COST – ES0803 WG2: Space Weather Products and Services.


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Presentation transcript:

COST – ES0803 WG2: Space Weather Products and Services

WG & SWG Structure


Proposed (co-)leaders WG 2. Space weather products and services Leader: R. Van der Linden / Co-Leader: H. Lundstedt SG 2.1: Identification of current space weather resources Leader: D. Heynderickx / Co-Leader: Rami Vainio SG 2.2: Market segmentation including cartography and users requirements Leader: Iwona Stanislawska / Co-Leader: TBD SG 2.3: Feasibility study for new market-oriented products and services Leader: M. Hapgood / Co-Leader: TBD

DRAFT INITIAL WORKPLAN WP 221: User Requirements for Space Weather Resources and Products (SWG2.2) WP 211: Catalogue of Space Weather Resources and Products (SWG2.1) WP 212: Critical review of existing Space Weather capacity in Europe (SWG2.1) WP 231: Definition and feasibility analysis of new Space Weather Services and Products (SWG2.3) WP 232: Benefit analysis of new Space Weather Services and Products (SWG2.3)

WP211 Catalogue of Space Weather Resources and Products Objectives Compile a catalogue of space weather resources, service activities and products WP Inputs Catalogues compiled during other projects (ESA Pilot Project Studies, SWENET, DIAS, COST724 catalogue, ISES RWCs, SOTERIA,... ) Contacts of COST members with other sources (airlines, spacecraft operators, telecommunication authorities, grid and pipeline operators, military,...), soliciting inputs Output of Research Proposal “State of the art survey on real-time available data and products that characterize near-Earth space conditions up to GEO orbits” (Kutiev and Anna Belehaki)

WP211 Catalogue of Space Weather Resources and Products Main activities Creation of a template for resource specification Creation of a catalogue section on the project web site, consisting of: o Page(s) listing the catalogue (per project, application, category, country,...) o Upload facility for adding/updating entries by registered participants o Ideally, set up a database for storing the catalogue in order to facilitate classification, updates, ingestion, analysis... Establish a mailing list to solicit inputs, comments,... Compile an up to date catalogue, and keep it up to date WP Outputs Web site section Catalogue database Up to date catalogue

WP221: User Requirements for Space Weather Resources and Products Objectives Collect user requirements from previous and ongoing service activities Collect user requirements from SW related industry Synthesize an up-to-date user requirement list Perform market segmentation Inputs Existing user requirements from space weather services and products (ESA Pilot Project Studies, SWENET, DIAS, COST724 activities, ISES RWCs, SOTERIA,... )

Main activities Creation of a user survey form Creation of a user requirement section on the project web site, consisting of: o Page(s) listing the requirements (per project, application,...) o Upload facility for adding requirements by registered participants o Ideally, set up a database for storing the requirements in order to facilitate classification, updates, ingestion, analysis... Establish a mailing list to solicit inputs, comments,... Review the user requirements list and compile a “definitive” list Outputs Web site section Database of user requirements Reviewed list of user requirements Catalogue of Space Weather related industrial activities WP221: User Requirements for Space Weather Resources and Products

WP213: Critical review of existing space weather capacity in Europe Objectives Review existing and planned monitoring capability Compile a report identifying requirements for facility upgrades and shortcomings in present day monitoring capabilities Critical review of existing products and services to assess usefulness and performance WP Inputs Catalogues compiled in WP 211 User requirements compiled in WP 221 Output of Research Proposal “On the assessment of ionospheric operational models: evaluation of the SWIF model performance during disturbed ionospheric conditions” (Tsagouri, Perrone, Mikhailov) Output of Research Proposal “On the assessment of the performance of existing space weather models: review study of current practice and available services” (Tsagouri, Glover, Belehaki) Output of Research Proposal “Performance assessment: approaching a quantitative comparison between observations and models for ionospheric data assimilation systems” (Bushell, Jackson)

WP213: Critical review of existing Space Weather capacity in Europe Main activities Confront existing monitoring capabilities with user requirements Identify gaps in existing capabilities Identify overlap or redundancy in monitoring resources Propose upgrades to existing capabilities and establishment of new ones where needed Identify obsolete or poorly performing services and products WP Outputs Report on resources and recommendations for upgrades and improvements Report on obsolete products and services and recommendations for replacements or upgrades

WG Membership: SWG2.1 Henrik Lundstedt (IRF Lund, SE) Current space weather resources Susan McKenna-Lawlor (STI, Ireland) Space weather resources in China Rami Qahwaji + co-workers (U Bradford, UK) Contribution to a catalogue of resources Alan Thomson (BGS Edinburgh, UK) Knowledge of magnetometer networks and GIC services Ari Viljanen (FMI, FI) Knowledge of magnetometer networks and GIC services Ioanna Tsagouri (NOA Athens, GR) Ionospheric monitoring using radio sounding techniques Peter Wintoft (IRF Lund, SE) Contribution to catalogues of space weather resources Juan Jose Curto (Obs Ebro, ES) Geomagnetic effects due to solar flares Mike Hapgood (RAL, UK) Databases developed in UK and European programs Mark Lester (U Leicester, UK) HF propagation conditions and electric potential at high latitudes Vida Zigman (U Nova Gorica, SI) Data base of VLF reception recordings Paul Cannon, Matthew Angling (Qinetiq, UK) Electron density model of the ionosphere Trans-ionospheric radio propagation simulator Norbert Jakowski (DLR, DE) Regular near-real time TEC maps above Europe Vida Zigman (U Nova Gorica, SI) Correlation models connecting VLF emissions of solar-terrestrial phenomena

WG Membership: SW2.2 Pavel Hejda (Inst Geophys Acad Sci Prague, CZ) Collaboration with pipeline owners on GIC threat Jean Lilensten (LPG, FR) Planetary space weather codes Paul Cannon, Matthew Angling (Qinetiq, UK) Electron density model of the ionosphere Trans-ionospheric radio propagation simulator Mark Lester (U Leicester, UK) HF propagation conditions and electric potential at high latitudes Iwona Stanislawska (Space Res Ctr Warsaw, PL) Maintenance of SW navigator Mike Hapgood (RAL, UK) Databases developed in UK and European programs

WG Membership: SW2.3 Jean Lilensten (LPG, FR) Economic benefits of a European operational space weather program Iwona Stanislawska (Space Res Ctr Warsaw, PL) Maintenance of SW navigator Andrew Bushell, David Jackson, Camilla Matthison (Metoffice, UK) Identify areas for future scientific development Vida Zigman (U Nova Gorica, SI) Correlation models connecting VLF emissions of solar-terrestrial phenomena Joran Moen (, NO)
