The dissemination strategy Workshop 1 Brussels, 11 October 2007 Lidia Greco & Emma Corigliano
Social research between theory and practice Models of knowledge production; (Mode 1, Mode 2 and the Triple Helix) The role of the European Research
Dissemination strategies The role of researchers (policy relevance and users’ identification); The role of users
The NEWS project The theoretical relevance: intersection of research fields: women studies – studies on ethnicity – studies on labour market; The project’s impact (scientific, social, political)
The objectives of the dissemination strategy highlight the issue, increase knowledge production, solicit debates, solicit interventions, learn from each other, create linkages and interactions, mobilise specific resources
Who are the users of our project? Core users: Scientific field: universities, research centres, schools Political: funding bodies, univ. governing bodies Social: NEWS network Secondary users: Scientific field: statisticians, academic and researchers Political: policy makers in education, employment, migration Social: media, various women’s organisations, equal opportunities lobby groups
What’s next? Synthesis of the final report; Prepare special documents on policy interventions; Organise conferences and round tables; Press releases; Organise uni and school meetings; Structure the NEWS network
The crux of the problem? We must be aware of the difficult relationship between the political and academic/research realms (themes on/off the agenda, communication problems, cultural changes)