Procurement and Contracts Overview of the Procurement Process
Chief Purchasing Officer: Opal L. Walls Speaker: Charles E. Mayfield Department of Procurement and Contracts 2
Topics 1. What does the Office of Procurement and Contracts do? 2. What Causes Problems… 3. Procurement Flow Chart 4. Does a Contract Currently Exist? 5. Terms: Biddable Items Non-Biddable Items 6. Procedure for Purchasing Biddable Items 3
7. Procedure for Purchasing Non-Biddable Items Up to $75K Up to $250K Over $250K (Formal Solicitation) 8. Procedure for a Request for Proposal (RFP) 9. Procedure for a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 10. Non-Competitive Procurement (Sole Sourcing) 11. Key Considerations 12. Questions Topics 4
What Does the Office of Procurement and Contracts do? Procurement Process Method by which CPS obtains the goods and services needed to efficiently operate CPS Process is designed to obtain goods and services at the best price in a fair, open, and non-discriminatory manner Office of Procurement and Contracts We guide you through the process of purchasing your goods and services while following Illinois Laws and CPS Board Policies We help in protecting you and CPS from vendor disputes We assist in trying to prevent future legal problems for you and CPS 5
What Causes Problems… Avoiding the Procurement Process Bypassing Board Rules Stringing Splitting payments among FYs Providing inaccurate information Acting Without Proper Authority Approve Pay/Ratifications 6
Does a contract already exist? If Yes – contact the Contract Administrator If No – Is it Biddable or Non-Biddable? BiddableWhat is the Cost? $10K and under – Requires Purchase Order $10,001+ Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Non-BiddableWhat is the Cost? $25K and under – Requires Purchase Order $25,001 - $75,000 Requires CPOR and Contract $75,001 - $250,000 Requires CPOR, Board Report, and Contract $250,001 + Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Procurement Flow Chart Does a contract already exist? 7
Does a contract currently exist? Does Procurement currently have a strategically sourced contract? Below is a list of commodities that are strategically sourced: Does another CPS Department currently have a contract? Audio/Visual Equipment Computers (Desktops/Notebooks/Servers) Computer Peripherals Inkjet & Toner Cartridges Library Books Office Supplies Printing & Reprographic Services General Educational Supplies Special Education Supplies Janitorial Products School Uniforms Furniture Rental Equipment/Supplies Educational Software 8
Board Report Web Resources Internal Website: Procurement and Contracts Website: 9
Does a contract already exist? If Yes – contact the Contract Administrator If No – Is it Biddable or Non-Biddable? BiddableWhat is the Cost? $10K and under – Requires Purchase Order $10,001+ Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Non-BiddableWhat is the Cost? $25K and under – Requires Purchase Order $25,001 - $75,000 Requires CPOR and Contract $75,001 - $250,000 Requires CPOR, Board Report, and Contract $250,001 + Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Procurement Flow Chart Is it Biddable or Non-Biddable? 10
Terms: Biddable Items In general, Biddable Items are tangible commodities/ supplies Examples Include: Some Services are Biddable: Appliances Caps & Gowns Equipment Furniture Janitorial Products Office Supplies Sports/Band/Specialty Uniforms Student/Teacher Planners Portable X-ray Machines Busing Landscaping Repairs & Maintenance 11
Terms: Non-Biddable Items In general, Non-Biddable items are professional services or unique commodities Examples Include: Copiers Computer/Telecom Equipment Court Reporters Educational Services Professional Skill Insurance Policies Other Gov’t Agencies Printing of Reports Textbooks Utilities 12
Does a contract already exist? If Yes – contact the Contract Administrator If No – Is it Biddable or Non-Biddable? BiddableWhat is the Cost? $10K and under – Requires Purchase Order $10,001+ Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Non-BiddableWhat is the Cost? $25K and under – Requires Purchase Order $25,001 - $75,000 Requires CPOR and Contract $75,001 - $250,000 Requires CPOR, Board Report, and Contract $250,001 + Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Procurement Flow Chart Biddable – What is the Cost? 13 $10K and Under - Requires Purchase Order $10,001+ Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract
Procedure for Purchasing Biddable Items Purchases under $10K require a Purchase Order prior to goods being received Purchases over $10K must be advertised for award and require a contract The procedure below must be followed: User prepares “Solicitation Request Form” from the internal Procurement website Formal Bid Solicitation is managed by Procurement Award is based on the lowest, responsive, responsible bidder; emphasizing lowest price User generates/routes Board Report for Board approval Law Department drafts contract Unit prepares requisition/PO approved 14
Does a contract already exist? If Yes – contact the Contract Administrator If No – Is it Biddable or Non-Biddable? BiddableWhat is the Cost? $10K and under – Requires Purchase Order $10,001+ Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Non-BiddableWhat is the Cost? $25K and under – Requires Purchase Order $25,001 - $75,000 Requires CPOR and Contract $75,001 - $250,000 Requires CPOR, Board Report, and Contract $250,001 + Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Procurement Flow Chart Non-Biddable – What is the Cost? $25K and under – Requires Purchase Order $25,001 - $75,000 Requires CPOR and Contract 15
