DBA 101 Bootcamp New DBA Series Backup 101 April 12, 20111Paper #352
Definitions Archivelogmode Noarchivelogmode Shutdown normal Shutdown immediate Shutdown transactional Shutdown abort April 12, 20112Paper #352
Definitions cont’d Consistent Inconsistent Control Files Data Files Redo Logs Archive Logs April 12, 20113Paper #352
Definitions cont’d Physical Backup Logical Backup RMAN client Target database Recovery catalog database Recovery catalog schema April 12, 20114Paper #352
Definitions cont’d User Managed Backups Hot Backup Cold Backup Flash/Fast recovery area April 12, 20115Paper #352
User Managed Backups (Physical) YOU manage the: –Who –What –Where –When –Why –How April 12, 20116Paper #352
User Managed Backups cont’d Cold (consistent noarchivelogmode) backup –(g)v$datafile –(g)v$controlfile –Shutdown (any mode EXCEPT ABORT) –Copy datafiles and 1 copy of controlfile to “other” location. April 12, 20117Paper #352
User Managed Backups cont’d Cold (consistent archivelogmode) backup –Same as consistent noarchivelogmode AND –(g)v$archived_log –That’s it for COLD backups, any questions before we move on? April 12, 20118Paper #352
User Managed Backups cont’d Hot (inconsistent) backup –Implies archivelogmode –Same as cold consistent archivelogmode –Put tablespaces in backup mode –Copy datafile –Take tablespaces out of backup mode –Switch logfile –Backup controlfile to trace April 12, 20119Paper #352
User Managed Backups cont’d Questions to ponder: –We never backed up redo logs, why? –Why was methodology different for control file backup? –Why did we only backup 1 copy of the control file? April 12, Paper #352
User Managed Backups Logical Export (old exp command, shouldn’t be used anymore) Data Pump –Whole presentation in itself. –Look at today at 11:45 for a datapump presentation. April 12, Paper #352
Recovery Manager (RMAN) Backups What is RMAN? How do you access it? –Command line –OEM What is a repository and do I need one? April 12, Paper #352
Recovery Manager (RMAN) Backups cont’d Connecting –connect catalog –connect target / or April 12, Paper #352
Recovery Manager (RMAN) Backups cont’d Types of backups –Full –Incremental –Archivelog –Control File –Tablespace –Data File April 12, Paper #352
Recovery Manager (RMAN) Backups cont’d Full –Backup database [plus archivelog]; Incremental –Backup incremental level 0 database; –Backup incremental level 1 database; April 12, Paper #352
Recovery Manager (RMAN) Backups cont’d Archivelog –Backup archivelog all [delete input]; Controlfile –Backup current controlfile; April 12, Paper #352
Recovery Manager (RMAN) Backups cont’d Tablespace –Backup tablespace tsname; Datafile –Backup datafile number; –Backup datafile “full path”; April 12, Paper #352
Recovery Manager (RMAN) Backups cont’d Reporting –List backup –Delete backup April 12, Paper #352
Recovery Manager (RMAN) Backups cont’d Questions to ponder: –Why do a controlfile backup AFTER the database backup? –Why can’t I do a backup of my noarchivelog mode database while its running? –Repository or no repository? April 12, Paper #352
Pros/Cons User Managed: –Pros: You control all of it, control freaks, is this you? It’s easy to just copy a file from a backup place to its original place –Cons: You control all of it. You have to maintain repository of when things were backed up last, etc. April 12, Paper #352
Pros/Cons cont’d RMAN managed: –Pros: Oracle manages it all, you barely have to think about it What has been backed up is kept for you automatically. April 12, Paper #352
Pros/Cons cont’d RMAN managed: –Cons: You control freaks might not like Oracle “taking over it all” Not just being able to cp a file from a backup location to the original location, you have to get RMAN involved. April 12, Paper #352
Take home thought Backups are important but are useless if they can't be recovered, so test your recovery plan. April 12, Paper #352
Demo Do you have a playground? If not, why not? You need one We’ll look at –User managed backup, both hot and cold –Recovery Manager(RMAN) backups full, incremental, tablespace, datafile, archivelog and control file. April 12, Paper #352
Contact Info Joe Testa –Cell: – –Facebook: joseph.s.testa –Twitter: n8xct April 12, Paper #352