Summer Reading Program 2011 Nuts &Bolts for first timers
SRP/SRC What is Summer Reading Program/Summer Reading Club? Reading for Rewards program – Children, teens (and adults) can earn incentives throughout summer by reading books Programs and performers – Special events held throughout summer to encourage library use. May include storytimes, crafts, book clubs, performers or many other types of programming.
Planning Timeline Sample Planning Timeline available in the manual page 9. Planning for Summer Reading starts as soon as it ends! Additional Planning document will be available on website for you to use and alter to fit your needs.
Planning Timeline Summer Reading Program Timeline September/October Receive and begin reading SRP manual. Begin thinking and talking about SRP with your staff and colleagues. November Attend Summer Reading Program workshop(s) at CLA annual conference December Begin contacting community businesses & organizations to request donations Determine funding levels from Friends of the Library Put together budget for SRP Create a calendar that shows days performers should be scheduled Structure incentive program in order to determine what types and how many incentives should be ordered January Attend performers showcase Book performers Order incentives Research community members or organizations that can provide programming opportunities for your branch Begin planning and creating your programs
Budgeting Determine your funding sources Do you have funds available from your library system? Do you have funds available from your Friends of the Library? Can you solicit cash donations from local businesses? Can you solicit items from local business to supplement your funding – incentives and giveaways? Could you get a corporate sponsor?
Budgeting Where do you need to spend your money? Program materials – book logs, posters, bookmarks, bags, etc. Program incentives – items that you’ll need to purchase in addition to any donated incentives Decorations Performers Craft Materials and supplies Marketing materials
Budgeting Tips for stretching your dollars Partner with a neighboring library or branch library Seek donations of items to supplement incentive orders Use your in house marketing and/or PR department Partner with local community groups to present programs
Registration & Tracking What do children & Teens need to do to sign up? Have a library card? Registration Cards Excel spreadsheet or Access database Evanced Summer Reader How much information do you need to gather from your patrons & why?
Registration & Tracking How do teens & children report what they have read? Any of the items mentioned will allow you to track books/pages/minutes read Consider how you will gather statistics at the end of summer Consider how you will determine “completion” if you are tracking completion
Awarding Incentives What are you counting? Books Minutes Pages Book Reviews Weight!? How do you earn a reward? Weekly incentives Incentives at milestones End of summer incentives Chuck-e-Cheese model Trade show wheel Raffle tickets
Programming & Performers Finding and selecting paid performers Free programs from local organizations Send out letters to performers with information about your venue and audience.
Programming & Performers Staying organized Have a back up plan Other programs
Staff Buy-In What’s in it for them? Appropriate training and information Everyone likes prizes! Staff SRP
Helen Fisher-Johnson The California Summer Reading Program is a project of the California Library Association, supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.Library Services and Technology Act Collaborative Summer Library ProgramCollaborative Summer Library Program (CSLP) is the sponsoring organization for the 2011 Summer Library Program. Artwork is for use by CSLP members only. Copyright by Highsmith Inc. All rights reserved. No images may be reproduced without written permission.Highsmith Inc.