Procedure for Purchasing Non- Biddable Items Up to $75K Purchases under $25K require a purchase order prior to services being rendered Purchases ranging from $25,001 to $75K must follow the CPOR procedure below: User prepares a “Request for Quotation Form” from the internal Procurement website Obtains three (3) quotes from three (3) different vendors including signatures using Request for Quotation Form User submits information in the CPO Request on the internal Procurement website Submittal is reviewed by CPO and approved Department of Procurement and Contracts drafts contract Unit prepares requisition/ PO Approved 16
Does a contract already exist? If Yes – contact the Contract Administrator If No – Is it Biddable or Non-Biddable? BiddableWhat is the Cost? $10K and under – Requires Purchase Order $10,001+ Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Non-BiddableWhat is the Cost? $25K and under – Requires Purchase Order $25,001 - $75,000 Requires CPOR and Contract $75,001 - $250,000 Requires CPOR, Board Report, and Contract $250,001 + Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Procurement Flow Chart Non-Biddable – What is the Cost? $75,001 - $250,000 Requires CPOR, Board Report, and Contract 17
Procedure for Purchasing Non- Biddable Items Up to $250K Purchases ranging from $75,001 to $250K must follow the CPOR procedure below: User prepares a “Request for Quotation Form” from the internal Procurement website Obtain three (3) quotes from three (3) different vendors including signatures using Request for Quotation Form User submits information in CPO Request on the internal Procurement website Submittal is reviewed by CPO and approved User generates/routes Board Report for Board approval Law Department drafts contract User prepares requisition/PO Approval 18
How to Complete a CPOR 19
How to Complete a CPOR 20
How to Complete a CPOR 21
Does a contract already exist? If Yes – contact the Contract Administrator If No – Is it Biddable or Non-Biddable? BiddableWhat is the Cost? $10K and under – Requires Purchase Order $10,001+ Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Non-BiddableWhat is the Cost? $25K and under – Requires Purchase Order $25,001 - $75,000 Requires CPOR and Contract $75,001 - $250,000 Requires CPOR, Board Report, and Contract $250,001 + Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract Procurement Flow Chart Non-Biddable – What is the Cost? $250,001 + Requires Formal Solicitation, Board Report, and Contract 22
Procedure for Non-Biddable Items Over $250K (Formal Solicitation) Request for Proposal (RFP): In general, RFPs are used to solicit proposals for specific projects requiring professional services Request for Qualifications (RFQ): In general, RFQs are used to solicit companies with specific qualifications who possess a high degree of technical expertise to create a pool of vendors for multiple future projects 23
Procedure for a Request for Proposal (RFP) User prepares “Solicitation Request Form” from the internal Procurement website Formal RFP Solicitation is managed by Procurement Review Committee recommends vendor(s) and CPO awards vendor(s) User generates/routes Board Report for Board approval Law Department drafts contract User prepares requisition/PO Approved 24
Procedure for a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) User prepares “Solicitation Request Form” from the internal Procurement website Formal RFQ Solicitation is managed by Procurement Review Committee recommends a pool of vendor(s) and CPO qualifies a pool of vendor(s) User generates/routes Board Report for Board approval Law Department drafts contract Individual project awarded in mini solicitation process Unit prepares requisition/PO Approved 25
How to Request a Formal Solicitation 26
How to Request a Formal Solicitation 27
Non-Competitive Procurement (Sole Sourcing) On rare occasions, projects may be awarded without using a competitive process (sole sourcing) Examples: Patent restrictions apply Goods/services are available only from a single source 28
Non-Competitive Procurement (Sole Sourcing) All sole sourcing must be reviewed by the Non- Competitive Procurement Review Committee (NPRC) and must be approved by the Chief Purchasing Officer and the Board All sole sourcing requests over $25K must complete this process “Sole Source CPORs” are not permitted Forms and instructions at: 29
How to Apply for Sole Sourcing 30
How to Apply for Sole Sourcing 31
How to Apply for Sole Sourcing 32
Key Considerations What would I like to purchase? Does a contract exist? Is the purchase biddable or non-biddable? What is the cost of my purchase? Should I use the CPOR process (3 quotes) or a formal solicitation (Bid, RFP, RFQ) for my purchase? Does the purchase require a Board Report? Is my purchase a sole source item? 33
Purchasing Contacts Opal L. WallsChief Purchasing Officer Brad E. KesslerDeputy Purchasing Officer Craig A. Holloway Charles E. Mayfield Formal Solicitations: Bids, RFPs, RFQs Felicia D. CarwellVendor Relations Matthew B. Steffens Sole Source requests (NPRC), CPORs
Questions 35