Ms. Ballard 3/4 th Grade WELCOME!
Student Teacher Mr. Pogue Graduated Cal State Long Beach Attending National University
Daily Schedule 8:15 – 8:35Bellwork/Cursive 8:35 – 10:10 Mathematics 10:10 – 10:30Recess 10:30 – 12:15Language Arts 12:15 – 1:00Lunch 1:00 – 2:00 Science/Social Studies 2:00 – 2:20 P.E. 2:20 – 2:33/2:45 A.R. 2:33/2:45 Dismissal
Extras Schedule Music: TBA Library: W 10:35-11:05 Computers: TBA Book Buddies: TBA Fitness Friday: F 2:15-2:33/2:45
Sequoia Elementary School Rules: Rule #1 Behave Safely Rule #2 Be Respectful Rule #3 Follow Directions
Homework Rules Planners - Write homework in planner each day. –Parents sign planner each evening after reviewing homework. Homework Check-in - Each morning during Bellwork/cursive, homework and signed planner should be out on desk. - Homework will be corrected in class and collected.
Behavior resulting in detention Talking Off-task Without materials Class disruption gum, etc.
Consequences 1. 1 st warning-verbal reminder, check mark 2. 2 nd warning- check mark 3. 3 rd warning- check mark, detention 4. 4 th warning- student writes note to parent explaining behavior/possible referral *3 checks in one day = detention
Detention Recess detention (homework/behavior) After school detention on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays (note sent home) Fitness Friday detention
Behavior resulting in referral Disruptive Behavior Defiance/Disrespect Fighting Inappropriate Language Misuse of Property Weapons Vandalism Serious Threats Repetitive bullying, etc.
Our Class Goals Learn and Practice Traits of Scholarliness To Succeed in Academic Subjects
We Are Scholars! We Practice We Ponder We Practice Humility We are Curious We are Professional We Use Resources We Save Ideas We See Things With Multiple Perspectives We Create Goals We Shoot for the Stars!
GATE Education Differentiated instruction in academic subjects GATE enrichment field trip Challenge (Depth and Complexity)
Curriculum Adopted California State Standards Essential Standards (focused on report cards)
3 rd Grade Curriculum Math Number Sense (Place Value, Rounding, Addition, Subtraction) Money and Time Multiplication/Division Data, Graphing, and Probability Geometry (Polygons, Triangles, Quadrilaterals) Measurement Fractions and Decimals
3 rd Grade Curriculum Language Arts Reading Writer’s Workshop Language Centers Vocabulary Development Differentiated Spelling Grammar
3 rd Grade Curriculum Social Studies Geography Native Americans Communities Citizenship Important Americans Economics
3 rd Grade Curriculum Science Plant Growth Changes Ideas and Inventions
4 th Grade Curriculum Math -Addition/Subtraction -Rounding -Place Value -Multiplication/Division -Fractions/Decimals -Time/Graphing/Data/Algebra -Problem Solving
Language Arts 4 th grade Reading Writer’s Workshop Language Centers Vocabulary Development Differentiated Spelling Root Words/Word Origins Grammar
Balanced Literacy Program Higher level questioning Independent reading Guided reading Journal writing Writer’s Workshop Writing Alive Skills (grammar, vocabulary, spelling) Language Centers (specific skills, dictionary work) Mountain Language Language Bellwork
Social Studies 4 th Grade California Geography Regions of California Native Americans Explorers Missions Gold Rush
Science 4 th Grade Ecosystems and Food Chains Rocks, Minerals, & Erosion Electric Circuits & Magnetism
Making the Grade Handout addresses for Ms. Ballard/ Mr. Morrow Curriculum for each quarter
Class Grading (papers/tests/reports) A= % 5=A+ B= 80-89% 4=A/B C=70-79% 3=C D=60-69% 2=D F=0-59% 1=F
Report Cards (sample) Standards-based Essential Standards Measures Academic Achievement
Report Cards Students will receive a performance indicator of: 5: Consistently exceeds grade level 4: Meets grade level 3: Progressing towards grade level 2: Minimal progress towards grade level 1: Significantly below grade level standards
Report Schedule Sports Hero Biography (3rd/4th) due: 10/22 Tales of a 4 th Grade Nothing (4 th ) due: 1/28 Newbery Book Jacket (3 rd /4 th ) due: 3/11 California Report (4 th ) Animal Report (3 rd ) due: 5/8
Book Buddies Our class will meet with Ms. Schneer’s 2 nd grade class on Fridays for Book Buddies. Students spend time with their buddies practicing reading and tutoring skills!
Our School and Classroom We are a team! -students -teachers -staff -parents & families We will all work together towards student success!
Parents… Please leave a note for your child. Sign up for a conference time. Please sign the volunteer sheet if you can help out in the classroom! Have a great evening!