JULY 25, 2013. Leadership Annual Giving: The Sum of The Parts Laurie Carlin Davidson Director, Northwestern University Leadership Circle (NULC)


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Presentation transcript:

JULY 25, 2013

Leadership Annual Giving: The Sum of The Parts Laurie Carlin Davidson Director, Northwestern University Leadership Circle (NULC)

I. Introduction and Overview Laurie Carlin Davidson, Director, NULC Amy George Oldfield, Director, Donor Relations II.Direct Appeals Karla Del Angel, Assistant Director, NULC III.Volunteer Management Davin Peelle, Associate Director, NULC IV.Frontline Fundraising Nicole Payton, Director, Major Gifts V.Q&A AGENDA

Northwestern University Leadership Circle (NULC) Introduction Why have a leadership annual giving program? o “Bridge the gap” between direct response gifts and major gifts o Foster a stronger donor community o Build the base of the donor pyramid to improve fundraising results now and in the future Leadership annual giving at Northwestern University: o Partnerships are the key to our success o Nearly all teams in NU Alumni Relations and Development are involved: o donor relations, direct appeals, reunions, major gifts, schools/units, special events, young alumni, alumni relations, marketing/communications, etc.


Donor Totals, FY06-FY13

NULC Dollar Totals, FY06-FY13

NULC History 2004 Donor Recognition Task Force created to provide feedback on NU’s giving societies o Task Force advised creating consistent giving levels across all schools and units 2005 Donor Giving Society Survey o Donors want an understanding of how their gifts are used o Donors want “insider” information 2006 Launch of NULC o Presidential letter to announce o First donor dinner in Chicago; receptions in NY and SF o Chicago Regional Council formed

NULC Overview What is it? o “Umbrella” for recognition/stewardship across the University o Each school/unit maintains a giving society name for donors who give $1,000 or more o Giving society levels consistent across all schools & units

NULC Overview What Counts? o Outright gifts anywhere at Northwestern count o Aggregate giving across University counts for benefit level o Matching gifts count o Pledges, in-kind, life insurance, annuity gifts do not count o Young alumni leadership levels (0-4 yrs; 5-9 yrs)

NULC Benefits Benefits to Donors o Centralized baseline stewardship for all donors of $1000+ o Regional recognition events (9 per year) o Newsletters (3 per year) o Honor Roll of Donors o President’s Book Club mailing - annual donors of $25K+ o Access Benefits to NU o Increased dollars and donors o Fosters partnership with schools/units as they can build on planned NULC stewardship o More donor-centered fundraising environment

NULC Direct Appeals Annual NULC Mailing Schedule o Two Stewardship pieces o Four Solicitation pieces o Sept, Nov, March and June o Coordination with Schools/Units – i.e., “Dean’s Letters,” school challenges Phonathon o Tool for new donor acquisitions, $1k-5k upgrades Room to fill in “holes” in our calendar o New opportunities, lower cost! o Calendar Year End and Fiscal Year End Lybunt Mailings

NULC Direct Appeals The All-Stars o Stewardship brochure: 14,220 pieces mailed, 4.9% response rate, $646, raised o Honor Roll: 11,317 pieces mailed, 2% response rate, $307, raised Exciting new initiative o Retention Mailing

NULC Direct Appeals

NULC Direct Appeals

NULC Direct Appeals

NULC Direct Appeals

NULC Volunteers NULC Regional Councils o Formed in Northwestern’s most significant metropolitan areas to conduct peer-to-peer fundraising activities o Boston, Chicago, Florida, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, Washington, D.C. Regional Council Strategic objectives: o Increase dollars o Increase donors in key cities o Strengthen regional communities o Prepare new group of volunteers for campaign

NULC Volunteers Regional Council Job Description o Increase awareness of and support for NU by engaging and soliciting alumni with the capacity to join NU’s giving societies o Make an annual leadership gift of $5,000 or more o Serve as an ambassador for NU and leadership giving o Solicit 5-10 leadership prospects o Identify potential leadership donors and facilitate introductions o Attend annual recognition event and 2 business meetings per year, held locally

NULC Volunteers Regional Council Members o Each Council’s membership reflects breadth of NU’s base and the local community o Class Year, Degree, School, Affinity, Parent o Industry, Geography, Social Circle, Philanthropic Interest o Qualities of a great Council Member: o Loves NU o Understands the importance of leadership giving o Well-networked with a large or strategic alumni base o Big name that raises NU’s local visibility o Bonus: needs stewardship

NULC Frontline Fundraising NULC frontline officers o Focus on, but not limited to, geographic areas of the Regional Councils o Solicit prospects for annual gifts of $5,000-$24,999 o Discovery/qualification is top priority o Refer key prospects to staff or volunteers o Close collaboration with central major gifts and schools/units

NULC Role in Regional Strategy Major Gifts Team structure o Assistant directors

NULC Role in Regional Strategy o Schools/Units o Collaborative meetings

NULC Frontline Fundraising NULC frontline officers come with person regional “team” o Four ways volunteers help build the major gift pipeline o “Not yet” – refer prospect to a volunteer o “Not now” – test leadership ask through volunteer o “Undiscovered” – volunteer refers lost prospect o “Unresponsive” – volunteer opens door for sta ff

NULC Summary o Leadership annual donors of $1,000 - $99,999 represent a significant portion of our annual fundraising goal o Direct Appeals materials build NULC brand and boosts donor acquisition o NULC volunteers represent future campaign/NU volunteer leaders o Leadership donors represent a healthy pipeline for future major gifts o NULC gift officers facilitate collaboration

NULC Questions?

Thank you!