Request Fulfillment Project Update January 15, 2015
Background Over the past 18 months we have heard from you You escalated issues related to “requests” Issues have included: – inconsistencies with requests – contact – scope – due dates – status of requests – closure – how do I escalate? Launched project to solve these issues
Project Details In early summer of 2014 charter developed Reviewed charter with Advisory Council Requested input from agencies We used a Lean technique based on root cause analysis Met with agency representatives to validate that we were focused on the “right” issues (DOL, AGR, DSHS) Formed a CTS team to work on root cause analysis Conducted workshops for solution development
Focus of Workgroups Root causes of the issues raised Prioritizing and organizing improvement areas Reviewed/established the procedures/expectations for requests The role of the queue monitor The role of the supervisor/manager
Roles Managers focus on workload management and review of process for their teams Queue monitors focus on request tickets getting assigned within a business day CTS team members working requests are the ones actually fulfilling the requests Customer Account Managers will assist when requests span multiple major service areas or where customers are requesting new services or when there is an escalation
Steps to Fulfill Request Contact the customer by next business day – confirm the scope of request – confirm due date needs, negotiate due date, or establish date when due date can be established – review the customer’s requirements for status, how does the customer want to interact – , phone? Fulfill the request – perform the work Close the request with an providing contact information of the CTS team member should there be issues
Frequent Questions 1.What about “quick turnaround” requests? routine requests completed in 24 hours – closure 2.What if something changes? re-engage CTS and customer to review, update dates as needed 3.What if CTS does not receive required information or no contact from requestor? reach out to customer, attempt 3 times (a week apart), then close
How Can You Help? Tell us if something is URGENT Let us know if you have a “hard deadline” Provide us the information we need to fulfill the request – don’t assume we know Continue to use the unique request ticket number on communications and place in the SUBJECT line of Provide us feedback on specific requests Provide us feedback on the process – through your Customer Account Managers
Performance Measures How will we hold ourselves accountable? Metrics to track against due dates for requests Metrics to track timeliness of ticket assignments Solicit feedback through survey tool across service areas after each request is fulfilled
Next Steps Completed CTS training December rollout underway! Finalize metrics and begin review with 2015 information Extend the survey tool to service areas over the next months Solicit feedback on process changes Let us know how we are doing – be specific Contact your Customer Account Managers with any concerns Like with Incident Management – review process, adjust, continue to review and improve Assessment at mid-year 2015
Request Fulfillment Project Update Questions? Contacts: Laura Parma Larry Lee Steve Lovaas Lyle Tillett