Dineutron formation and breaking in 8 He th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 1 Department of Physics, Kyoto University Fumiharu Kobayashi Yoshiko Kanada-En’yo arXiv: [nucl-th]
Introduction th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 2
Dineutron correlation th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 3 A dineutron : A compact spin-singlet pair of two neutrons. Dineutron correlation is enhanced in some situations. (e.g. in the low-density region of the nuclear matter, in the neutron-halo and -skin region of neutron-rich nuclei; 6 He, 11 Li…) M. Matsuo, PRC 67 (2006)… G. F. Bertch and H. Esbensen, Ann. Phys. (NY) 209 (1991) M. V. Zhukov et al., Phys. Rep. 231 (1993) core dineutron To make clear the mechanism of the dineutron formation, and the universal properties of the dineutron correlation. Our aim
8 He th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 4 + four valence neutrons (0p 3/2 ) 4 -shell 6 He developed one-dineutron developed two-dineutron the state (Y. Kanada-En’yo, PRC 76 (2007), N. Itagaki et al. PRC 78 (2008)) the state
Framework th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 5
In order to describe 8 He, we superpose two kinds of wave functions, extended 6 He + 2n cluster wave functions and 8 He dineutron condensate (DC) wave functions. Description of 8 He th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 6 F.K. and Y. Kanada-En’yo. PTP 126 (2011) N. Itagaki et al, PRC 71 (2005) 6He6He 6He6He
Extended 6 He+2n cluster w.f th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 7 The 8 He system is composed of 6 He(H.O.(0p) 2 ) core and two neutrons around it. The dissociation effect in 2n cluster due to the spin-orbit interaction can be taken into account. 6 He 2n* We mainly describe H.O.(0p 3/2 ) 4 and one dineutron at the surface.
8 He DC wave function th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 8 We assume that the system is composed of the core and one dineutron. One dineutron (spin-singlet 2n) is distributed around the core in the S-wave. The DC wave function has two characteristic parameters, the dineutron size, b n, the expansion from the core, . 2b n 2n* dineutron We describe one- or two- developed dineutrons.
Result th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 9
8 He(0 + 1,2 ) th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 10 +4n threshold EXP.CAL (0p 3/2 ) 4 6 He + Poster session (0p 3/2 ) 4 -component and one-dineutron one are important. Dineutron condensate state
Two-dineutron condensation in th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 11 In 8 He(0 + 2 ), valence neutrons form two compact dineutrons. Two dineutrons and an are expanded largely with little correlation each other. Two-dineutron condensation characterized by a gas-like structure of a+2dineutron. ~3fm ~5fm
Summary th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 12
Summary th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 13 We investigated the dineutron correlation in 8 He(0 + ). In the excited 0 + state of 8 He, the two-dineutron condensation would exist, characterized by a gas-like structure of an and two dineutrons. [Poster session 12 th Sep. (Thu.)] In 8 He(0 + 1 ), (0p 3/2 ) 4 - and developed one-dineutron components are mixed, but developed two-dineutron one is minor because of the fragility of the dineutrons.
th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 14
Description of 8 He th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 15 6 He+2n* → (0p 3/2 ) 4 sub-shell closure 6 He in (0p) 2 + one dineutron around 6 He DC → 6 He in (0p) 2 + one developed dineutron + two developed dineutron
1-DC wave function th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 16 Assuming that the A-nucleon system is composed of (A-2)-nucleon core and one dineutron. ( Not a dineutron condensate state ) core (Brink)dineutron B Y n n ~ b n core Here assuming that B = B x = B y = B z.
Transformation to relative and c.o.m. w.f th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 17 (s-wave) (S-wave) coordinate transformation Y-integral relative part c.o.m. part size of the dineutron spatial expantion of the dineutron n n 2b n core r rGrG
Dineutron condensate component th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 18 We calculate the overlap with DC w.f. to see the dineutron condensate components in 8 He. Here we approximate DC w.f. as follows. replace one of the R-integal by the d-summation
One-body density th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 19
Hamiltonian : LS part of G3RS v LS = 2000 MeV : Volkov No.2 m=0.55, b=h=0.125 (2n unbound) or m=0.59, b=h=0.0 (2n bound) th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 20
0 + energy spectra 6 He+n+n +n+n+n+n (2n bound)(2n unbound) th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics competition of (0p 3/2 ) 4 and one-dineutron Two-dineutron in the S-wave
R.m.s. radii th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 22 The neutron expansion (halo, skin) in 6,8 He(0 + 1 ) is reproduced. 8 He(0 + 2 ) has much larger neutron radius than that of 8 He(0 + 1 ). Three body model (a) K. Arai et al, PRC 59 (1996)
Degree of shell-model component th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 23 We calculate the squared spin and the 0p 3/2 -shell component. (a)K. Arai et al, PRC 59 (1996) (b)K. Hagino et al, PRC 72 (2005) Dineutron is major. Shell-model and dineutron compete. Dineutron is dominant. in (0p 3/2 ) 2 in (0p 3/2 ) 4
one-dineutron component Dineutron component in th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 24 two-dineutron component : dineutron expansion b n : dineutron size (fm) Not only one but also two compact dineutrons are formed at the surface. ( , b n )~ (2.0, 1.5) However, the tail component ( ≥ 4 fm) diminishes in two-dineutron one. A dineutron is fragile. 6 He 2b n In the ground state, (0p 3/2 ) 4 -component and developed one-dineutron component are significant. (0p 3/2 ) 4 6 He + 2b n
One-dineutron component in 8 He(0 + 1 ) th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 25 bnbn core In m55 (strong -n interaction), the dineutron is more dissociated. In m59 (strong n-n interaction), the dineutron correlation is enhanced. : dineutron expansion (fm) b n : dineutron size (fm) m55 m59
Comparison of 8 He(0 + 1 ) with 6 He(0 + 1 ) th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 26 bnbn core : dineutron expansion (fm) b n : dineutron size (fm) 8 He 6 He In 6 He, a dineutron is formed at the surface. In 8 He, a dineutron is dissociated at the surface due to the spin-orbit interaction.
Two-dineutron component in 8 He(0 + 1 ) th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 27 The peak component is similar, but the tail component is reduced in 2DC. (fm) 1DC 2DC b n : dineutron size : dineutron expansion (fm) bnbn The component of two developed dineutrons is suppressed.
two-dineutron component : dineutron expansion b n : dineutron size (fm) Dineutron condensation in th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 28 2b n This state has a gas-like structure of one and two compact dineutrons expanded very largely. Two-dineutron condensate state
Two-dineutron condensation in 8 He(0 + 2 ) th Sep. The 22nd European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 29 bnbn 8 He(0 + 2 ) contains swelled dineutrons expanded largely from the origin. (fm) b n : dineutron size : dineutron expansion (fm) m59 m55 Two-dineutron condensation