Introduction The regional workshop on rice and aquaculture production, productivity and market development held from 3 rd -7 th November, The workshop was attended by eleven African countries (Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, DRC, )
Objectives of the Workshop To understand the GCP/INT/053/JPN Project design, activities and goals Review the current situation and constraints of the development and market access of rice. Share key technologies and programs e.g. Japan’s cooperation achievements and NPFS Lessons learnt on key technologies and programs Identify specific technical areas for national and regional interventions.
The National Workshop National rice Stakeholders workshop held from 7 th – 8 th April,2009. The workshop was a follow up of the Rice and aquaculture production, productivity and market development Kampala workshop Facilitation of the workshop was by FAO and GOK
Objectives of the National Workshop Bring together major stakeholders in rice Industry for discussion and information sharing Share the outcomes of the FAO Kampala workshop with key stakeholders To internalize project design activities and goals of the GCP/INT/053/JPN project. Identify constraints and challenges to rice production in the country and give possible intervention guidelines.
Objectives (cont’d) Discuss with stakeholders the draft National Rice strategic plan and the National Rice Development Strategy with a view to getting their inputs and suggestions. Identify with the stakeholders the main issues to be fast tracked and addressed by GCP/INT/053/JPN project and others. Come up with conclusions and recommendations for the next regional workshop
Stakeholders in attendance The Minister for Agriculture The Agriculture Secretary The representatives from FAO country office CARD Secretariat Coordinator The Director KARI Farmer representatives Researchers from KARI, Universities and NIB
Stakeholders (Cont’d) CEO STAK Representatives of donor community (JICA,FAO & World Bank) Government Ministries in the Agric. Sector Representatives of financial institutions NGOs Extension officers (PDAs and DAOs) Regional Development Authorities
Workshop coverage Outcome of Kampala workshop Draft National rice strategic plan Status of NERICA rice work NRDS Workshop recommendations and conclusions Action plan
Key issues identified Unavailability of good quality seed Inadequate information on suitable varieties and crop husbandry practices Inability of the farmers to access credit Disorganized marketing channels and poor marketing infrastructure. High labour and input cost which lead to high cost of production
Key issues (Cont’d) Importation of cheap highly subsidized rice which distorts the market prices Weak farmers organizations Land tenure problem in irrigated areas Non exploitation of available wet lands and suitable rainfed ecologies Expensive methods of water delivery system in the field
Key issues (cont’d) Lack of appropriate technology for farm operations Limited availability of production technologies and information flow Lack of appropriate and accessible milling facilities Pests and diseases( quelea birds, weeds and blast)
Issues for fast tracking Dissemination of the NERICA varieties. Availability of good quality seed for the preferred/recommended varieties Implementation of the National Rice Strategic Plan and the NRDS Rice value chain analysis to establish critical areas for intervention Financial (monetary ) resources for the rehabilitation and expansion of the rice schemes.
Issues for fast tracking (Cont’d) Development of gravity water irrigation system to minimize irrigation costs. Organizing and strengthening of farmer groups and linking them to other stakeholders Capacity building for researchers, extension officers and farmers Production of technical manuals, brochures and leaflets. Improved access by farmers to affordable credit and farm inputs.
Issues for fast tracking (Cont’d) Introduction of appropriate technologies to reduce drudgery. Introduction of improved rice farming systems (Rice & aquaculture and alternate crops.)
Action plan Resolution/ Recommend ation Recommended actions ActorsTime frame Availing good quality seed Enactment of seed and plant varieties act. Source and multiply breeder seed (NERICA) GoK & KEPHIS Plant breeders FAO Private seed C 6 months Implement the National Rice Strategic Plan and the Provision of budgetary support Form and operationalize the stakeholder fora GoK, Donor agencies GoK, Stakeholders 2009/2 010 but continu ous
Action plan (Cont’d) NRDS Solicit support of development partners Stakeholders and development partners FAO CARD & GoK Establish critical areas for intervention in rice production Conduct rice value chain analysis GoK and other partners 6 months
Action plan (Cont’d) Enhance information flow Production of technical manuals, brochures and leaflets. Electronic media and website GoK, NRSF and development partners 2009/2010 and continuous Capacity building of Researchers and extension officers Long courses Short courses Training workshops/semin ars Staff tours GoK,NRSF and development partners 2009/2010 and continuous
Action plan (Cont’d) Rehabilitation and expansion of irrigation schemes Budgetary provision GoK and Development partners Immediate and continuous Encourage private sector participation Formation and revival of farmer institutions (CIGs & Co-ops) Policy and legal framework Capacity building GoK, NRDSFImmediate and continuous
Action plan (Cont’d) Capacity building for farmers Access to affordable credit and farm inputs Sensitization workshops/se minars Demonstratio ns Farmers’ tours Field days Govt Subsidy Grants Tax incentives GoK, NRSF, Stakeholders GoK Development partners 2009/2010 But continuous GoK Development partners
Action plan (Cont’d) Dissemin ate NERICA varieties Official release and launch Seed multiplication Farmer mobilization Staff &farmer trainings Demonstrations &field days Electronic media programs Production of Technical manuals GOK NRSF NERICA T. Com. FAO JICA Imme diate &conti nuous
Action plan (Cont’d) Market infrastructure development Include rice in SFR Warehouse receipting for rice Use of ICT technologies Enforcement of quality standards Identify and apply value addition technologies GoK, FAO, Stakehol ders 2009/20 10 and continuo usly
Conclusions Rice has been prioritized as an important staple food to promote. The Government is willing and ready to support rice production as an important staple food crop. Priority rice production ecologies have been identified ( irrigated lowlands, rainfed lowlands and upland rainfed) The potential for rice production in these ecologies is big (1.3m ha rainfed and 540,000ha irrigated)
Conclusions (Cont’d) The stakeholders adopted and endorsed for implementation the National Rice Strategic plan and the National Rice Development Strategy (NRDS).
Recommendations to Government Development of a National Rice policy Priority setting for programs and projects in rice production e.g. irrigation infrastructure development Budgetary provision – To increase funding for rice production activities To solicit funding from development partners Provide extension services Support for rice research Avail agricultural credits
Recommendations (Cont’d) Provide subsidy for agricultural inputs Support capacity building and training of extension staff and farmers Rehabilitate / construct transport and communication infrastructure. Provision of improved seed supply system Enhance public/private partnerships Strengthening of farmer institutions Implement rice production intervention as one of household food security interventions
Recommendations to FAO Support interventions for high quality seed production. Solicit for financial support from donors for identified priority projects such as irrigation infrastructure development. Support initiatives for input access by farmers Support for production of technical manuals, brochures, leaflets and electronic media programs Capacity building of researchers and extension officers
FAO cont’ Support to market development initiatives Facilitate the South - South cooperation
Recommendations to the project Support to stakeholders fora activities. Encourage information sharing and exchange among researchers and other stakeholders Support for establishment of data rice bank within countries and across the region Establish a website for rice information Facilitate technology transfer NERICA manuals Put in place monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.