HUPAC Training State and Local Chairs
What is HUPAC? The Health Underwriters Political Action Committee (HUPAC) is NAHU’s nonpartisan political action committee The purpose of the PAC is to solicit funds from NAHU members for disbursal to campaign committees who are accessible and willing to consider NAHU’s views Created by NAHU in 1995
Overview of Responsibilities Recruiting new contributors to HUPAC Liaison between national and regional HUPAC trustees and your chapter
The Basics The FEC (Federal Elections Commission) dictates many of the functions of HUPAC and as HUPAC chair you need to be aware of a few key items: –HUPAC contributions can only come from NAHU members, their families, and NAHU Staff This also means HUPAC can only solicit from NAHU members –Individuals can only contribute $5,000 a year to a PAC –Contributions to HUPAC’s Candidate Account can only come from individuals, not companies –Checks made out to HUPAC MUST be cashed within 15 days of their date, which means checks should be mailed out to Stakeholder as soon as they are received
HUPAC’s Accounts HUPAC has 2 different Accounts 1.Candidate Account 2.Administrative Fund
Who Contributes To The Accounts?
Who Contributes? 1)Candidate Account -Individual’s contributions through personal credit cards or bank accounts -Funds from this account are given to political candidates, both challengers and incumbents, democrats and republicans
Who Contributes? 2)Administrative Fund Businesses can contribute up to $5,000 a year to this account State and local chapters can also contribute to this account Money in this account goes to the operating costs of HUPAC so that the candidate fund can be reserved solely for political contributions
HUPAC Levels HUPAC has four contribution levels: –Supporter: $10 per month or $150 annually –365 Club: $30 per month ($1 per day) or $365 annually –Congressional Club: $42 per month or $500 annually –Capitol Club: highest level of HUPAC contributions Gold- $1,000/year or $85/month Diamond- $2,000/year or $170/month Double Diamond- $3,000/year or $250/month Triple Diamond- $5,000/year or $410.00/month
HUPAC Levels HUPAC levels are determined by lump sums or monthly draft levels. For example, to reach Capitol Club status… Your Year-to-date contributions are equal to $1,000 (you’ve written one check to HUPAC for $1,000) -OR- You are signed up for a monthly withdrawal of $85
Monthly Drafts HUPAC does one monthly draft from Credit Cards and Checking accounts This occurs on the 23rd of every month –If a contribution form is received within that week or just after, no withdrawal will occur until the following cycle
Who Receives HUPAC Money? Only select political candidates, incumbents, and challengers receive HUPAC contributions Often members in leadership positions or on committees of jurisdiction –House: Ways and Means, Rules Committee, Energy and Commerce, Small Business, Education and Workforce, Budget, and Appropriations –Senate: Finance, HELP, Aging, Appropriations, Budget, Small Business
Who Receives HUPAC Money? Only select political candidates, incumbents, and challengers receive HUPAC contributions NAHU Staff create a budget, which is voted on by the HUPAC Board of Trustees. –This helps us make timely contributions to known supporters without having to go back to the BOT each time.
Who Receives HUPAC Money? Challengers without a voting record fill out a questionnaire, the HUPAC Board of Trustees then votes to approve the candidate Members already serving in Congress not on a committee of jurisdiction can receive HUPAC contributions if the HUPAC Board of Trustees approves them
In-District Drops HUPAC often does in-district events that allow NAHU members to attend events hosted by their Congressman When in-district events come up NAHU staff contacts state leadership to see if members are interested in attending –Usually a small group of members from that state attend the event and provide feedback to NAHU staff If members plan on attending the meeting, HUPAC mails out a check to the campaign for the event What if I hear about an event and want to attend? –If you become aware of event in-district for an approved member of Congress, contact NAHU with the details of the event and if feasible HUPAC make a contribution to the Congressman for the event.
The HUPAC Strategy HUPAC Plan 2013 – 2014 HUPAC Continues to Grow “March to a Million Campaign Phase I” a targeted sales program with a dedicated sales person, “March to a Million Campaign Phase II”, which was all about reaching out to all members by an campaign. The quest was very successful and put us at a million dollars for the election cycle of 2011 to 2012 moving the PAC to number 6 amongst all healthcare PACs. The Election Cycle Goals Increase our monthly contributions by 50% and sustain a million dollar a year track that would make us a two million dollar PAC and place us as the number one healthcare PAC.
What Resources Are Available To Me As HUPAC Chair? All these goals sound great, but what can I do as a HUPAC Chair to reach them?
