By Germaine Pointer, South District 4-H RSA RECRUITING MINORITY VOLUNTEERS
W HERE TO BEGIN Demographers predict that by 2030 most of America’s school-age children will be from a minority group and by 2050, so will most Americans (Hodgkinson 1996). Changes the nature of population Changes how audiences are served - List
C ULTURAL LITERACY Q UIZ When is Black History Month celebrated? Who was Fredrick Douglas? When is Asian Pacific Month celebrated? Name three ethnic groups that make up the Asian population in the United States When is Native American Heritage Month ? Name three Native American Tribes? When is Hispanic American Month celebrated? Name three places of origin or decent that would categorize people as Hispanic
B ACKGROUND ON MINORITY VOLUNTEERING Definition: A volunteer is someone who serves in a community because she chooses to do so and serves without compensation. Volunteering already exists in minority communities, informal, helping out
W HY MINORITIES DO NOT VOLUNTEER United Way research poll found that minorities don’t volunteer for the following reasons: Minorities were not asked Fear of being used as a token Do not feel connected to the mainstream community Lack of personal time
W HY MINORITIES DO NOT VOLUNTEER Lack of identification with agencies that are serving minority clients Lack of knowledge about volunteer opportunities Belief that minority input is not taken seriously Uncertainty about benefits of involvement Economic hardship
E FFECTIVE S TRATEGIES Emphasize altruistic rather than personal reasons for volunteering Helping others Thinking about others rather than self Making a difference in the environment/world
E FFECTIVE S TRATEGIES A personal appeal is the most effective approach Develop the image that 4-H is as organization in which people can feel strong personal attachment Take advantage of the “era of volunteerism”, In vogue rather than materialism Some 60.8 million between 09/06 and 09/07 or 26.2% of our population – 2006 estimate 299,398, % to work with Population, 221,554,878
S TRATEGIES FOR A TTRACTING M INORITY V OLUNTEERS Participate in community events to increase awareness of 4-H, distribute materials, solicit volunteers Cultural events, fraternal, church related events, street fairs, music festivals, block parties, historical celebrations Use minority media extensively Distribute PSAs to minority radio stations, camera ready ads to newspapers, local magazines that market to minorities…Run PSAs on local cable television... Ask minority retailers to put up ads, calendars etc. Display posters at barber shops, doctors office...
S TRATEGIES FOR A TTRACTING M INORITY V OLUNTEERS Enlist the support of minority role models within the community Local minority sports stars, business leaders, veterans, politicians Invite local minority leaders to serve on advisory committee, Expansion and Review committee, to judge events, to be guest speakers at events Make use of existing community resources Utilize volunteer centers, Volunteer Broward… Collaborate with other organizations to do outreach Solicit other minority volunteers to assist
B E S ENSITIVE TO C ULTURAL D IFFERENCES Ensure that brochures and all marketing materials represent the clientele you are trying to reach Beware of when events or meetings are scheduled, be aware of how cultures view time Don’t try to use language to fit in, be natural but be honest – If foreign language is used, have a volunteer or staff that can help to clarify policies, benefits, screenings etc. Examine your own attitudes toward diversity, if you feel uncomfortable so will your potential volunteers Be yourself, be honest…..
R ESOURCES ml ml The Volunteer Recruitment Book by Susan J. Ellis Strengthening Programs to Reach Diverse Audiences Handouts, evaluation and follow-up