Room Parent Meeting Spring 2015
Room Parent Coordinators needed! HTS & PVS Responsibilities include: Gather information on prospective room parents and classroom volunteers (electronically generated) Meet with principals and PTA president to select room parents for each classroom Solicit volunteers for any classrooms that still need room parents Put together room parent packets and present at 2 meetings Help coordinate basket collection, teacher appreciation (specials teachers) Help to resolve any problems that arise throughout the year Send out s as needed
Will be asked to help coordinate the following two events for 6th grade P.A.N.T.H.E.R.S: Camp Mason Meeting (3/5/15): recruit two volunteers in your class to help monitor tables 6th Grade Recognition Night (6/11/15): solicit food/drink donations from classroom parents & volunteer to help at Recognition Night 5 th Grade Room Parents
Yearbook Photos The Yearbooks are in need of photos! Please any candid photos of your class to
Spring Party April 1 Consult with your teacher to discuss specifics of the party, such as date, time, themes, etc. Teachers in the older grades may prefer something more low-key Consider having a themed party, such as ice cream party, fiesta, “picnic” Remember no more than 2 parents in the classroom for the parties. If you need to have more than two, must get principal’s approval.
Teacher Appreciation May 4-8 Room Parents to present teacher with a homemade gift. It should come from the students! Gifts should be presented to the teacher on May 5; should not be having a party on this date.
Teacher Appreciation
Track & Field Room Parents may be asked to help solicit volunteers. The Phys. Ed. teachers will provide more information as it gets closer to Track & Field dates. Room Parents expected to accompany the classrooms during the activities. Helpful to bring a rolling cooler, extra waters and sunscreen!
Class Picnics Class picnics are held on the same day as Track & Field days (except for 6 th grade which will be held on June 16). PTA provides pizza, drinks (juice) and paper products. Any other snacks, drinks, desserts, etc. would need to be provided by classroom volunteers. Some good snacks to provide are fruit, veggies, popsicles!