Grad / Drop / Cohort Questions to Ponder
True or False? A grade 9 entry date should not be reported for PASA students. False – As of the SY, PASA students are to be reported with a 9 th grade entry date.
True or False? A student, who stopped attending school, and his/her whereabouts are unknown, should be deleted from the Student template. False – A student who enrolls in a school, regardless of whether or not the student attends the school, is to be reported as a dropout if his/her whereabouts are unknown.
True or False? A student who drops out before entering 9 th grade is not included in the four-year graduation rate. True – A student must be enrolled as a first time 9 th grader to be included in the four-year graduation rate.
True or False? A student who earns a GED is considered a graduate. False – A GED does not meet the State’s academic content standards of a regular high school diploma. Students who receive a GED must be included in the denominator of the four- year and extended-year graduation rate.
True or False? Written documentation is required to confirm a student has transferred. True – An LEA must have official written confirmation that a student transferred out, emigrated to another country, or is deceased, before removing the student from the four-year cohort. A conversation with a parent or neighbor of a student is not considered official written documentation of a transfer.