1 © 2006 by Smiths Group: Proprietary Data Smiths Group Online Performance Review Tool Training
2 How to Access the System Self Registration Process Section A - Performance Review Section B - Performance Planning Section C - Smiths Behavioral Competencies Section D – Corporate Responsibility & Business Ethics Section E – Overall Assessment & Comments Frequently Asked Questions
3 Accessing the Performance Review System Or use the link sent to you by
4 Step 1: Self Registration on Performance Review Website Self Register by clicking here Select Appropriate Division & Business Unit Select your manager to start the process After Self Registration the Online system will send you an to activate your account Enter Your Personal Details Choose Leadership for Role Type Create Your Password Or use the link sent to you by
5 Getting Started Sections A-E Outlined in left margin Can Move between sections Start process & return to finish Check your spelling on each page - You must SAVE each section every time!
6 Step 2: Section A: Performance Review Actions & Goals Enter Goals/Objectives for current year Select Level of Achievement Supporting Evidence Related to Previously Agreed Success Criteria Solicit feedback on your goals Check your spelling on each page You must SAVE each section every time!
7 Step 3: Optional: Solicit Multi-Source Feedback on Actions & Goals Automatically populated from Section A address Option to solicit feedback from peers and managers on specific goals System automatically populates Feedback Request menu with information from Section A Remember to inform your peers/managers prior to requesting feedback
8 Step 4: Section B- Performance Planning Enter SMART Goals/Objectives for next year after agreed upon with manager Input Success Criteria-specifically how you will accomplish your goals Input Development Requirement where applicable-specific developments/actions necessary to achieve goals
9 Step 5: Section C- Smiths Behavioural Competency Self Assess against the Smiths Behavioral Competencies Read through description & indicators to select rating & provide examples
10 Step 6: Section D- Corporate Responsibility & Business Ethics Describe any areas that are not clear to you in this section Confirm if you are familiar with the code of corporate responsibility & business ethics
11 Before the Review Meeting: Reviewee submits draft by clicking here **Reviewee can print PDF to bring to Review Meeting Step 7: Submitting Your Draft & Completed Reviews
12 Step 8: Section E: Overall Assessment & Comments Reviewee adds comments after the review meeting ***To be completed AFTER the performance review meeting
13 Step 9: Submitting Your Completed Review After the Review Meeting: Reviewee edits review and inserts final comments then submits final draft by clicking here
14 Step 10: Manager Accesses Employees Review Managers can view their employees reviews from My Account Page Managers can add comments by clicking on the employee name then clicking on Add Comments Manual Lockdown- do NOT use this feature it will automatically archive your data for this year ONLY use this feature if advised to by HR or if told to in response to your “Help” request
15 Step 11: Manager Adds Comments & Assigns Overall Rating Reviewer adds comments Reviewer selects overall rating Reviewers Manager adds comments (*if in system)
16 Features & Tools on Performance Review Website Help button to assist with site Issues or questions PDF version of your review form To edit form use Update button Manual Lockdown- do NOT use this feature it will automatically archive your data for this year ONLY use Manual Lockdown if advised to by HR or if told to in response to your “Help” request
17 PDF version of your Performance & Development Log To edit form use Update button Saved performance reviews from prior years Features & Tools on Performance Review Website Your Progress is noted using easy to read icons- noted by change from black and white to color
18 Staying on track with the Performance Log Optional Performance Log Facilitated first project team meeting on August 15 th to delegate tasks. Act as Project lead for Product ABC, project completion target date March Record milestones and Progress to established goals/objectives
19 Frequently Asked Questions My manager never completed my review last year, what should I do? If your manager never completed the online review last year request they complete the process online to allow you to complete this year’s review. If your manager has difficulty accessing your online review they should contact the ‘help’ button on the upper right hand margin to get the administrator to assist in closing out your review. I cannot log on to the tool, what should I do? If you have not registered already visit the website to register, you will then receive an activation to activate your account. If you have registered already and are unable to access the tool contact your HR lead and they will forward your issue to the site administrator. If you forgot your password the logon page allows you to enter your address and your password will be sent to you to logon. I currently do not have a manager, who should I enter as my reviewer in the system? If you do not currently have a manager discuss with your indirect manager who should be doing your review. You may input your indirect manager’s name or an interim manager’s name instead. Your HR lead may be of assistance in helping you identify who will review you. What parts of the tools are optional? The Multi Source Feedback tool used to gain feedback from peers on specific goals and objectives and the Personal Development Log are both optional tools. If you are unsure on whether or not to use please discuss with your manager to confirm if they prefer you use them as part of your review process.
20 Is there a guide for the various 5 rating levels? How do I know where to rate someone? The 5 rating levels assist in providing a more accurate definition of performance. Similar to the 3 rating levels from last year you need to consider several variables when assigning a rating. You must consider their performance during the entire year. This may include their activities versus their job description, accomplishments toward set goals and objectives and any additional input you have received. This collective information will provide you with enough information to properly assign a rating to your employee. I remember last year that I had to invite my manager to respond? Can you tell me more about how this works to avoid glitches this year? Once you complete your draft for the review and at least five days before the meeting you must click on the Finish tab located in the left hand column once you open your Review Form. Once you click on the Finish tab you click on ‘Submit Draft Review Document’ and the draft will be sent to your manager for discussion during your review meeting. What if I changed managers throughout the year? How is this handled? You should discuss with your manager who will be appropriate to complete your review. The system has options to include a feedback from more than one person. The Multi Source Feedback tool can assist in getting equal feedback from more than one manager. Your HR lead may be of assistance in helping you identify how to best handle the review. How does the multi feedback component of the tool work? Is feedback confidential? When you solicit feedback on specific goals those providing feedback will be invited using their address. Their feedback on your specific goals is returned to you from their address in text format and a copy is sent to your reviewer as well. The feedback is only accessible by you, your reviewer, and your reviewer’s manager if assigned in the system. Frequently Asked Questions