoes are common to the Earth only? Why? What types of volcanoes are common in the inner solar system but not the outer? Why? What does this suggest about the cooling histories of the inner planets? Outer planets?
Some questions to ponder From the volcanoes we have seen which ones would we expect on which planets? What do they suggest about other planets? Since most of us do not live near a volcano, how can students connect volcanoes on the Earth and other planets?