Curriculum & Instructional Leaders’ Forum Instructional Improvement System and NC FALCON Updates
Facilitate the teaching and learning process through Increased access to high quality resources for all Provision of timely and relevant information and data Improve and personalize student learning How? Why an Instructional Improvement System? Instructional Improvement System Why – How – What -- When ▲ ▲
Technology Platform PowerSchool Instructional Improvement System Student Informati on System (SIS) Tools for Teaching and Learning (IIS) One Technology Platform Single Sign-on Collaborative Populated with resources for NC educators Coming Soon
Instructional Improvement System Learner Profile and Work Samples Instructional Design, Practice & Resources Professional Development & Educator Evaluation Data Analysis and Reporting Assessment & Analytics Standards & Curriculum
Learner Profile and Work Samples Teacher has access to learner information to assist with planning and monitoring Teacher can use examples of student work for future lessons Student can collect evidence of learning and growth Parents can view student work Teacher has access to learner information to assist with planning and monitoring Teacher can use examples of student work for future lessons Student can collect evidence of learning and growth Parents can view student work
Standards and Curriculum
Instructional Design, Practice and Resources Example
Assessment and Growth
Dashboards, Data Analysis and Reporting
Professional Development and Educator Evaluation View, register for, participate in PDView, register for, participate in PD View past PD participationView past PD participation Get suggestions for PD based on class performance or observation/evaluation dataGet suggestions for PD based on class performance or observation/evaluation data Receive recommendations for license renewal creditReceive recommendations for license renewal credit Implement educator evaluation processesImplement educator evaluation processes View, register for, participate in PDView, register for, participate in PD View past PD participationView past PD participation Get suggestions for PD based on class performance or observation/evaluation dataGet suggestions for PD based on class performance or observation/evaluation data Receive recommendations for license renewal creditReceive recommendations for license renewal credit Implement educator evaluation processesImplement educator evaluation processes
Types of Content/Resources What kinds of resources will make up the IIS? –Instructional (lesson plans, unit guides, activities) –Assessment (formative assessment resources, item banks, summative assessments) –Professional Development (videos, articles, webinars) –Educator Evaluation/Talent Management (rubrics, evaluation tools, artifact tools)
Guiding Principles –Resources must Be aligned with standards Provide ample coverage to all standards and objectives Emphasize quality over quantity Be reviewed and rated by educators in North Carolina To make the resources in the IIS meaningful and useful to teachers:
Some of Our Content Sources Multiple Subjects
Some of Our Content Sources Math
Some of Our Content Sources Science
Some of Our Content Sources English Language Arts
Sample 3 rd Party Instructional Activities National ArchivesPhet
Objective Solicit and gather content from LEAs and Schools The Members Represent the following School Districts: Alamance-Burlington Schools Asheboro City Schools Burke County Schools Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Cleveland County Schools Cumberland County Schools Edenton-Chowan Forsyth County Schools Gaston County Schools Guilford County Halifax County Schools Hoke County Hyde County Jones County Schools Martin County Schools Montgomery County Schools Moore County Schools Mooresville Graded School Newton-Conover City Schools Onslow County Schools Orange County Pender County Schools Person County Schools Pitt County Schools Rutherford County Transylvania County Schools Union County Wake County Public Schools Wayne County Public Schools Whiteville City Schools ** New members from Summer Institutes, NCSBA and Tech. Directors’ meetings
Sample LEA PD Resource
Sample LEA Assessment Resources
Sample LEA Instructional Resources
Carmella Fair NC FALCON Updates
Formative Assessment Plans NC FALCON Modules NC FALCON Coordinator Meetings
NC Definition of Formative Assessment –Formative assessment is a process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to help students improve their achievement of intended instructional outcomes. The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO, 2008)
Formative Assessment Plans Formative Assessment Plans developed by teachers Located in NC Education/NC FALCON – –“Formative Assessment Plans” –enroll in the “course”
Formative Assessment Plans Arts EducationEnglish as a Second Language (ESL) Science Career and Technical Education (CTE) Healthful LivingSocial Studies English Language Arts (ELA) MathematicsWorld Languages Plans were developed by NC teachers for these content and program areas:
NC FALCON Modules –Modules for Teachers –New Module for Students About the Student Ownership Of Learning Module Piloting the student module
NC FALCON Coordinator Meetings Future Meetings (Webinars) September 19, 2012 September 25, :30 – 5:00 November 14, 20123:30 – 5:00 February 13, 20133:30 – 5:00 April 24, 20133:30 – 5:00
Contact Sarah McManus Director Cynthia Crowdus IIS Project Coordinator Dan Gwaltney Consultant Learning Systems IIS
Instructional Improvement System Why – How – What -- When ▲ RFP Issued Reviewed Proposals Design and Build Data Integration Pilot IIS Pilot Phased-In Roll out Feb 27, 2012 April – June 2012 December 2012 Fall 2012 Early 2013 Starting School Year Negotiated with Select Vendors Vendor Approval & Contract Award June – October 2012 December 2012