Lecture diary instructions BH60A1101 Environmental Technology Project Work: Sustainable Innovation 5 ECTS cr
Lecture diary The aim: Student −Reflects his personal learning −Gives feedback of the course content and execution −Monitors the workload −Personal −Obligatory
Reflections −Reflection of the −Pre-assigment −Lectures −Brainstorm sessions −Project work −General ~~in case a student misses many crucial components of the course (such as lectures) he has to study the subject independently for reflection −The student writes in his own words about the crucial points brought up and ideas risen −Not just commentary, but reflections! −Critical thinking and suggestions welcomed! −What did I learn? What was left unclear? −Why this aspect was brought up? What does it mean to me? −What did I ponder? −How could I have learned more?
Feedback and monitoring of workload −Summary of feedback as a separate chapter −Parts of feedback also integrated to the other chapters −Monitoring of time used −The aim is to both demonstrate the general and individual workload −Only sums of time and reflection of the timeuse to the main chapter e.g. 20 hours group work, 90 h individual work −Excel document to be use is in Noppa, add as an annex.
Format −Lenght: around 7-10 pages ? (however can vary a lot, content more important than lenght!!) −Executed with the standard format of the laboratory (applicable parts) s/instructions/Documents/raportointiohjeet_engl_www.pdf −Front page and table of contents −Chapters (including at least reflections, feedback and time monitoring) −Conclusions and list of reference −The style of writing can be more free, strict scientific style not necessary −But if you quote or refer to other people´s text references are needed!
Timetable and evaluation −Lecture diary will be returned after the seminar presentation of the project work has been given in 4th period −Specific date and instructions will be announced later Evaluation −Max points 20 (10 needed to pass) −4 points: documentation what has been done, but no comments nor reflection. −5-9 points: structured presentation of the themes with some reflection. −10-14 points: structured presentations of the themes with reflections and ideas −15-20 points: well structured presentation of the themes with reflection, suggestions and conclusions.
Questions? room 6530