HUPAC Monthly Reports Contribution reports for the overall year, broken down by region, state, and chapter Report is ed out to regional chairs monthly Provides name, , phone, monthly contribution amounts, YTD contribution amounts, date of last contribution Allows you to identify who in your chapter is giving, if they’ve fallen behind in giving, etc. ** Beginning this year you will be able to access these records through the HUPAC Chair Portal**
HUPAC In A Box HUPAC Chairs will be able to look with their local, state and HUPAC Chapter information
1.Easy to use 2.Works on all mobile platforms 3.Accepts all major credit cards 4.One time and monthly signup The HUPAC App
Other Resources HUPAC Contribution Form –Always have plenty of copies to hand out at meetings HUPAC Tri-Fold PDF –Information about HUPAC, it’s goals, and contribution levels –Good to hand out to someone who doesn’t know much about HUPAC HUPAC “Back the PAC” Banner –Great way to draw attention to HUPAC at regional, state, and chapter meetings
HUPAC Communications State of the HUnion –For all HUPAC Contributors –Sent out quarterly –General information on HUPAC, regional contribution levels, HUPAC activities HUPolitics –For Capitol Club members only –Sent out quarterly to Capitol Club contributors –Detailed newsletter covering top political issues related to the health care industry, as well as election/campaign outlooks
Regional and Local Meetings Ask your local or state President for 5-10 minutes at each chapter meeting to talk about HUPAC Come armed with numbers that matter: –How many Democrats and Republicans have we given to this year –How much money your chapter is giving –Where does your state rank among the rest of the country –How much per member does your chapter give
Regional and Local Meetings: What to Say What are the benefits of contributing? –Government has a huge impact on our profession, our business, and our clients. If we don’t have a seat at the table, our industry is at risk! –Contributions to HUPAC allow us to combine our resources and strength to ensure our voice is heard!
Reaching Our Goals If every member of NAHU gave just $5/month HUPAC would be A Million Dollar PAC! For members who claim “I can’t afford enough to make a difference,” encourage them to sign up for just $5/month- remember $5/month from everyone gets us to $1 million! Challenge members already donating to raise their contribution 1 level
Be Prepared… “I can’t afford a large enough contribution to make a difference.” –Remember: if every member gave $5/month, we’d be a million dollar PAC, EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS “How much good is $5 really going to do?” –Honestly, not that much, but $5-10 from 20,000 members could do a lot of good for millions of Americans!
Be Prepared… “Why should I pay money to some politician in Washington?” –Every year, legislative mandates and regulations threaten the health insurance industry. Without a strong presence in Washington to inform legislators about the impact of their decisions, our careers are jeopardized. HUPAC affords us the presence! “But I’m not affiliated with either party.” –Neither is HUPAC! We are a nonpartisan group that supports any legislative candidate illustrating support for our industry. Committing to HUPAC is committing to your future, not a political party.
HUAPC Builds Important Relationships On Both Sides of the Aisle Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX-32) –HUPAC has helped foster a relationship with Rep. Pete Sessions –Because of NAHU’s presence at PAC events, Rep. Sessions has grown to understand and become a strong supporter of agent and broker issues –In the last Congress, Rep. Sessions help us made personal phone calls to other Representatives urging them to sign onto the MLR bill. He was also willing to talk to House leadership about advancing the bill.
HUPAC Builds Important Relationships On Both Sides of the Aisle Rep. Rob Andrews (D-NJ-1) –Rep. Andrews has severed in Congress since In those years, because of HUPAC, Rep. Andrews has become an advocate for agents and brokers on Capitol Hill –He understands markets and was an important early democratic supporter of the MLR bill. –NAHU staff has built a relationship with Rep. Andrews and his staff in Washington. HUPAC has allowed for NAHU members who are Rep. Andrews constituents to attend in-district meetings.
HUPAC NAHU Staff Jessica Waltman Senior Vice President of Government Affairs John Greene Vice President of Congressional Affairs Chris Hartmann Vice President of Congressional Affairs Laura Eldon Manager of Political Affairs Charlotte Denekas Government Affairs Coordinator
HUPAC NATIONAL BOT Chair – Paul Smith Vice-Chair – Michael Stephens Region 1 Chair – Vacant Region 2 Chair – Alan Schulman (MD) Region 3 Chair – Cathy Cooper (MI) Region 4 Chair – Eric Kohlsdorf (IA) Region 5 Chair – Eugene Starks (MS) Region 6 Chair – Kelly Fristoe (TX) Region 7 Chair – Ray Magnuson (AZ) Region 8 Chair – Terry Allard (AK) Member At-Large – Susan Rash (immediate past Chair) Member At – Large- Connie Puett NAHU Board Liaison – Don Goldmann
HUPAC P.O. Box Indianapolis, IN Fax: Phone:
Thank You! Paul Smith HUPAC BoT Chair (860) Michael Stephens HUPAC BoT Vice-Chair (918) Laura Eldon Manager of Political Affairs (202) Charlotte Denekas Government Affairs Coordinator (202)